Adachi Ward,

Daishi Maemachi, 4-chome.

Boom, boom, boom.

After three long and two short knocks, the apartment door opened quietly.

The person who knocked on the door quickly ducked into the house, and then the apartment door closed as if nothing had happened.

"Chang Gu, have you contacted anyone else?"

The apartment was filled with smoke and the pungent smell of tobacco and alcohol made those who entered the door frown.

"Don't mention it,"

"Feng Yuan, please stop smoking."

His eyes glanced at the cigarette butts in the ashtray on the table, while taking off his hat and mask, 'Chang Gu', who came back from outside, frowned dissatisfied.

"Want to set off a fire alarm?"

"What does it matter? We are all finished."

Sitting back on the sofa, the unshaven 'Feng Yuan''s eyes were bloodshot, as if he had never rested.

In fact, since the sudden collapse of the organization, none of them, the members of the 'Remnant Tooth Group', have been able to sleep peacefully: During this period, they have contacted the higher-level organization, tried to escape from Adachi District, and even wanted to call the police, but all failed.

Yes, they ran and tried to turn themselves in, but were kicked out of the police station!

"This is not normal, this is definitely not normal"

Feng Yuan, who had been smoking all day, was shaking all over and kept mumbling to himself. Curled up on the sofa, the two-hundred-pound man looked like a weak girl.

"Hey, no matter what, we must find a way to survive."

Changgu, who went out to buy food, sighed,

He still can't figure out the situation: when he woke up one night, he heard that the organization's headquarters was surrounded by a large number of police officers. Soon, other members of the organization outside were unable to be contacted; they tried to ask for help from their superiors, but the other party hung up the phone immediately after hearing their voices.

It was as if the whole world had rejected them. Once they wanted to leave the street, heavily armed police would appear to stop them.

Forced to have no choice, the two even tried to surrender: However, a strange scene occurred.

The police told them to get out,

He threatened that if they dared to 'report false police' again, they would be shot to death on the spot!

It was not just talk, those police officers actually drew their guns.

In this island country where you need to write a long application to fire a gun, you can actually draw the gun so openly!

The two people, who did not want to be shot dead on the spot, had to hide back in the rental house and wait blankly for their unknown fate.


"What exactly is going on?"

Feng Yuan sat on the sofa with his head in his hands, feeling as if the whole world was full of malice towards them.

"We are just little gangsters in a custom shop who watch the show and sell some products. Even if we are imprisoned for less than ten years, what is the situation now?!"

"how could I know,"

Chang Gu sighed and fell down on the sofa.

Those police officers were so weird, they seemed to just want to 'trap' them in this area, as if they were waiting for something to happen?

"Hey, Feng Yuan. You said-"


? !

A crisp sound sounded next to him, causing Chang Gu to turn around suddenly.


Feng Yuan, whose neck was twisted into a knot and facing his back, fell heavily to the floor.

Behind the sofa where Feng Yuan was sitting, a tall figure stood at some point.

The other party was wearing a hoodie, and on his exposed face, thick beard spread to his cheeks! Coupled with the burly figure, it looks like a beast that has not yet completed its evolution.


Wait, is it possible?

Is this the reason why the police surrounded them here?

The other party glanced at him without any emotion, and a thought flashed through Changgu's mind as he stood up suddenly.

He is going to die.

".Sir, can I make a call?"


Faced with the request of the member of the Broken Tooth Group in front of him, Tanimura Watari did not say anything: So what if the other party calls the police?

With his current strength, it would be easy to find a sewer and get into it before the police arrived.

Tokyo, as a big city carrying more than 30 million people.

Underneath this city, there are underground pipelines that are so huge that ordinary people can't imagine: Perhaps for ordinary people, the sewers that can't be reached are very dangerous. But for Tanimura Watari, who is now a 'half-demon', it is a hunting ground where he can come and go freely.

"Hey, is this Kohei?"

"Dad has something to say to you -"

Under Tanimura Watari's indifferent gaze, the gangster opposite took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Take care of mom, and don't go down my path."


The sharp claws scratched,

The head soared into the sky.

The headless body fell backwards to the floor,

From the phone that fell out, came the message, 'Old guy, what's wrong with you? ’ he asked quickly.


Enough is enough.

Turning around and jumping slightly, he squatted on the open window sill of the apartment. Tanimura Wataru glanced at the city under the night: he was not noticed by the police, which is good.

The next second, he strolled down the wall of the apartment in a manner that would have made Newton "rise from his coffin."

As long as you gather your 'demon power' under your feet, you can easily walk anywhere.


Killing, for him now, is as simple as eating and drinking.

Not long after walking out, Tanimura Watari looked sharply under his hood.

"Circuit repair ahead."

