"Um? what is that?"

In the mountains, among the small group traveling, Helista suddenly let out a startled cry.

"What's wrong? Sasha

, who was following her, suddenly asked strangely.

Helista looked puzzled and said with some uncertainty:"There seems to be a lynx there..."

As she said this, she turned to the side. pointed

"What, lynx! ?"

When Sasha heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up. Her foodie nature made her drool instantly, and then she suddenly looked in the direction that Helista pointed.

In the direction that Helista pointed, there were several clusters of bushes. Don't tell me, Sasha actually saw a yellow shadow like a lynx in the branches and leaves covered by a certain bush! But the lynx may have noticed them, and the figure suddenly shrank in the bushes.

At this time, the accompanying instructor noticed Helista and Sasha whispering to each other, and immediately shouted:"What are you talking about! ? Now is not the time for you to chat leisurely. Please cheer up, the real test will come later!"

When Helista heard this, her little neck suddenly shrank, and she vomited cutely, but she didn't dare to be distracted and talk any more.

Sasha, on the other hand, didn't care, and her mind was still on the lynx.

She continued to follow the team absentmindedly, but suddenly noticed that the instructor looked away.

"How about... secretly kill that bobcat?"

As soon as this idea came out, it immediately got out of hand in Sasha's mind.

Speaking of which, after knowing in advance that the physical training content was mountaineering, Sasha still had extra hunting equipment in her backpack. After all , she comes from a hunting family.

Climbing is not too difficult for her. It would be best if she could catch some game in her spare time!

Tempted by the delicious food, when the instructor was not paying attention, he suddenly broke away from the team and ran towards the bush!

In the blink of an eye, the team composed of Helista and others left, while Sasha approached the bush.

At this moment, she didn't hesitate, and immediately took out the bow and arrow from her backpack, then quickly drew the bow and shot it!


The arrow shot through the air, making a sharp sound, and then Sasha stared. It collapsed again.

The arrow missed!

The shadow of the lynx, which had been cowering in the bushes as the team passed by, disappeared directly into the bushes as if it was frightened.

"Ran! ?"

Sasha had a bitter look on her face, and after a moment of hesitation, she chased after him!

For foodies, food is almost heavenly!

Since she comes from a family of hunters, even though the shadow of the lynx disappeared quickly, Sasha still She was able to clearly find its traces, and then followed them.

Halfway through, Sasha's footsteps suddenly stopped.

It wasn't that she found the shadow of the lynx again, but that she had unknowingly returned to before. They were walking along a mountain road.

On this mountain road, there was a man and a woman.

The man had a handsome face and a slim figure, looking forward to the scene, while the woman was beautiful with short blond hair. The girl's expression was indifferent, almost cold!

These two people were naturally none other than Xia Yang and Ani who had left the team and were fighting alone!

Sasha didn't expect to track the shadow of the lynx and returned here unknowingly.

Of course, she wasn't too surprised. After all, her route just now was back. Even if she came back here, it was perfectly normal. However, what made Sasha a little strange was the posture of Xia Yang and Ani at this time.

The two of them were so close to each other that they could almost breathe. It was not an exaggeration to say they were hugging each other.

And Xia Yang's hands were placed somewhere on Ani's body that they shouldn't be.

Of course, Sasha knew what it would feel like to put her hand on that place, because Xia Yang had done this to her countless times, but she didn't expect that today it would be the ice-cold Ani's turn.

"How could they do this?"

At this moment, a burst of jealousy suddenly arose in Sasha's heart, and then she felt extremely shy.

Brother Xia Yang... is really popular with girls. He didn't expect that even a cold girl like Ani would start dating him. Such a shameful thing!

Ahhh, why do you want me to see such a thing!

Sasha was immediately confused. It was neither right nor wrong to leave.

At this moment, she saw Xia Yang smiling evilly again. , putting her hand in an even more extreme place.

Sasha suddenly turned red and turned around, deciding to return to the team.

However, just as she turned around, she accidentally stepped on the side. Dead branches. There was a clicking sound in the relatively quiet mountain. Then she turned her head blankly and saw that Xia Yang and Ani were attracted by the atmosphere of the scene. , suddenly solidified


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