I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 136 Curse Seal 2

"Hello everyone, I'm 'KYG'!"

A figure was speeding between buildings at a speed comparable to that of the Shinkansen.

Because he was running so fast, the sound in the live broadcast room was lagging.

"I have entered Gojo City. I heard that there was a disaster of the extraordinary level 'Tiger' here. I will report on the scene for everyone——?!"


The next second,

The high-speed rail-like speeding screen suddenly stopped, and even the voice of the blogger 'KYG' disappeared abruptly.

【? ? ? 】

【What's wrong with the blogger? Blogger, please speak! 】

【What happened? Is there anything in this world that scares the blogger? 】

It has been a long time since the extraordinary came. Lifting thousands of pounds and running faster than cheetahs are commonplace, but the only one who can run at the speed of the Shinkansen is 'KYG' who is broadcasting live. Relying on the characteristics of high-speed movement, he can be said to be invincible, and he dares to wander around Koyasan.

Of course, he dare not go to the center.

It doesn't matter if it's a monster or a synthetic beast, but there are thousand-year-old monsters like the blood hakama and the sea ninja in the depths!

"Friends, Gojo City is in big trouble."

A few seconds later, the bitter voice of blogger 'KYG' sounded.

"Which bastard is talking about a tiger-level disaster?!"

"See for yourself--"

As the camera was pointed forward, a series of horrific pictures appeared in the live broadcast room.

The TV tower in Gojo City has become history, with only half of the twisted wreckage left; the surrounding buildings are also bumpy, as if they had been bombed by artillery shells: However, it is not difficult to see from the remaining traces that this is actually a huge pit caused by a 'human'.

[Fuck, is this a tiger-level disaster? ]

[It must be fake, Mr. Yamagami, who is at the level of a strong wolf, has knelt! ]

[No, Brother Saito is in danger! Blogger, hurry up and save people——】

In the center of these ruins, Yamagami Toru, holding a steel pipe, knelt on one knee and gasped in a pit large enough for him to swim; and Saitosuke was even worse, being grabbed by the neck with one hand and lifted up in the air.

"A 'Kawamonkey' and a 'Thunder Beast'."

Grabbing Saitosuke's neck, 'Ibaraki' spoke coldly.

"Just you, you want to challenge me?"


Half-kneeling on the ground, Yamagami Toru wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, his hands full of blood.

This extraordinary existence didn't even use any 'ability', just relying on powerful strength and fast speed, he easily defeated the two of them. Even if it was a tiger level, there would not be such a big gap. The opponent should be:

"Demon level!"

Squeezing this word from his teeth,

Even Yamagami Toru, who had a good temper, couldn't help but greet the government officials in his heart.

What the hell, the intelligence turned out to be false?

"Saito, use that trick!"

At this point, there is nothing to keep.

After shouting, Yamagami Toru no longer held back and actively absorbed the "demon power" from the outside world, and black lines appeared all over his body.


The severe pain brought by the first "all-out effort" made him roar!

At the same time, with a tearing sound, the clothes on his back were torn by two wings. No, those were not wings, but a creation similar to "palms".

Then Yamagami Toru's hair began to grow, and the color of his eyes changed rapidly: it became a black bottom and golden pupils.

In the blink of an eye, Yamagami Toru turned into a monster with wings on his back.


On the other side,

Saitosuke, who was grabbed by the neck and lifted up by "Ibaraki", also roared in pain.

Black lines also appeared on his body, his hair began to grow, a small "horn" pierced from his forehead, and his body was covered with a keratin layer like armor.

"Let me go!"

The keratin layer that spread to the neck blocked the opponent's palm, and Saitosuke, who had transformed, punched forward.


In the flash of lightning, Yamashiro, who had wings on his back, flashed to the side of ‘Ibaraki’, dragging countless steel pipes with dazzling lightning in his hands, and suddenly smashed down on ‘Ibaraki’!


The power of three extraordinary beings collided fiercely.

The visible ‘demon power’ clashed and instantly aroused a thunderous tsunami-like roar that resounded through the sky. The collision created circles of spreading air waves, and bursts of smoke and dust rolled, as if the arsenal exploded on the spot.

The cracks caused by the impact were far and near, spreading outward!

Wherever it passed, the ground collapsed and the rocks cracked, the ground shook, and the half-remaining TV station next to it was the first to bear the brunt, and immediately collapsed into steel, cement, and glass fragments that shot outward.

? ? ?

