"The power of the giant that had never been lost before finally appeared.…"

"Did this giantess' power fall by chance?"

After regaining consciousness for a while, Xia Yang couldn't help but turn his head and stare in the direction Ani left.

It wasn't that he was suspicious, it was just that the situation happened too suddenly.

You know, he started to make plans for the power of the nine giants three years ago. Especially the Ancestor and Attack Titan from Allen.

But unfortunately, although he could pick up the power of the Titan from Allen and others, he could never obtain the corresponding Titan power.

This situation made Xia Yang feel huge.

So now that he suddenly gained the power of the female giant, Xia Yang couldn't help but wonder more. Did the power of the female giant fall by chance, or did it appear because some conditions were triggered? Xia Yang couldn't help but think of his previous thoughts.

In his opinion, there must be something wrong with the fact that the power of the giant has not appeared. This problem is most likely to be what conditions need to be met for the power of the giant to appear. , Xia

Yang suddenly realized that the situation when Ani lost the power of the female giant was similar to usual, but the only difference was that this time she tried to activate and transform into a female giant!

I can't help but feel moved in my heart

"Could it be that...the condition for the Titan's power to drop is that the Titan's power must be activated first?"

Thinking of this, Xia Yang's heart was beating wildly.

Vaguely, he seemed to have found the correct way to obtain the power of the nine giants!

Of course, whether this method is what he thought, it still needs to be tested.

"Brother Xia Yang, what are you looking at?"

At this time, noticing Xia Yang's absence, Sasha immediately asked strangely.

"It's nothing..."

Xia Yang suddenly came to his senses, shook his head at Sasha, and immediately asked:"By the way, Sasha, you haven't answered me yet, why are you here? Didn't you just follow the team?"

"Uh, well, I saw a lynx just now, and I couldn't help but chase it, and then I chased it here..."

After hearing Xia Yang's question, Sasha explained with some embarrassment. After

Xia Yang heard this, he shook his head He smiled and understood.

Okay, this foodie...

But thanks to Sasha's foodie attribute, he avoided fighting with Ani who turned into a female giant.

Thinking of this, Xia Yang looked at Sasha and suddenly Even more softly, he then said:"What about that bobcat? Where did it go?

Hearing this, Sasha was stunned for a moment, and then grabbed Xia Yang's hand excitedly:"Brother Xia Yang, do you want to help me catch it?""

If she were alone, she wouldn't have much confidence, but with the powerful Xia Yang, the success rate of catching the lynx would be much higher!

"Yeah, let's go!"

Xia Yang touched Sasha's head and said with a smile.

It's not too long since they left the team. If they catch a bobcat, there should be no problem. Just catch up with them then. Anyway, both of them are feet. The process was faster.

Sasha lowered her head slightly, obviously enjoying it, her big eyes were full of sweetness, but she didn't waste any time, and quickly followed the trail with Xia Yang and continued to chase the lynx.

Sasha and Xia Yang quickly followed, and soon a yellow shadow appeared in their sights.

"that's it!"

Sasha's eyes lit up, and then she quickly drew her bow and nocked an arrow.

Xia Yang was following beside him, and couldn't help but feel a little funny when he saw this.

Well, no wonder Sasha left the team, it turned out that she even brought hunting equipment!

This was obviously planned.

Thinking this funny, Xia Yang saw Sasha's right hand loosen, and the arrow above shot out.


After the sound of breaking through the air, there was a burst of arrows.

But unfortunately, Sasha's arrow missed.

The lynx shadow screamed strangely, jumped up on the spot, and then quickly ran away under the cover of the trees.


Sasha suddenly shouted in disappointment.

"Don't give up, keep chasing!"

Xia Yang encouraged him and took the lead to continue chasing.

Seeing this, Sasha regained her energy and continued to chase.

After a while, the two caught up with the lynx again.

Without another word, Sasha started to draw the bow again. She nocked the arrow...

The next moment, her eyes froze, and the bowstring shook like a crescent moon!


The arrow shot out of the air again!

However, Xia Yang Shasha's continuous pursuit seemed to make the lynx even more alert. , this time, almost as soon as the arrow broke through the air, it had already jumped up to avoid it, so there was no doubt that the arrow missed again.

"Alas...missed again!"

Sasha immediately lamented, and suddenly her expression changed.


At the same time, Xia Yang, who had been staring at the shadow of the bobcat in front, suddenly raised his eyebrows, showing a look of surprise.

This time, because there was no cover from the trees, , while the lynx shadow jumped away, its appearance was completely exposed to the sights of Xia Yang and Shasha.

They saw that the shadow was about half the size of a person, and its fur was yellow with black spots. The appearance is somewhat similar to that of a cat, but upon closer inspection, it is clearly a leopard!

It turns out that what the two of them have been chasing is not a bobcat, but a leopard!


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