I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 15 Intermission


"Due to a sudden heavy fog in Kitasenju Town, a Black Hawk fighter jet crashed into 1-chome. Fortunately, there were no casualties."

Qiu Riqiong, who was scrolling through his cell phone while eating breakfast, pointed his fingers.

"It actually fell in the city."

“After the ‘Osprey’, isn’t even the ‘Black Hawk’ unreliable?”

The crash of the plane in America is no stranger to islanders: so many planes take off and land every day, it is completely normal for something to go wrong.

"One? No casualties?"

Qiu Riyu, who was sitting opposite her, rolled her eyes.

Obviously five!

Putting aside passers-by and residents, aren’t America’s soldiers human beings?

"How dare you report this kind of nonsense news?"

Akira Yuu is definitely qualified to say this, after all, he is a real 'person who was present and saw it with his own eyes'.

If he hadn't killed those five Black Hawk helicopters and created two "offline" people, there is a question mark as to whether they could have escaped unscathed.

"It's about America, how can we let us see the truth?"

"If you don't say this, brother, do you really want to go to school with that bad woman?"

Putting down his phone, Qiu Riqiong asked with a serious face.

"Nao is not a 'bad woman'. You were obviously very attached to her before."

Qiu Riyu was quite speechless about the awkward sister in front of him.

"Let's go to school happily."

"I don't know how long such peaceful days can last."


After snorting softly, Qiu Riqiong said nothing more.

Two days ago, my brother killed four scumbags; although it was a 'self-defense counterattack', killing is killing.

Of course Qiu Riqiong doesn't want to see her brother go to jail, even for a day! It is natural to accept Qiu Riyu's behavior of destroying the body and removing traces, but this does not mean that the matter is over. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next second, the police will come to the door.

In the face of this kind of crisis, the kind of things that happened in the past seem to have become acceptable.

"I will never forgive that bad woman!"

Qiu Riqiong walked out of the house and once again expressed his position, making Qiu Riyu nodded helplessly.

"Yes Yes Yes,"

"Yu-kun, Xiao Qiuhi-san."

At an intersection not far away, the monitor nervously pushed up his glasses and raised his hand to greet the two of them.

"Nao, let's go together."

"Ah okay."


Bunkyo District,

"I am leaving,"

Wearing a school uniform, Jun Kishida left his apartment with a schoolbag on his back and an umbrella with the handle folded up.

But he did not go directly to Koishikawa Middle School, but turned a corner and walked towards the residential area next to him.

Dong dong dong,

"It's Xiaochun, I'm troubling you again."

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged woman with a haggard face. Seeing the breakfast in the boy's hand, she cheered up and said hello.

"Want to come in and sit down?"

"No, I still have to go to school."

Handing the breakfast he bought on the road to the woman in front of him, Kishida Jun hesitated.

"Aunt Meihui, please take care of yourself."

"Give me some time and I'll get you over your grief, I swear."

"I want Xiaochun to comfort me. I am such a failure as an adult."

The haggard woman tried to smile, but her face was filled with bitterness: Her name was Miyashita Mihui, the mother of Miyashita Ryoko.

Since her daughter died in a car accident half a year ago, the woman has almost collapsed mentally and physically. She made frequent mistakes at work and was ordered by her husband to stay at home and rest. However, she was still in a daze most of the time, so Jun Kishida had to bring her breakfast every now and then.

"Aunt Meihui, please be patient."

After saying goodbye to each other, Jun Kishida clenched the umbrella in his hand when he heard a cry coming from behind the closed door.

If we talk about the previous experience of waiting for the rain at school, the young man was only ‘half-convinced’.

So what I saw last night has convinced Kishida Jun.

There really are extraordinary beings in this world!

Werewolves, paper dancers, police, and even America's army were dispatched.

Although I couldn't get the 'killing stone' on the werewolf's forehead, these extraordinary beings mean:

Gui Jibai didn't lie to him.

Resurrect Ryoko,

It’s not a fantasy!

What people fear most is not seeing hope. As long as there is a possibility, even if the chance is only one in ten thousand, it is enough for countless people to fight for their lives!

In order to resurrect Ryoko, he would not hesitate to target the army, let alone hunt for extraordinary beings.

It had only been two days since he obtained the 'supernatural power', but Jun Kishida's mentality had already changed drastically.

Armed with sharp weapons, murderous intent arises!


Another ‘participant’ last night,

Then it is:


The metal tweezers were pulled out, and with a ripple, a bunch of blood came out.


The deformed warhead fell to the ground, causing layers of cold sweat to appear on Tanimura Watari's hideous face.