There was a silence in the live broadcast room,

even the barrage that was always there disappeared instantly.

Because those who were watching the live broadcast were so shocked that they lost the ability to speak and move.


A cheer came from the mushroom dust that rose into the air from the explosion.

The next second, an invisible gust of wind swept out, blowing away the dust and revealing three figures.

Dozens of meters away, in the sky, there was a 'palm-shaped' wing flapping in the air, with lightning flashing on the body of 'Yamagami Toru'; and below him, there was a 'Saito Suke' with a stratum corneum all over his body like armor and a small horn on his forehead.

And the tall and extraordinary being with white hair flying and golden and red armor all over his body who did not move a step was the one who stood still.

"You have some ability to survive in my hands until now."


After moving his left arm, the being who called himself "Ibaraki" glanced at the "demonized" two people with arrogant eyes.

"It was only one-tenth of my strength just now,"


How long can you hold on?

Needless to say, both Yamatoru and Saitosuke understood what the other meant.

Just a few hundred meters away, on the roof of the building, the live broadcast on the handheld device of blogger ‘KYG’ showed: the earth instantly twisted and flew up.

So fast? !

Blogger ‘KYG’’s pupils shrank,

As a speed-type supernatural being, his 'magic' allows him to achieve terrifying speeds far beyond those of ordinary supernatural beings.

Not only the speed, but also the nerve reflexes and body strength have been strengthened accordingly: otherwise, it would be funny to hit oneself to death if the speed is too fast.

So he could clearly see that as the 'Ibaraki' strode past, the ground was like a fragile carpet trampled by a raging horse! The whole piece was shoveled up in a wave shape and twisted and deformed in the air. The concrete, masonry, and sand below were all impacted by this force and flew up.

Everything in the path of the charge was pushed away, squeezed, and exploded layer by layer by the violent air waves before they even came into contact with his body.

The huge impact force is even faster than the transmission of sound, and the acceleration of gravity is beyond reach.

Before the mud and sand in the sky fell, Ibaraki passed through it!

"Join forces!"

With almost no hesitation, Toru Shanshan shouted loudly as he fell, grabbed his hands forward, and pulled out a large number of thunder and lightning that crackled and exploded, and the electric python and silver snakes intertwined and swam; after the transformation, Saito Suke also punched out, and his fist A circle of white air waves appeared in front of him.

What greeted them were two fists punched by 'Ibaraki' at the same time.

As he punched out, a purple chakra burst out, forming a cone-shaped storm in front of him, crushing everything in front of him!

The fists of the three collided together, and there was a brief and strange 'tranquility'.

The next moment, a fierce roar suddenly exploded!

The powerful shock wave shakes the air, spreading in circles like water; the strong wind is centered on the intersection of the three, and rushes out in all directions.

The real flying dust covered even the sunlight by three points! Wherever the shock wave hit, a large number of cracks immediately appeared in the concrete building, and then it collapsed in pieces; the load-bearing columns were directly broken into two pieces in the middle, and the high-strength construction steel buried inside was deformed and twisted, leaving only a few pieces of debris remaining. on the foundation.

Dong dong dong dong,

Saitosuke strode backwards violently, unable to stop!

Every time he stepped on the ground, he would create a dent the size of a bathtub, as if the ground was not solid cement but soft biscuits.

After flying for hundreds of meters, he stabilized his figure: there were countless cracks in the 'armor' of the punching arm, and blood splashed outwards, dyeing the ground under his feet red.

Fortunately, his 'magic' can fuse with others, and he also has a certain ability to heal himself.

As he consumed the demon power absorbed from the outside world, his injuries began to heal.

"Saito, are you okay?"

Yamatoru flew over with wings waving in his palms. He was able to unload his force through flying, so his face was just flushed, but his slightly trembling hands also showed that the situation was not optimistic.

"I'm fine,"

Saitosuke, whose arm healed, shook his head.

"I'll contain you head-on, and you'll find an opportunity to attack."


Saitosuke's 'fusion' ability has been used before, and it obviously has no effect on 'Ibaraki', leaving only hand-to-hand combat.

And Yamatoru’s ‘Thunder and Lightning’ output ability is much stronger, although——

It doesn't have much effect either.

I hope the government will send reinforcements as soon as possible.

Even after their 'transformation', the two men, whose strength had greatly increased, still did not have any confidence to defeat this 'Ibaraki'.

