I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 184: Wide and small 38

Through a play, the power of the whole world was mobilized, and the faith of all living beings was gathered to suppress the pollution of the heavens in the world.

But the crisis of world destruction has not disappeared.

He still remembers the picture he observed in the void before entering this world?——The turbulent void tide swayed the entire void sea, and countless worlds rose and fell in the tide, and the mighty world might be able to withstand a wave. Erosion, and the weak world is like an illusory bubble, and it will burst in the tide of the void in an instant.

This is the cruel law in the void sea, just like the survival of the fittest in nature. Every moment in the void sea, a large number of new worlds are born, and at the same time, countless worlds are shattering. Every small world must seize the time to grow from its birth, and it must grow to a certain extent before the tide of the void sets off in order to survive.

The tide of the void that is set off every once in a while is a mechanism to eliminate those weak worlds that are not growing fast enough and are too rotten and backward from the void sea.

The world is on the verge of collapse.

Before Yuan Buwei entered this world, a new round of void tides had already been set off, and this small world was as fragile as an illusory bubble in the violent tide. According to the time in the void, how many Minutes will be completely overturned by the oncoming void tide.

Putting this time into the small world, I am afraid it will be around a few decades, with luck, maybe hundreds of years.

This period of time is not short for human beings, but it is too short for the world, allowing an ordinary small world to develop and evolve rapidly in such a short period of time, and grow enough to survive in the void tide. Go down, it's almost impossible to do.

Perhaps it is this despair of "certain death" that affects the consciousness of the world, and the inner world, which is polluted and distorted by emotions such as despair, destruction, and madness, was born. This world's Heavenly Dao is almost divided into two parts, one half is the normal functioning Heavenly Dao, and the other half has been twisted into a "Heavenly Dao Monster".

When Yuan Buwei noticed this dying little world in the void and took the initiative to approach the door to trade with Tiandao, perhaps he was taken as the last straw.

The content of the transaction he needs to complete is not to save the world by himself - unless it is not strong enough to block the tide of the void - it all depends on whether the small world itself can grow before it overturns? Come.

In fact, according to the meaning of heaven, the original is not to be able to do anything after entering this world, and there is no requirement for him. Because this world is already certain to die, it is not because the arrival of this outsider is itself a variable.

As long as he does whatever he wants to increase the variables, it will be enough to gain an extra chance for the world.

——Judging from the current results, what the original did not do has far exceeded expectations.

But of course he wasn't satisfied.

If we want this world to be overturned by the tides of the void? In the short decades and hundreds of years before it came, it has grown rapidly. First of all, we must remove the pollution of the inner world, so that the "monsters of the heavens" will cease to exist, and the heavens will return to a healthy and complete state. state. If a sick person wants to grow taller and stronger, of course, he must first cure his disease, and then he can fully supplement nutrition and exercise.

In the case of limited time, the sooner the disease is cured, the more time can be left to exercise.

Therefore, the original reason is to squeeze each tool person to the extreme and gather all living beings? Faith is not enough, but also to solve the pollution of the "monster of heaven" in the shortest possible time.

Now everyone in the entire federation has been used by him. If it is for the slogan of saving the world, there may be some people who are lazy and slack, but now it is themselves who are threatened by the curse, even for their own lives, I believe all People will not have the slightest slack.

The entire federation is like a cog that has been wound up. There is no need to do anything else, it will spontaneously run at a high speed, and these tool people can no longer squeeze it!

Ordinary people have been squeezed to the limit, and Yuan Buwei's eyes naturally turned to the awakened.

To this day, the wild Awakened have no future. They are either stripped of their seeds and become ordinary people, or they are put under the command of the Lord of Yongning. Therefore, all Awakeneds have become his tools.

Without the threat of the curse, they have obviously not been squeezed to the extreme, and they need more pressure and motivation!

——Cleaning up the contaminated parts of the inner world is still the main quest for all awakened ones.

If it is said that ordinary people gather the power of belief and transport it to the monsters of the heavenly realm through bridges, destroying the pustules like medicine destroys bacteria; then, the awakened people take tools and remove them one by one on the surface of the monsters of the heavenly realm the remaining pustules. Just in a different way.

Now, Yuan didn't need them to speed things up. He directly activated the inhabitants of the world.

When the will of the Lord of Yongning reaches the entire inner world, countless people are boiling over it.

The inhabitants of the inner world fervently worship the **** who rescued them from their curse, and carry out the will of the Lord of Eternal Peace as a holy decree.

The strong who have inspired the power of the bloodline wantonly roam the dangerous places, clear the wild beasts and pollution, and the weak who are not strong enough can't do anything? They can act as logistical, intelligence, and medical support.

The Awakened did not dare to be slighted.

The subdued wild? Awakened have seen the ferocity of the Lord of Eternal Peace, and dare not discount his orders. The Awakened transformed from the Twisted Seed is grateful for his kindness, and is willing to do his best to complete the task in return!

What's more? Yuan Buwei also knows how to fully mobilize the subjective initiative of tool people——

It has to be said that when choosing a Twisted Seed boarder, it was not a good move.