"Damn America"

While cursing in a low voice, he took out a medical spray and pointed it at the wound to stop the bleeding and kill bacteria.

The tactical flashlight hanging above his head emitted bright light, shining on the surrounding walls covered with a layer of mud.

There were two backpacks on the ground, which were randomly stuffed with various firearms, night vision devices, grenades, and medical kits, all of which were 'high-end goods' contributed by American soldiers. There were even military energy bars. I don't know which ones they were. When Lao Hei went on a mission, he actually brought rations with him.

"Although the 'demon power' can restore injuries, it also consumes a lot of energy."

After treating the wounds on his body, Tanimura Watari, who was wrapped in bandages all over his body, stood up and stretched his body.

Any junior ninja can use the "transformation technique" to turn into a dog; but the "four-legged technique" of the Inuzuka family is naturally not an ordinary transformation technique.

While transforming into a dog, he gains additional physical fitness, strength, and speed. As well as sharp claws and teeth, and a keen sense of smell: although an overly keen sense of smell may lead to the embarrassing scene of being "knocked over" by a fart, it is definitely the best among junior ninjas in terms of combat effectiveness.

"I'm so hungry, I must eat a lot of meat."

Tanimura Watari, who was hiding in the sewer, took a big bite of the energy bar and began to plan his next move.

After killing so many American soldiers, they must be searching for him like crazy outside.

Be careful of plainclothes police, cameras, and drones in the future.

He was found so quickly before, and it seems that a simple disguise is not enough. His ability to transform into an ‘animal’ has been exposed. If he maintains the ‘half-transformed’ state, as long as his face, hands and feet don’t reveal any flaws, can he disguise himself as another person?

With such a plan in mind, Tanimura Wataru began to practice ‘transformation’ in the sewer.

A certain time traveler who went to school leisurely felt the transformation technique that was becoming more and more proficient.

He was really diligent.

Sitting in the classroom, Qiu Riyou looked out the window.

Not only his subordinates, but Qiu Riyou himself was also controlling the crows in the sky, constantly patrolling the city.


Kita-Senju-cho, 1-chome.

This place seemed like a war-torn area. There was no pedestrian on the street. There were uniformed police everywhere, all armed with live ammunition.

There were also helicopters patrolling in the sky. It was because the Self-Defense Force was too sensitive to mobilize, and coupled with the quality of the Self-Defense Force, otherwise this place should be guarded by soldiers.

Police cars lined up to block each intersection, completely blocking this area.

All residents were relocated to hotels in other areas, on the grounds of dealing with the American plane crash: This made the residents who were driven away wonder if the plane from the upper country carried some radioactive materials, virus weapons or something like that.

Otherwise, why was there such a big fanfare?

In front of the fully functioning state machinery, thousands of people living in this area left "without complaint".

Even on the Internet, apart from a bland accident report, there was no more heat to speak of, and it was instantly drowned in a large number of celebrity scandals.

"No way!"

"No unrelated personnel are allowed to pass--"

Outside the blockade area, with red eyes and the muzzle of the American soldier's gun on his forehead, the middle-aged police chief in charge of the blockade roared and refused to give in.

"Don't scare me with 'military action'. I haven't received any orders from you. If you have the guts, shoot!"

"This. Sir,"

The captain leading America looked ugly. He thought that he was a 'senior official'. He was rude to everyone in the island country. Now he was spitting on his face. How could he not be angry?

However, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't directly order to shoot the other party: what's more, the bald island police officer in front of him was obviously not afraid of death!

"Please get out of the way. We are under orders."

"No one is allowed to go without the order of the Ministry of Defense!"

Pulling out the pistol from his waist, the bald police chief's eyes were red, ignoring the guns aimed at him.

"Whoever dares to cross the cordon, according to the law, I have the right to shoot!"

The bald police chief, who was in a completely 'kill me if you dare' attitude, used a cannibalistic look to 'gnaw' the captain of America in front of him.

"My son is dead,"

"Last night, right here!"

"He died from a 5.56mm rifle bullet. Do you know who did it?"

"You want to get over there? Come on, step over my body--"

"Oh, shit!!"

Captain America cursed, veins jumping on his forehead.

Let him order the shooting of the island police officer in public?

Don't be ridiculous. America is the father of the island, but he is just a small lieutenant. No matter how the conflict ends, he will definitely be court-martialed.

Using him to calm the anger of the island, politicians on Capitol Hill will never hesitate.

"Contact the lieutenant general and ask him to put pressure on the other side."

In the end, the captain could only "If there is a problem, find the leader."

If a fight really breaks out, you take the credit, and I go to jail? It's only a few thousand dollars a month, why risk your life?

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