Chapter 718: High-level launch site

Jiang Tu was lying in front of the entrance of the cave, listening carefully to the clanging sound inside. This crisp sound was too familiar to him.

If the rock layer is too thick, the sound of rock-making should be very dull, and if there is a hole in the back, the sound of rock drilling will be very crisp.

Obviously, it is very close now to penetrate the entire hole.

A look of joy flashed across Jiang Tu’s face, he rubbed his hands tightly, and then brought the safety helmet from the assistant beside him.

“The outside has been handed over to you, I want to go in and take a look.”

After speaking, Jiang Tu turned and got into the tunnel, and the assistant standing beside him opened his mouth, trying to stop him, but Jiang Tu had already entered the tunnel at this moment.

Reluctantly, he can only order everyone to check the safety of the tunnel again. After all, the tunnel has not been penetrated yet. If it is penetrated, the tunnel will be in an independent space.

At that time, the probability of collapse will definitely be very high. This time is the most dangerous time, and Jiang Tu chose this time to enter, undoubtedly he is very confident in own tunnel.

Soon, Jiang Tu came to the innermost part of the tunnel.

A few team members were naked, wearing helmets on their heads, wearing only a pair of pants, and smashing them with the excavating machine in their hands.

The clanging sound kept ringing, and along with the sound, the stones on the ground piled up.

Jiang Tu took a picture with the flashlight inside. The players inside seemed to have noticed the light of his flashlight. He turned his head and looked back and found that it was Jiang Tu, so he nodded gently, which was regarded as a greeting.

“How many meters are there?”

Jiang Tu looked at an operator next to him and shouted loudly.

The operator stopped the machine in his hand, turned his head and asked again, Jiang Tu helplessly asked again.

“Oh, there are three meters left!”

“Great, there are the last three meters! Speed ​​up!”

There was an eager look in Jiang Tu’s eyes, and he couldn’t wait to step forward to manipulate the machine.

Finally, another ten minutes passed, and the last meter was left. At this moment, the temperature in the tunnel was getting higher and higher, and Jiang Tu, who was wearing overalls, only felt that his overalls had been drenched with sweat.

He stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, then took off his glasses and wiped the mist on them again.

The temperature in the tunnel has reached more than sixty degrees, and ordinary people can’t stand it for a few minutes. The operators inside can only change shifts after half an hour. This is a very big problem for the human body. test.

Although there are several exhaust fans continuously pumping the moisture inside, there are still a lot of water stains above this rock layer, which constantly seeps out, and the temperature cannot be alleviated at all.Finally, when the last point was left, one of the team members suddenly felt the machine in his hand lighten, and the whole person fell forward.

After seeing this scene, Jiang Tu immediately stepped forward and stopped the opponent’s collar, so as not to let the man fall into the gravel pile.

There was a sound of collapse, and then a bright light came from the entrance of the cave, even a little dazzling.

Jiang Tu felt his own breathing began to become rapid, his heart seemed to have jumped to the front of his throat, he couldn’t restrain the excitement in his heart, and was the first to rush over.

When he reached the entrance of the cave, the ground in front of him instantly opened up. At this time, the largest place he had ever seen was, of course, only the largest place he had seen in the underground fortress.

The entire space is even much larger than the combined urban area and industrial area.

Then, Jiang Tu looked up and saw a huge sign above his head with a few extinguished neon lights.

However, it can be seen from the style of the neon lights that there are a series of large characters written on top of the words.

“Fortress Seven Spacecraft Production Launch Center!”

Seeing these words, Jiang Tu only felt as if he had come to another world. Although this place was brightly lit, there was still a large area like a launch pad.

This place is like a huge valley. The surroundings are gathered high, and the ground stretches far, far away. Even Jiang Tu can’t see the end.

Jiang Tu was a little dazed. He stood on the edge of the high platform and walked forward for a while, but his eyes were still staring down.

