I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 146 ‘Family’

Hanshin Koshien Baseball Stadium,

A famous baseball stadium located in Koshien Town, Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, in the island nation.

It was completed and put into use in 1924. The heavenly stems and earthly branches of that year happened to be 'Jia' and 'Zi', which was a very rare year, so it was named 'Jiazi Garden'.

Maybe other countries don’t know it, but the most popular sport in the island country is baseball: no other!

A famous baseball player with an annual salary of over 100 million easily.

The reason why there don’t seem to be many baseball-themed anime is because there is no need to promote them at all.

Entering the "Koshien" is the ultimate dream of high school students in the physical education department of almost all island countries: the most well-funded and most competitive club in every school is the baseball club.

In football and tennis, you have to stand back; not to mention other sports.

The famous Koshien is right next to Osaka City.

Next to this flower area.

"Alert, warning!"

"There is a supernatural disaster approaching our city!"

"Please evacuate the audience in an orderly manner. Please evacuate the audience in an orderly manner."

The ongoing baseball game was interrupted by a sudden announcement. Whether it was the audience cheering for cheers or the team sweating profusely, they all stopped one after another, and then turned into a stream of people rushing towards the exit amidst the continuous sounds of instructions.

Natural disasters occur frequently in the island country, and various evacuation drills have long been ingrained in people’s bones.

Although there is now an additional 'supernatural disaster', to ordinary people, it is no different from before.

Just treat it as a storm, earthquake, or volcano. Just avoid it; if you really can't avoid it, then you can only rely on fate.

It's just that many people can't help but be curious. There are levels of 'supernatural disasters' that are usually broadcast.

Why is it so vague this time and doesn't even introduce the level?

That's of course because——

Don't know the exact strength.

"Captain, are the people from the Tokyo Paranormal Division here?"

In an armed helicopter rushing here, the nervous young extraordinary special police officer asked questions for an unknown number of times.

"It will come."

The captain answered as always, but everyone knew:

Come on!

A few days ago, everyone from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was sent to the ICU by the great demon ‘Ibaraki’.

Even if we don't mention the 'thousand-year grudge' between Kansai and Kanto, even if the other party wants to support them, they won't be able to send anyone.

"What about General Kafka?"

"On the way from Tokyo."

After all, Tokyo is the heart of the island country, and the newly appointed 'land general' always has to go to Prime Minister Chiyoda's official residence to show up and check in.

Who would have thought that in this gap, there would be an extraordinary explosion, and it would also be the famous 'Paper Dance'!

That person is not a stupid monster waiting to be brushed off, but a transcendent existence who knows all about human beings, comes and goes without a trace, and knows how to prepare various 'magic weapons' to improve himself.

In this case, they are just artificial extraordinary beings at the level of 'weak dogs', and they are just...

Use your life to delay time!

"Everyone, I won't talk nonsense."

In the cabin of the helicopter, the captain wearing exoskeleton armor looked around.

"When an extraordinary disaster occurs, someone must take the lead; I will take the lead in the charge! If I die, please take care of my family."

"If anyone unfortunately dies, I swear to Amaterasu that I will take good care of your family!"

The sonorous words diluted the tense atmosphere in the airport.

If it were before, the so-called 'oath' would be just like that.

But now that the extraordinary has come, and I swear in the name of the island country’s ‘Lord God’, it’s hard to say what will happen if I violate it.

That ‘Amaterasu’ was the lord of Takamagahara in legend and the source of the island nation’s royal bloodline.

"Captain, I believe you!"

The young extraordinary SWAT officer gritted his teeth.

"Serve the country for seven lives, today!"

"Don't be too nervous, maybe we don't need to fight."

The captain said comforting words that he didn't even believe, and he despised those senior officials even more in his heart.

They only know how to calculate and gain and lose every day, without even a bit of courage and responsibility, and expect others to fight for them?

These spineless old things will one day destroy them.

But currently, what is before them is:

The famous ‘Paper Dance’,

And Ai Ling Takahashi!

and her cat.


"This is the 'Stray Animal Treatment Center'?"

Riding the giant milk cat "Photon" and landing on the top of a building, Takahashi Ailing looked around.

"How about it, there are a lot of cats, right?"

The paper dance fell in the air, and as the strength of the main body became stronger, 'she' was also able to observe the existence of souls: especially the building under her feet, which gathered the souls of many cats, dogs, rats, snakes, lizards and birds.

Osaka City alone has a population of more than 2.7 million, and with the surrounding metropolitan areas, the population reaches tens of millions.

Naturally, there are also a large number of pets, as well as cats and dogs abandoned by their owners.

However, it is difficult to see stray cats and dogs in the city, because there used to be too many stray dogs, which often chewed up garbage, and even spawned the urban legend of "dogs with human faces". The island government has set up a special agency to capture stray animals.

Upon receiving the report, we immediately dispatched.

Within seven days, if there is no owner to collect it, then:

"Be dealt with right here~~"

Injectable euthanasia.

