I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 120 Talents of the Immortal Clan (Come to Welcome the Thousand-Handed Killer)

Chapter 120 Talents of the Immortal Clan (Welcome, Thousand Hands Kill)


When you don't know what to say, chant a Buddhist name to delay time.

However, these two are not "normal people" at first glance, so how can they listen to the old monk chanting?

"Get out of the way, bald donkey."

With a wave of his sleeves, the old monk and his son became rolling gourds, and were directly swept into the corner by the strong wind that blew out of thin air.



"Dad, are you okay?"

"These two people are wuwuwu~~"

The young monk covered his father's mouth with his hand.

His father, the abbot, chanted sutras and practiced hard in the temple every day, and only knew how to take care of the cemetery: he heard all the extraordinary information from the outside world from him. He didn't know at all that the female ninja was the famous "Sea Ninja"!

And the "Onmyoji" next to her covered his face with a white cloth with a "three" written on it, floating in the air, and he looked like a ruthless character at first glance.

At this time, if the two ordinary monks dared to say anything more, they would probably lose their heads.

"Is this the place?"

The mysterious Yin-Yang master, whose face was covered by a white cloth, looked around.

"As a Yin-Yang master, you can't even sense your own 'Shikigami'?"

Hearing the question from Hai Ren, Blood Hakama laughed.

"I'm not good at fortune-telling and finding things,"

"Since you said it's here, then there is only——"

As he said that, Blood Hakama, whose face was covered by a white cloth, looked at the statue of Acala in the main hall.

"Hey, Acala's dojo."

The mysterious man laughed, stretched out a hand in his robe, made a few mysterious gestures, and pointed forward:

The invisible cylindrical impact suddenly blasted straight out, and the wind was overflowing in an instant, scraping across the main hall like a knife!


There was a loud noise.

The wind came quickly and went quickly.

In just a few seconds, the two monks, one old and one young, who were hiding in the corner, put down their hands covering their faces and looked carefully. A huge circular hole appeared behind the main hall, extending to the back mountain: all the trees along the way were neatly "dug" out to form a straight passage.

The statue of "Acalanatha" enshrined in the main hall was naturally reduced to ashes


That's? !

Where the statue of "Acalanatha" should have been, a three-forked vajra was suspended, emitting golden light.

"No wonder I couldn't sense the existence of the "Shikigami", it turned out that it was suppressed by this magic weapon."

The mysterious man with a white scarf covering his face smiled coldly,

"The 'three-cobalt pestle' of that old guy Kukai!"

Buzz buzz buzz,

As if sensing the evil in front of him, the light on the vajra suddenly appeared, and the 'swastika' symbol like a windmill appeared out of thin air and slowly rotated, and at the same time, a faint Sanskrit chanting sounded at the same time.


He waved his sleeves again, and the invisible wind pressure swept across;

This temple was instantly shattered, and the main hall was crushed into flying broken wood and tiles!


From the outside, the whole temple was suddenly touched by an invisible giant hand, and it turned into fragments on the spot, and then was swept away like garbage.


As the surroundings lit up, the mysterious man in the white scarf sighed softly.

"This is..."

In the ruins, the old monk looked up and looked around, with a look of shock.

And the young man was a different scene:


"I said we have a treasure, Dad, look!"

Buzz buzz buzz,

The ancient vajra surrounded them.

Sprinkled down swastikas and scriptures, surrounded by a ball to protect them.


However, the young man's ecstasy was immediately suppressed by the sneer beside him.

"Acalanatha formation?"

"Are these small formations trying to make me laugh to death?"

? ?

The young monk's face froze, and then he realized: there is a strong enemy beside.

"You... don't come over, we are not easy to mess with"

The young monk's face turned pale as he spoke without confidence: good news, his family really has an extraordinary inheritance; bad news, the enemy has come to the door.

And judging from the other party's tone, he didn't even mention this magic weapon. What is it called?

"With the 'three cobalt pestles' here, you evil demons will not be allowed to act recklessly!"

The old monk got up,

grabbed the vajra that floated in front of him, and scolded him harshly.

"Heh, if that old fellow Kong Hai holds the 'Triple Pestle', I will give him some points."

The mysterious man in the white scarf stood proudly with his hands behind his back,

"You little bald donkey, you don't even have magic power, and you dare to shout when you borrow a magic weapon to save your life?"

After saying that, the mysterious man was too lazy to care about the old and young monks, but raised his hand to grab the sky:

"It's time for you to see the light of day again--"

Boom boom boom,

As he raised his hand and grabbed, the clouds in the sky rolled, and they gathered and solidified rapidly as if responding to his call, turning into thick dark clouds.

Then, the clouds drooped down like a giant dragon.

Not one, but five!

Five 'fingers' formed by dark clouds fell from the sky and fell towards the mountain, as if they were going to dig something out of the earth.

Boom boom boom boom~~~~~!

As the 'palm' landed, the whole mountain immediately shook violently.

The ground was rolling and churning like waves; huge gullies were spreading everywhere, and houses collapsed and trees fell wherever they went!