It’s like a mining area. The entire mountain is dug into a valley, and there are just countless lights above it, and there is a very, very flat guard plate above the head.

This place looks very deserted, and even the stones Jiang Tu accidentally kicked down can cause huge echoes in this area.

“This is the high-level, this is the high-level!”

Jiang Tu’s heartbeat quickened, and then he continued to walk forward, faster and faster, until at the end, he ran.

In this wide area, he runs recklessly like a child. He breathes the air inside. The air inside is much better than the dirty air in Midtown. Although it is underground, he smells it. A hint of refreshing taste.

Tick ​​to tick.

Suddenly there was a small puddle in front of him, and water dripping from the top, Jiang Tu looked up and saw a small gap above the silver-white guard plate above, and water was constantly leaking from the crack.

He looked around, then stood up to support the rock wall and walked up, holding a flashlight to take a picture of the crack, only to see water flowing from the crack, Jiang Tu reached out his hand in the small puddle I clicked in the middle, and the biting coldness suddenly made him a little sober.

So he quickly took out the walkie-talkie.

“Mr. Lu, it’s opened up, the tunnel has been opened up!”

Jiang Tu’s voice was filled with excitement, while Lu Yuan heard echoes from the walkie-talkie, like a person shouting to own in an empty valley.

Hearing Jiang Tu’s words, Lu Yuan’s heart suddenly tightened, and then he quickly stood up and shouted into the walkie-talkie: “I see, where are you now?”

“I’m already at the exit of the tunnel!”

“Okay, I’ll pass now!”

Lu Yuan was very excited, he immediately stood up, and Zhou Tong, who was resting in his office, couldn’t help but ask when seeing Lu Yuan’s excitement.

“Is the tunnel opened?”

Lu Yuan nodded at the other party with joy: “Yes, let’s go, let’s go and see the top!”

Zhou Tong, who was originally very tired, immediately became interested after hearing these words, so he quickly sat up from the chair, put on his own overalls, and ran with Lu Yuan in the direction of the tunnel.

As soon as I arrived at the tunnel, the surrounding hot wind seemed to abate and chaos. Going further, there was a constant flow of cool air from the exit of the tunnel, and there were already quite a few excavation workers standing near the exit. There was a pleasant look on his face.

This abandoned industrial area has not been repaired for a long time, so the ventilation facilities inside are very poor, and there are so many people all at once, and there is also a coal-fired power plant, so the temperature here suddenly rises. When the temperature reaches more than 40 degrees, sometimes when the coal-fired power plant has just added coal, the temperature here can even exceed 50 degrees.

The people who had been accustomed to this kind of high temperature now suddenly felt this kind of cool breeze, and suddenly felt that they were relieved a lot.

Everyone lined up, squeezing forward one by one, and the huge wind from the air outlet kept pouring out, and the slightest cool breeze made everyone couldn’t help but close their eyes.

Zhou Tong and Lu Yuan looked at each other, each of them filled with smiles.

“Haha, it looks like it’s done, and the wind inside is blowing in after it’s opened up. It’s really comfortable!”

Lu Yuan also nodded: “Yes, I can’t get hot anymore. I only feel comfortable every time I go back to the space. I didn’t expect that this place is even more comfortable than the wind in the space. I haven’t experienced this feeling for a long time! ”

Then a few team members lined up and walked inside. When they got inside the vent, a cool breeze was blowing.

The team members climbed inside one after another. Since the opening of the hole was not very big, everyone went in very slowly.

The team of Lu Yuan and Zhou Tong followed the team members from inside. Since the entrance of the cave was very small, about one meter high, everyone had to squat or squat directly over.

Lu Yuan walked in front, and Zhou Tong was behind, but walked one after another. The team members in front were very anxious. The tunnel was very crowded, so when the high-level wind blew over, they brought them with you. The sour smell of people who haven’t bathed for a long time made Lu Yuan feel a little uncomfortable.