"Please go around, I'm so sorry——"

The manhole cover of the sewer was opened and roadblocks were placed around it. A worker holding a light stick stepped forward and signaled Tanimura that he could not continue forward.


Originally this was his 'home' route.

Now it has become a construction site. Tanimura Watari glanced at it and saw two workers busy in the sewer. It was obviously full.

If you have no choice, then go somewhere else.


Weiwei nodded to the worker in front of him,

Wearing a hoodie and a burly figure, Tanimura Watari left without saying a word, making the electrician couldn't help but wipe his sweat.

“What a scary man”

Just standing in front of this man, even breathing seemed to stop subconsciously.

"So tall and burly, he must be a fitness expert, right?"

Maybe a boxer or something?

Shaking his head, the electrical workers continued to guard here to prevent construction accidents.


"Hey, headquarters."

"There's nothing wrong with the wiring."

"What? You have to stay here even if there is no problem?!"

Under the open manhole cover, the confused voices of two electric workers came.

The boss's order to 'cut the nonsense and continue the inspection' came over the intercom. The two workers, who looked at each other, had to stay in the smelly sewer.




Not far away, two policemen came forward.

Tanimura Watari maintains a "semi-transformed" state. He is tall and burly, with a beard formed by dog ​​hair on his face, turning him from a young man in his 20s to an uncle in his 40s. But when I saw the police, I still instinctively wanted to avoid him.

It's not that these two policemen are enough to scare him, but what they represent behind them.


Killing two policemen was easy for him.

But if this attracts troops, Tanimura Watari will have no choice but to flee in embarrassment: if he is unlucky, he may not even be able to escape.

The demon power has indeed greatly strengthened his body, but it has not yet reached the point of being 'indestructible'.

Thinking of this, Tanimura Du turned around immediately.

\u0026quot;The big guy over there,\u0026quot;


Perhaps it was because he was too tall, or perhaps because the hood covering his face was too suspicious, but he attracted the attention of the two policemen.

Without any time to think, Tanimura Watari immediately quickened his pace.


When the two patrol officers saw this, they instinctively shouted and chased him.

For a moment, pedestrians on the street watched the chase with curiosity.

On one side was a tall guy with a hood covering his face, who looked like he was not a good guy at first glance; on the other side was a police officer wearing a large-brimmed hat chasing him. This kind of scene is actually quite common in Adachi City.

So passers-by stopped one after another and calmly took out their mobile phones.


With Tanimura Watari's physique, it would be easy to get rid of these two patrol officers.

But with so many cameras pointed at it, let alone transforming into flying over the wall on the spot, even if the speed is too fast, it is likely to be on the front page and ushered in an encirclement and suppression by the army.

You have to find an alley that backs off the street.

Looking across the front, Tanimura Watari suddenly turned into an alley next to the street while maintaining the speed of an 'ordinary person'.

"The other party has entered the alley, requesting support!"


The two policemen followed closely, calling for support through their walkie-talkies at the same time. This made Tanimura Watari, who immediately speeded up after entering the alley, frown.

When did Adachi Ward have so many patrol policemen?

Yes, it's all because of myself.

Realizing that he was the culprit responsible for the large increase in 'patrol police' on the streets, Tanimura Watari sighed helplessly.

He doesn't want to die.

After obtaining the ‘demon power’,

He was fascinated by the feeling of flying over the walls and coming and going freely.

If possible, he just wants to quietly kill those scum of society to extend his life.

However, this is impossible. The government cannot allow a "murderer" like him to roam around the city: especially since he also killed many American soldiers!

".Roger that, we're on our way."

"Senior, is it this way?"

? !

Just when Tanimura was about to cross the alley, two young voices suddenly came from the opposite side.

It's the police!

Rapid footsteps,

As well as the smell that came first, Tanimura Watari's pupils shrank.


On the five fingers, sharp nails suddenly popped out.



Amidst the muffled sound of bang bang, four policemen collided into a ball in the alley.

"It hurts. What are you doing?"

"We should be the ones asking this. Didn't you see a tall man?"

The four patrolmen who were running over so quickly rubbed the bridge of their noses and stood up from their chests. One of the patrolmen who came from the other side picked up his hat angrily.

"What tall man? You were the one who called for support on the intercom just now?!"

"Asshole, aren't you dazzled? There's no one there at all. Do you want me to show you my law enforcement recorder?"


"Did we really see it wrong, Gu Tian?"

"Ah, actually I have always wanted to say that the person just now may not have run into the alley."

It is impossible for a living person to disappear out of thin air. However, the fact is that the two colleagues who came to support from the opposite side were not even seen. The two policemen who were chasing them became uncertain. As their superiors' orders came over the intercom, they left the alley in confusion.

In the open window on the third floor above the alley, the curtains swayed slightly.

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