Pieces of cemeteries were opened in the turmoil, revealing barrels one after another: those were the 'coffins' of the island country before. As these ancient coffins were shattered, one after another they were either skeletons or mummified corpses. Fall out.

"Bi Yao, come!"

As the mysterious man yelled, the earth trembled, and countless "things" as big as human heads flew out from the cracks.

? ? ?

What kind of monster is this?

In the horrified eyes of one old and one young monk,

These 'monsters' are densely packed, like swimming fish or swarms of bees, constantly circling upward.

Each 'monster' is the size of a human head and consists of a huge eyeball; on both sides of the eyeball are ear-shaped 'wings'; under the eyeball, there are two rows of 'mouths' composed entirely of sharp teeth; and behind the eyeball, It's dragging long organs, like a tail.

Quantity, thousands!

"good very good,"

The mysterious man in white turban nodded repeatedly, seemingly in a happy mood.

"As long as my demon is here, your resurrection will be just around the corner."

woo woo woo woo,

The 'monsters' flying all over the sky covered the sky and the sun, and kept emerging from the cracks. They seemed to be endless, and finally formed a huge tornado of 'flesh and blood' that connected the sky and the sky, adding an unquestionable tone to the words of this mysterious man. means.

"Such a weak monster deserves to be called a 'slave'."

The tall sea ninja spoke disdainfully,

"Haha, my 'Bi Yao' is indeed very weak."

The mysterious man in white turban was not angry about this.

"Each one is not even as good as a well-trained warrior."

"But with such a huge number, how many existences dare to ignore it? Besides -"

Wouldn't it be handy if it were used to find things?

Countless 'monsters' were overwhelming, roaring and spreading out: wherever they went, whether they were trees, buildings, animals, or humans, they were all eaten up by them.

"This amount."

In this 'monster storm', only a little light is safe and sound.

The young monk who was protected by the light of the 'Three Cobalt Pestle' sat down on the ground and looked desperately at the monsters outside that blocked the sky and the sun.

".Just like a swarm of insects."

That’s right!

This is the swarm,

The 'Hai Nin' glanced slightly at the two monks protected by the 'Buddha's Light'.

This is a swarm of insects created by Yuu using the secret insect technique of the 'Shangliu Clan'. Because it is infused with the power of the 'curse seal', its appearance is somewhat abstract, but as a monster, it is quite appropriate.

The Kamishui clan is a powerful clan in the Iwa Ninja Village. During the Ninja World War, they acted as the vanguard to attack Konoha. They were noticed by the Aburame clan and the two sides fought a battle.

The victorious Aburame clan established the status of Konoha's great clan; while the Aburame clan, which suffered heavy losses, began to decline.

But that doesn’t mean that this ninja clan’s secret technique is useless:

They can choose a place where the 'queen' will continuously produce a large number of ninja beasts, forming a large-scale insect swarm attack in a short period of time.

This method of combat has obvious weaknesses. It requires preparation in advance and consumes a lot of chakra. The queen is afraid of being killed by an elite surprise attack. The ninjas in the Naruto world are originally models of single-soldier raids. If they can't stop the fast ninja, they will be easily killed by decapitation tactics.

However, in this world, there are no elites who can "take the lead among all armies".

"Hey, hey, it's time to teach humans a lesson."

? !

Hearing the words of the mysterious man in white scarf, the remaining monks and his son were stunned. Before they could think of how to respond, the other party's 'eyes' swept over.

"It's a pity that a bald donkey will get away."


The old monk was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

Yes, in my hand is Master Kukai’s ‘Three Cobalt Pestle’!

Master Kukai, a practitioner from 1,200 years ago. Crossing the sea to study in a mysterious country, he received the secret title of the 'All-Illuminating Vajra' and was given the magical weapon 'Three Cobalt Pestle'.

After returning, he threw the magic weapon 'Three Cobalt Pestle' and it flew with him towards 'Koyasan'. Master Kukai then built Kongangfeng Temple on this basis. The ‘Dongyan Tantric Sect’ was established, which was the source of the Buddhist Tantric Sect in the island country.

If the legend is true

No, it must be true;

Because the evil spirits in front of me cover the sky and the sun.


He suddenly turned around and put the 'Three Cobalt Pestle' in his hand into the young monk's hand. The old monk looked at him deeply.

"Stay alive."

? ?


Tathagata, Bodhisattva, King Ming, please bless the legend to be true.

As the old monk folded his hands and chanted the Mantra of Fudo Myoyo, perhaps his sincerity moved the Buddha, or maybe his 'Mantra of Fudo Myoyo' turned on the magical weapon: the 'Three Cobalt Pestle' held by the young monk suddenly trembled. .


The next second, the 'Three Cobalt Pestle' in the young monk's hand soared into the sky, leading him into a stream of light, passing through thousands of 'Bi Yao', and flying away into the distance.

"Huh? Haha. Hahaha!!"

Jin Guang took his son and flew away. The old monk who stayed behind was stunned at first, and then laughed wildly.

"This is what I heard: At one time the Buddha was in the country of Savatthi, with a single tree in the Garden of Solitude, and a group of great bhikkhus, totaling one thousand two hundred and fifty people."