When he finally reached the exit, Lu Yuan felt a strong light shining in. Since there was no light in the tunnel, it was pitch black inside, but the brighter the further you walked forward, the strong light came out of the tunnel. According to it, people can’t adapt.

At this moment, about hundreds of team members have climbed to the other end of the pothole, and everyone surrounded the launch site quietly looking at the huge site in a trance.

When Lu Yuan and Zhou Tong came out, looking at this place, they only felt a sudden burst in their hearts, just like Jiang Tu. They felt their heart suddenly stop beating for several rows, and then there was a hint of ecstasy in their eyes.

“This is the high-level, haha, I didn’t expect the high-level to be such a place”

Zhou Tong stood in the spacious pit facing the high terrace and shouted loudly. In a moment, Zhou Tong’s shouts were all around him, and it was only a few minutes later that the sound finally disappeared.Lu Yuan walked slowly down the valley. The more he went down, the lower the temperature. When Lu Yuan reached the bottom, a wide artificial river appeared nearby.

At this moment, Jiang Tu was squatting at the bottom to observe the pothole.

When Lu Yuan came to the bottom, he saw a huge artificial lake with a large area of ​​water, but the middle area was flat.

The location of the artificial lake was built around the entire central area. The lake water stretched far away, and Lu Yuan could not see what was at the end.

The ground in the central area showed signs of scorching black. Lu Yuan lowered his head and stretched out his hands to pinch some dust.

At this time, Jiang Tu’s voice came from around him.

“Mr. Lu, these are some of the inflammables left over when the spacecraft was launched. This place can already be determined. It is a launch pad. They built this place to launch the spacecraft!”

After hearing what the other party said, Lu Yuan was only shocked. He had never expected that such a large place would be just a launch pad for a spacecraft.

Although the spacecraft in Lu Yuan’s eyes is very large, about 100 meters high and composed of several stages of rockets, the radius of this place alone is several kilometers long. If you want to build such a large spacecraft, I really don’t know the need. The amount of manpower, material and financial resources consumed, and the artificial lake below is enough to make Lu Yuan dumbfounded.

“Anything else to find?”

Jiang Tu shook his head: “I haven’t found much yet. This place is too big. We must send more people to investigate!”

“Well, that’s right, this place can be considered like this, you bring in all the people from the engineering team, and see if you can find anything here, and count all the things you find!”

Zhou Tong was standing on a high place, feeling comfortable. After a while, he saw Lu Yuan coming up, so he gently pulled Lu Yuan: “Brother, or let’s take this place as our own in the future and make it a new one. How nice the city is, I just looked at the nearby rock formations, they are relatively solid!”

Lu Yuan shook his head with a wry smile, “What a joke, once Yueyue comes, this place will become a dead place by then, and no one can live!”

Zhou Tong smiled bitterly: “Fuck, I forgot about it! Okay, I have to go back to work, and try to remove all the equipment in the abandoned industrial zone as soon as possible. Let’s go out as soon as possible, yes, This place looks like there is no exit, only our tunnel. Where did they go out from?”

Standing on the side, Jiang Tu pointed his finger at the very flat place above.

“The above should be the exit for launching, there should be the only exit, but it may be a bit difficult to get up there, after all, there are hundreds of meters!”

Lu Yuan smiled slightly, rubbing his hands, a little eager to try.

“I’ll go up and look at the situation! See if I can find any exits above. If the above is really a launching exit, then there must be a control switch!”

“Ah? This is a few hundred meters! Are you kidding me anymore?”

Zhou Tong looked at Lu Yuan with a surprised look and asked, after all, there is no place for climbing in this place.

But Lu Yuan nodded: “Yes! I’m going up now!”

“Lao Zhou, you should go back and make statistics now to see how long it will take to demolish this abandoned industrial zone. Come back and report to me at that time. I will go and see if there is any way to remove the steel plates as soon as possible. !”

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