As for whether these cats and dogs are 'safe' or not, that is not a question that humans should consider.

"Come on, let me see your potential~~"

Under the gaze of the smiling 'Zhi Wu', the little girl glanced at the empty roof.

In her eyes, the souls of 'cats' floated over, obviously attracted by 'photons': a small part still retained its general shape, and the others only had a cat head, or simply a faint light spot. .

"Just like 'resurrecting' photons, building new bodies for them."

The little girl stretched out her hand and landed on a confused cat soul.

The next moment, invisible lines began to outline the frame out of thin air, then filled with color, then covered with fur, and finally


With a turn of his eyes,

This calico cat rolled around a few times.

I don’t seem to understand why I have ‘feelings’ again.

But the next second, it gave up thinking and circled around the inexplicably 'kind' little girl.

After all, it's just a cat. It can neither understand its own death nor why it suddenly 'resurrected', so it just needs to be a cat.

Not bad.

‘Zhi Wu’ who witnessed all this nodded secretly,

The little girl has a very high talent for 'Yin Escape Creation', and the cat body she created is very vivid.

After absorbing the souls of these cats into creation, an ultimate copycat version of the poor people's "reincarnation in dirty soil" is achieved.

Of course, the person who provided the chakra was a little girl, and it had to be the soul of a kitten that had not been dead for a long time; it had many restrictions and average power, which was very useless for a normal ninja.


This is ‘resurrection’!

When Takahashi Ai Ling kept ‘resurrecting’ cats and cats,

In the building below, more than a dozen people rushed out, only regretting that their parents had lost two legs!

They are government employees, and they don't want to be regarded as the murderers of the 'cat killer' by Rooftop.

Glancing slightly at the drone in the distance, Zhiwu covered the lower half of his face with a folding fan, watching everything with a smile.

The government of the island country is afraid that its intestines will be filled with regret, right?


"This is."

"Those cats are being 'resurrected'?!"

Through the drone's camera, the big shots in Osaka and Tokyo who were paying close attention to Takahashi Ai Ling's whereabouts subconsciously stood up in horror.

My God, Yu Yijin, how can a mere stray cat enjoy such treatment?

It’s really enviable and jealous!


In the command room of Gojo City, the god of Yushima Tenmangu Shrine coughed.

"I think the ability of 'Nekomata' Photon should be limited: it can only resurrect members of its own race."

In their view, all this is the work of Mitsuko 'Nekomata': the dead 'Nekomata' returned from the underworld and carried his owner to the 'Stray Animal Treatment Center' near Koshien to gather his fellow tribesmen and prepare to establish a cat kingdom. What


Director Zhuya nodded,

He has not forgotten that there is still a ghost in this world who represents the "underworld".

It’s okay to resurrect a few kittens, but if I resurrect people, I can’t do Tamamo-mae in the underworld, and I can’t do you? !

What kind of cats and dogs dare to compete with our "underworld" for souls?

"A very powerful ability, what a pity."

Seeing all this, Director Zhuya sighed.

Although he is the nominal 'director' of the island country's police department, it is well known that Kanto and Kansai have never dealt with him since ancient times. His base is in Tokyo. Not to mention interfering in Osaka's affairs, he can even be described as "a black eye".

But whatever, this matter has nothing to do with him.

It depends on how Osaka handles it.

Da da da da,

While Takahashi Ai Ling kept ‘resurrecting’ cats, helicopters were already flying over.

They did not dare to get close, but stayed on alert from a distance: in the open cabin, there were even many extraordinary special police officers carrying flamethrowers.

The targets include paper dance, water and fire, two restrained things. Of course they have to be prepared before they dare to come, otherwise they will charge with useless firearms? The first of these extraordinary special police officers to quit!

They are not afraid of fighting; who would be willing to die?

"Interesting, but-"

Zhiwu retreated, as if he was not ready to take action.

Considering the character of ‘Zhi Wu’, this was expected by the government, then:

"Kid Takahashi Ailing, I'm so sorry!"

A helicopter approached, and in the open hatch, the head of the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department headquarters came to the front line in person.

"Because of my negligence, you almost encountered an accident."

His voice passed through the loudspeaker and reached the rooftops clearly.

“On behalf of the Osaka government, I ask for your forgiveness: red bean paste private Marseille!”

After speaking, he made a standard ninety-degree bow.

"It's uncle from headquarters~~"

Surrounded by a group of kittens, the little girl raised her head and looked at the head of the Metropolitan Police Headquarters who was bowing on the helicopter.

"You haven't done anything to me, why are you apologizing?"

"Or, uncle, you actually know everything?"

? !

Hearing these heart-wrenching words,

Cold sweat slid down the minister's face and finally gathered at the tip of his nose.

Damn it, why are kids these days so hard to fool?

"Ai Ling, your father is here too."

Since the apology was useless, the head of the Osaka headquarters immediately played the second card:

"Ah, Ai Ling, it's dad."

