"System, open personal properties!"

With a swipe, a light curtain appeared.

【Giant Power Pickup System】

【Host]: Xia Yang

【Strength]: 10 (+25)

【Agility]: 10 (+24)

【Spirit]: 10 (+19)

【Constitution]: 10 (+28)

【Giant's Power]: Unsullied Giant's Power (+70) Primary Sub-Giant's Power (+30)


In his busy schedule, Xia Yang took a look at his current attributes.

Well, there is no doubt that his physical fitness is now three times that of ordinary people, and it is completely beyond that, reaching nearly three and a half times that of ordinary people!

This situation is not only because Xia Yang has not stayed away from Allen and Mikasa in the past few days since returning to the Wall of Ruth, but also because of the current duel between Xia Yang and Ani!

Although Xia Yang was at a disadvantage in this duel, he obviously gained a lot.

Of course, the people watching around did not know these inside stories, so seeing Xia Yang being put at a disadvantage, many people became worried.

Allen, Mikasa, Armin, the little bald Connie, Jean, and even the little angel Helista who came over after hearing the news couldn't help but clenched their little fists secretly when they saw this situation.

"Ymir, brother Xia Yang, couldn't he be defeated by Ani like this?"

At this time, Helista couldn't help but ask Ymir next to him.

Ymir's eyes flashed and he immediately said:"Actually, that Xia Yang is not as powerful as you think, so it is normal to be defeated."

Just as Xia Yang knew that Ymir had special feelings for Helista, Ymir also knew that Xia Yang had special feelings for Helista.

In a certain aspect, she and Xia Yang were rivals in love.

So at this time, Ymir doesn't mind adding insult to injury.

Of course, she seems to be right about adding insult to injury.

After all, in the current situation, Xia Yang is indeed at a disadvantage.

"Is brother Xia Yang really going to lose?"

"Ani is amazing!!!"

As time went by, those who were worried about Xia Yang became more and more worried, while those who supported Ani became more and more excited, and cheers spread almost throughout the square.

Until this moment, the battle between Xia Yang and Ani, It has attracted countless people, and even many recruits who were originally fighting were involuntarily attracted, and they even ignored the duel and gathered around them.

Keith, who was in charge of supervision, naturally saw this scene, but this was not the case. At that time, even he didn't say anything because he was completely absorbed by this battle and couldn't care about the other recruits for a while.

"Xia Yang...Ani..."

Looking at the battle, Keith's stern eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but murmur their names.

Speaking of which, Ani, who had always been low-key, could actually have such a superb person. Even he was surprised by the situation of fighting skills.

After all, in previous trainings, Ani's performance was extremely ordinary.

In comparison, Keith naturally paid more attention to it, since the first day the recruits gathered. Xia Yang's amazing performance.

But now that he saw Ani suppressing Xia Yang, Keith was not disappointed at all. The reason was simple!

Because Keith saw more through the appearance of the battle between the two!

Unlike those new recruits, Keith's experience as the chief instructor of the training corps naturally goes without saying, so when others were simply paying attention to the battle situation, He saw the exact state of Xia Yang and A Ni!


From the outside, it was indeed Xia Yang who was suppressed by A Ni...

But Keith clearly noticed Xia Yang's tenacity! Even Reiner, who performed well, had to admit defeat after a few hits against Ani, and some even got knocked unconscious!

But what about Xia Yang? He was beaten again and again for more than ten minutes!

Falling down, getting up again and again!

What kind of resistance is this?

Keith already knew that Xia Yang's physical ability was amazing, but now it turns out that not only his physical ability is amazing, but also other aspects such as defense. , is equally astonishing!

This is terrifying!

Because Keith looked carefully and found that A Ni, who was constantly attacking, was vaguely breathing. On the other hand, Xia Yang, who had been beaten, had no expression on his face and was simply out of breath.!

What does this mean?

It means... If Ani doesn't defeat Xia Yang completely as soon as possible, then Ani may be exhausted first!

Of course, if this is the case, Keith will not be more optimistic about Xia Yang.

But the problem is, as he continued to observe, Keith was shocked to find that the extent of Xia Yang's fall was weakened every time!

To put it simply, at the beginning, he had almost no power to fight back. Ani, who possesses superb fighting skills, fell away, but slowly, he began to learn to deal with Ani's fighting skills, making it increasingly difficult for Ani to knock him down, and even if she fell, she would fall down. The force he received became lighter and lighter.

How could Keith not be shocked when he discovered this?

Because the real situation now is that Xia Yang is fighting while fighting.

So, at this moment, While everyone was worried about Xia Yang, Keith became happy instead

"Xia Yang...how many more surprises do you want to bring me?"


PS: Guys, please don’t give up on me. It’s my first time writing this, so it’s a bit unfamiliar, but the rest will definitely be amazing and exciting!

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