"Now we're in trouble..."

Xia Yang's face condensed.

At this time, there was no chance for everyone to react. As soon as the dozen leopards appeared, their cold eyes locked on everyone, and then they rushed over quickly!

"Ah, they are coming!"

"Instructor, what should I do? ?"

"ah! do not come!!!"

Screams and screams followed, and except for Xia Yang and a few others, almost all the recruits became commotion, even Sasha.

The instructor's face suddenly changed, and he ordered decisively:"Let's go quickly. , run down the mountain!"

After hearing his words, most of the recruits in Liushenwuzhu calmed down and subconsciously followed his words and started running down the mountain.

But everyone was carrying backpacks and they were still in the mountains. How could they possibly outrun those people? The aboriginal leopards with strong footsteps?

So, in the blink of an eye, those leopards caught up with the recruits. However

, it was already too late for him to do anything at this time!

About to rush into the recruits and torture them, a sudden change occurred!

A sharp sound broke through the air!

Then, everyone's eyes blurred, and then they heard a roar of pain from among the leopards. A leopard suddenly rolled and fell to the ground as if it had been hit hard, with a shaking arrow stuck in its body.

Blood flowed out, turning the snow on the mountain road red.

"Um! ?"

The recruits were all stunned.

Even the leopard group seemed to be frightened by this sudden scene, and their running footsteps suddenly stopped.

The instructor was stunned, and then looked at Xia Yang with bright eyes.

Only Seeing Xia Yang at this time, there was a bow string in his hand. There was no bow and arrow on it, but the bow string was still vibrating violently.

It was obvious that the arrow that hit the leopard just now was shot by him!

"It's Brother Xia Yang!!"

And then, the new recruits also reacted and cheered up.

Allen and others clenched their fists fiercely.

"Everyone, we don’t actually have to run away!"

"Yes, with the god-man Big Brother here, a dozen leopards are nothing?"

"Yes, we can definitely kill these leopards!"

Among them, Allen and the little bald Connie are the most excited.

They have reached the point of blind worship of Xia Yang.

Especially Allen, in his opinion, Brother Xia Yang can kill giants!

In comparison, this What are a dozen leopards?

Realizing this, they naturally had the idea of counterattack.

At the same time, when the instructor heard this, he looked at Xia Yang who continued to draw his bow and arrows, and his heart moved..

Speaking of which, with the number of people here, it is not too difficult to kill this group of leopards. However, if Xia Yang is there to support them with bows and arrows, there should not be any.

What's the problem?

However, just as the instructor was thinking this, Xia Yang poured cold water on him:"Instructor, take people out of here quickly, I'm almost out of arrows!!"

"What! ?"

The instructor was shocked when he heard this.

"Go quickly! follow me!"

Then he no longer dared to neglect, and quickly took the lead in escaping. As long as they talked about instructor Keith, they should be safe.

Allen and others were still hesitant, but after Xia Yang drank solemnly, they had to flee. Fleeing wildly.

As for Ymir, Ani, Reiner and Berthold, who had the ability to deal with the leopards, they naturally did not use any action, but ran away with the new soldiers around them.

After Xia Yang shot the last two arrows, two more leopards fell down, but the remaining leopards went completely crazy, roaring and killing the people around them.

These dozen leopards seemed to be countless. Like scissors, it divides the team formed by everyone

"Get out of here!!"

Xia Yang's footsteps sank, and he immediately knocked away another leopard that pounced on Sasha.

At this time, Xia Yang also realized that these leopards should have come for revenge.

Because they pounced on Sasha who took away the leopard's flesh and blood. There were four leopards!

So, after Xia Yang knocked one away, he didn't dare to stop, and he grabbed Sasha and ran away.

On the other side,

Helista, who was in poor physical condition, was also in danger. Due to her slow pace, the two leopards were already chasing her with saliva!

The bloody aura, wrapped in the cold wind, suddenly changed. It turned white!

The next moment, one of the leopards seemed to be impatient, a cold light flashed in its sharp eyes, and then it jumped and attacked!


Helista sensed something and couldn't help but scream.

But at this moment, a figure jumped out of the air and stopped the leopard from rolling away!

"Ymir! ?"

Helista took a closer look and yelled again.

It was Ymir who stopped the leopard!

However, Ymir's actions were of no help, because the other leopard had already appeared again Pounced towards Helista!

At the critical moment, Helista felt his wrist suddenly being pulled by someone, and then he ducked and narrowly avoided the attack of the leopard!

"Brother Xia Yang!!"

Helista suddenly screamed in surprise again!

"Stop laughing, little angel, let’s hide first!"

"But Ymir…"

"Don't worry, she'll be fine!"

Xia Yang explained a little, then grabbed Sasha with one hand and Helista with the other, and then walked across to the concave position next to him.

Among the recruits, he was most worried about Sasha and Helista.

Now that they have been caught, they will naturally want to avoid the limelight.

As for Allen and others, they should be fine. After all, there are Mikasa there. There are five or six leopards hanging behind them, and Xia Yang and others are there. quickly disappeared from everyone's sight…


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