As the police chief stepped aside,

A middle-aged man appeared at the airport gate.

He was wearing a tailored suit, with a bit of embarrassment on his swollen face.

After being given fists, kicks, ice water, and even sedatives by the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department, the middle-aged man who finally came to his senses waved his hand in embarrassment.

"Let's go home, just like before."

"don't want!"

Facing the hand stretched out by the middle-aged man in the distance,

The girl standing on the roof, surrounded by a group of cats, refused without hesitation.

"You're not dad,"

"Ai Ling's father works hard and never drinks at home. He is the most reliable person in the world. You are not!"

? !

The middle-aged man's face stiffened.

Just after you calmed down, your daughter has ‘disfellowshipped’ your father?

"I'm all for it"

for what?

The middle-aged man was speechless for a moment.

Even if they are not extraordinary, they still have a mansion and a trading company: no matter what, they are a hundred times better than ordinary families!

But he couldn't let go of his previous glory, couldn't let go of the status brought by Chaorong, and forced his daughter to


Thousands of words turned into three pale words in the end.

You're a waste, you can't even control your own daughter!

The police chief next to him glared at the middle-aged man bitterly. If it weren't for this guy, how could he have done so many things?

He quietly made a gesture. Since Plan A to persuade them to surrender didn't work, Plan B would be implemented.


Just as the helicopter attracted attention, a gunshot rang out.

The tranquilizer bomb whizzed out, aiming at the little girl's shoulder!

As long as she faints, she can——


The tranquilizer bomb was stopped by a palm, and the five fingers glowing with golden light were grasped.


The fingers were spread open, leaving only debris and drips of anesthetic fluid.

"No one can hurt my daughter!"

A serious man wearing an old suit appeared next to Takahashi Ai Ling and took the bullet for her.

? ? ?

Not to mention the sniper who fired, everyone who witnessed what happened was instantly stunned.

Because the one who raised his hand to block the bullet was:

"Mr. Takahashi?"

Subconsciously turning his head to look at the middle-aged man next to him, the head of the Osaka Police Department almost suspected that he was hallucinating.

"No, it's not me. That person is not me!"


On the roof, hearing Takahashi Ailing's voice, the middle-aged man in an old suit rubbed her hair dotingly.

"Stand behind me, Ailing."


The little girl happily agreed and at the same time:

"Mom will protect you too."

A middle-aged woman appeared out of thin air behind the little girl and hugged her tenderly.

Immediately afterwards, a triangle of light emerged and enveloped them.

"Huh huh huh~~"

"Whoever dares to bully Ai Ling, let me beat them all away!"

Another childish voice sounded, his hair was combed meticulously, and a little boy wearing formal clothes at a young age appeared among the cats on the roof.

"Where I am standing, there is a strong wind!"

Immediately after the little boy announced his second grade, a strong wind roared out, mixed with invisible wind blades.

? ? ? ?

"Execute Plan C!"

"The opponents have extraordinary abilities such as 'hardening', 'triangular defense barrier' and 'wind blade'"

Those who knew the inside story were petrified on the spot, but the extraordinary SWAT police who did not know the details drove the helicopter back while starting Plan C: storming!

It's just that these abilities of the other party are inexplicably familiar?

Just like those extraordinary ones in Osaka.

"This is impossible?!"

In the Gojo City command room, Director Zhuya rushed to the command podium again.

No wonder he was so out of sorts, because he saw with his own eyes the Takahashi couple, as well as the Hayakawa family's grandson, appearing next to Takahashi Ai Ling as if they were "transformed into living beings" and possessing extraordinary abilities!

"Yihua, am I hallucinating?"

"No, I saw it too."

Next to him, Iori Kazuka murmured to himself with a look on his face that said, "You're fucking teasing me."

"Maybe we're all hallucinating."

"Solution!" X2

The Isotani siblings, who happened to be returning, were also watching in the command room.

As they knitted their brows together, sister Igaya Dai spoke with certainty.

"Not a hallucination,"

"We can break the illusion."

Seeing that these two extraordinary people were so sure, a crazy guess emerged in the mind of Director Zhuya, whose face was twitching.

Impossible, it must be fake.

"I know, I know, I know!!"

The priest of Yushima Tenmangu Shrine next to him yelled with a face full of madness,

"We were all wrong!"

"The one with extraordinary power is not Nekomata, but the little girl!"

"It's the ability to 'make all your wishes come true'!"

"That little girl's ability is to make her wishes come true: her parents, her playmates, and even the cat at her feet."

They are all things she ‘imagined’!

Only this possibility can explain the strange scene on the screen.

However, no matter what the ability is, what needs to be faced on site is:

"Cats, come on!"

As Takahashi Ai Ling raised her hand and pointed, the cats under her feet jumped out one after another, shuttled through the building, and killed the extraordinary SWAT police.

Actually, everyone has the ability to 'hide and seek'? !

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