Sitting cross-legged, the old monk clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and recited sutras in a low voice, showing no joy or sadness.

"Little bald donkey, it's easy."

The mysterious man with the white scarf hanging down waved his hand, and the monsters all around surged up!


Aichi Prefecture, Obu City, Higashiura Town.

As a peripheral city of the "Nagoya Metropolitan Area" among the three major urban areas of the island country, it is not as famous as "Tokyo" and "Osaka". But being juxtaposed with those two places, it is naturally unique: it is the world's largest automotive industry gathering place, and it is also a gathering place for high-end industries such as aerospace, robotics and digital industries.

At the intersection next to the Handa Fire Department, there was a flow of people and a large number of cars waiting quietly for the traffic lights.

At this moment, a sharp sound suddenly came from the sky.

call out----

The strange noise coming from the sky made passers-by pause their feet, turn around and look up.

A golden streak flew from the west and crossed the sky.

? ? ?


Shouldn't it be a white tail flame?

Just when the person who witnessed the golden light was stunned, the light was already coming straight towards this side!

Before anyone had time to react, it crashed into the river next to it with a bang.


The water waves that hit it slapped on the street like a curtain, dousing countless vehicles and pedestrians on their faces. Many people were even frightened by the way the light fell and sat down on the street.

"what happened?"

"Missile? Impossible, could it be a rocket?"

"I haven't heard of any space experiments recently, and they shouldn't be anywhere near here—"

The traffic lights had changed, but not a single car was moving: drivers got out of their cars one after another, and people on the street were talking about it.

Just when someone boldly prepared to step forward to check:


A figure leaped up and landed on the street covered in river water.


The crowd that was about to surround them suddenly dispersed, but stopped halfway back because:

Is it a young monk who leaps up from the turbulent river?

That's right, the other party was wearing black monk robes, white shoes and socks, and was holding a Vajra with a flickering light in his hand. What was he if he wasn't a monk?

Moreover, looking at the other party coming with the light and falling into the river without being hurt, he is still an 'attained' eminent monk.

Just a little young.

The 'eminent monk' in the eyes of passers-by shook his head, then hurriedly touched his body and quickly took out a mobile phone?

After pressing it a few times, the young 'eminent monk' suddenly smashed the phone to the ground, shattering it instantly!

Then, he raised his head and glanced around.


The figure flashed,

The eminent monk appeared in front of a young man holding a mobile phone.

? ? ?

"Master, I didn't take any pictures."

The young man was startled and tried to explain in shock and fear.

In the island nation, it is a 'criminal' act to take pictures without the consent of others: all mobile phones must retain the recording sound effects.

What's more, this 'eminent monk' is no ordinary person at first sight. If he raises his hand and gives him a 'Buddhist Dharma' move, there will be no place to cry even in hell.

There were so many people taking pictures, why did they find me?

"B-borrow your cell phone to use."


"Master, please, please use it."

Facing the hand extended by the 'eminent monk', the young man immediately held up the mobile phone with both hands.

I don’t know what this ‘eminent monk’ is planning to do with his mobile phone.


"Metropolitan Police Department? I want to call the police!"

However, the 'eminent monk' took the phone and clicked on the screen, and as soon as he opened his mouth, the image of the 'elite' was wiped away.

"It's an extraordinary event! Send someone to Mount Koya quickly!"

"I'm not lying, I'm the monk there! Go and save people, save me -"


With a fistful of fingers, the phone in his hand turned into pieces.

Two lines of tears fell from his cheeks. The young monk knew very well that his father was an 'ordinary' monk with no magic power at all.

He used the 'magic weapon' to send himself out, and so much time passed.

The only outcome.


Roaring to the sky in pain, the young monk tightly clenched the 'Three Cobalt Pestle' in his hand.

? !

The crowd around him dispersed again, including the young man whose cell phone was smashed.


The young monk, in tears, fell to his knees on the street and punched him down.

"Why send me out,"


As the young monk landed his punch, the cement street floor exploded like biscuits, and cracks spread, causing the crowd to retreat again and again.

"Why don't you escape by yourself?!"

boom! !

As the second punch fell, the entire street ground shook violently. At the same time, a fiery red light appeared above the young monk: like light and flame, it quickly outlined a 'human figure', and then the flame spread out. , turned into a three-meter-high shadow.

One head and four sides,

Each has four aspects: anger, compassion, wisdom, and peace.

The statue of Fudo Myōngō, with six arms each holding a seal, sits on a nine-grade lotus platform, suspended in mid-air, with golden lotuses slowly blooming.


"Fudo Myooh?"

"Father, master, father."

Amidst the young monk's mournful cries, passers-by looked at each other, and then, who was taking the lead, people knelt down one after another.

"Master, please express my condolences."

"Please express my condolences, Master"


From the call to the police just now, and the few words of the eminent monk who was kneeling in grief, people have already imagined the tragic story of "the father and the son fought a fierce battle, but were ultimately defeated" and the old monk took the throne.

Hey, even extraordinary

Ordinary people like them can only live one day at a time.

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