Not only because the opponent has never taken a step back from the beginning of the war, but also:

"Not bad, it can take over two-tenths of my power."


"That's only two out of ten?!"

Rushing to the command room and witnessing all this through the live broadcast of the blogger ‘KYG’, Director Zhuya felt pain in his face.

"Is he some kind of big BOSS? His power is increasing little by little."

On the screen, the extraordinary being named 'Ibaraki' was fighting one against two, never falling behind. No, if he wasn't boasting, then it was just a joke.

However, this kind of 'play' reduced the Gojo City TV station area to ruins: a punch or a kick can blast through the house. Even a modern reinforced concrete building cannot withstand the punches and kicks of these three guys!

"Theoretically, he is indeed the big BOSS."

The priest of Yushima Tenmangu Shrine next to him is not only knowledgeable, but also likes to play games. He explained:

"Ibaraki is Ibaraki Doji, also known as the 'Ghost of Rashomon'."

"In the Heian era, hundreds of ghosts walked at night. Even in the Heian capital, ghosts are everywhere at night."

"Minamoto Yorimitsu, the founder of the Settsu Genji clan, and his retainer Watanabe Tsuna once made a bet with someone on whether they could walk the Suzaku Avenue at night without encountering ghosts."

As a result, Tsuna Watanabe met the second-in-command of "Oeyama": Ibaraki Doji on the road. The two fought fiercely. In the end, Tsuna Watanabe was the better one and cut off one of Ibaraki Doji's hands. From then on, his famous sword ‘Hashigiri’ was also named ‘Onikiri’.

"As the second-largest figure in Dajiangshan, Ibaraki's strength goes without saying, and he definitely deserves the title of 'BOSS'."

And the number one figure in Dajiangshan is none other than Shutun, known as the ‘King of Ghosts’!

Speaking of which, Ibaraki is also the mascot of Osaka Prefecture, and his statues can be seen everywhere in the city.

But now

The head of the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department has turned pale.

This human-shaped disaster-like existence is Ibaraki. If he breaks into Osaka, what will happen?

"We must stop him here!"

"How to stop him?"

Director Takeya glanced at this guy who always went against him with displeasure,

"Notify all extraordinary beings and ask them to come to discuss the elimination."

"Update the information and raise Ibaraki's disaster level to:"


I just hope that when he bursts out with '100%' power, he is not a 'dragon'.

If he reaches the level of 'dragon', then the island government will.


"Ghost-level disaster, Ibaraki?"

On the other side, on the black giant bird that turned around, Sister Qiong thought about it.

"Among the extraordinary people announced by the government, there are only five demon-level ones: 'Blood Hakama', 'Sea Ninja', 'Kujira', 'Kanihime', and 'Demon Envoy Shiro'."

"That battlefield, brother, is too dangerous!"

They are all only 'wolf-level', with a 'tiger-level' in between. Now they have to go to the 'demon-level' battlefield. Needless to say, the danger is: even the brother who has always been confident is only 'tiger-level' at most, right?

"Don't panic, just go and see the situation."

You waved his hand calmly, and then said:

"We can fly. If we are undecided, just turn to Rufeng."

Since You said so, Qiong no longer objected: the government summoned all the extraordinary people to discuss, with so many uncles and sisters, do they have the nerve to let these students take the lead?


Natural energy is indeed extraordinary~~

And You silently felt the characteristics of ‘natural energy’.

There is no doubt that controlling ‘Ibaraki’, who is called ‘Kafka’, is the ‘heart turning’ technique performed by You’s shadow clone.

With his control, Kafka certainly has no chance of breaking free, and he is also deliberately kept awake to gain experience in controlling ‘natural energy’.

That’s right, what You gave Kafka is the ability of Chougo, the source of the ‘curse seal’.

Chougo, the source of the curse seal, is born with the ability to absorb natural energy (i.e. the poor version of immortalization). Once he stays in a place with super strong natural energy, he will become immortal, but he will run away because he cannot control it.

After absorbing natural energy, even the simplest punches and kicks can exert terrifying power!

And the two people who are fighting with him have also received the ‘curse seal’; under the crushing of ‘Ibaraki’s’ absolute power, they have to enter the second state of the curse seal to barely compete.

After spreading and studying the "curse seal" for so long, Yu has unlocked the ability of Jūgo, the source of the curse seal, and just experimented with Kafka, who longed to be a hero: Now it seems to be working well, not only has the endurance been greatly improved, but the power is also very good.

Well, the next step is how to end it.

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