All he chooses are those who have deep fetters and a strong desire to survive, but they have fallen to the bottom.

These people have come back to life from despair, are willing to do their best for hope, and will not have the slightest resistance to the Lord of Eternal Peace who saves them, and will always actively complete their tasks.

More importantly, they have an inseparable bond in the real world——

"...The president of the Monster Guild pryed open the permanent gap between the two worlds. Even if he has been killed by the Lord of Yong Ning, it cannot change the fact that a large number of curses have polluted the world. This pollution is still infiltrating. And you are in The more areas that are cleared in the world, the faster the main quest will advance, and the less pollution will penetrate into the surface world."

When Yuan did not inform all the awakened people of this fact through the mouth of the system 999, the awakened people were all boiling!

——They have worked hard enough, but now they feel that they have not tried their best, far from enough.


Somewhere in the valley, a large black bat-shaped wild beast rushed like a tide, and a seven-person team stood tenaciously in this black tide like a reef in the sea. The energy and flames exploded around, and the corpses of the wild beasts spread a thick layer of ground, leaving them almost nowhere to stay.

Gradually, the team's movements became slower and slower, and the rhythm shifted from attack to defense. Breathing heavily, they had the idea of ​​retreating. While killing the wild beasts, they searched for the space behind them and slowly retreated.

"Huh... I can't do it! This group of wild beasts is so unrelenting and endless!"

"Next time, next time..."

"Everyone is tired today, and the progress of the task is progressing well enough, let's go back to repair first..."

Organize? Before the captain of this team finished speaking, everyone heard the mechanical sound from System 999.

Then, they turned their eyes to each other at the same time, and saw the renewed fighting spirit in each other's eyes!

"Take a rest, go up and see them!"

"What? Nothing? Don't say it, kill him again!"

"Don't wait for the next time, I can fight again!"

For a while, everyone worked as hard as they could, as if they were tireless.

A similar scene happened not only in this valley, but also in many more places, in the forest, in the wasteland, in the swamp, the whole world was in turmoil in this wave.

This is just a microcosm of the battlefield opened up by countless awakened people, but it represents the actions of countless people.

All Awakened? Squeezed to the limit.

They know that they are not fighting for the mysterious Lord of Eternal Peace, but for themselves, for all the ordinary people who are tainted by the curse, and for the family and friends behind them who they want to protect!

As a result, the original intention of mobilizing everyone in the world, both inside and outside, has become idle.

He simply began to observe the process of the pustules being slowly removed and the twisted Heavenly Dao monster being healed bit by bit.

This is of great benefit to him as well.

Yongning Town, in the church.

Wasn't he alone? Standing in the church, looking up, his line of sight seemed to have penetrated countless barriers, and he saw the heavenly monster entrenched in the inner world.

The bridge built by Shang Chong and the gate of the two worlds spans between the inner and outer worlds. The sentient beings from the outer world are like the twinkling stars in the sky, and they are like fireflies flying over. Gathered towards the heavenly monsters.

The white sea of ​​​​light composed of countless light spots spreads on the surface one by one, a twisted and weird monster of the heavenly way, and the bright and warm brilliance washed over him like water.

I didn't want to see one pustule after another bursting in the radiant wash, the distorted black gas dissipated into the air, and the white light slowly eroded the huge limbs of the heavenly monster. The dots disappear.

He seemed to see countless twisted and chaotic rules unfolding in front of his eyes, or disintegrating, or returning to order, or rapidly taking place? See with your own eyes the process of a world going from death to life, and the rules repeating itself.

——This world that was already "dead" is being revived.

"What an incredible and magnificent scene?..."

Yuan Buwei just stared at the sky so quietly, a faint brilliance spilled from the skylight, making his dark pupils glow with a touch of gold.

His eyes didn't blink for a moment, and there seemed to be an extremely hot brilliance in his pupils, revealing a deep amazement.

"Using people's hearts to reverse the mind of heaven, and rewrite the will of heaven with the thoughts of all sentient beings... Such a rare event, if a cultivator is here, personally participating in and comprehending this process, it will definitely be unimaginable. reward!"

Even if the original is not complicated by what he has learned, humanism is only one of the countless means he has mastered. Just watching this process from the sidelines will give you the feeling of benefiting a lot.

When the pollution of the inner world was washed away by sentient beings' thoughts and thoughts, the most original Dao between heaven and earth unfolded in front of his eyes, and this world opened up to Yuan Buwei.

After leaving the Luofu Realm, even though he is improving every moment, he can feel that this is the biggest improvement. Once he has watched the whole process of being healed from the beginning to the end, and digested all his insights, his realm will definitely be able to improve to a new level.

Yuan Buwei stood in the same position and maintained that posture, as if he had become a statue, but in the depths of those calm eyes, there seemed to be countless auras colliding.

I don't know how long ago, in some kind of mysterious state, he suddenly moved!

His slender palm protruded from the side of himself, his fingers were slightly open, and the darkness that filled the interior of the church gathered towards his palm, turning into a large illusory thick ink; the colorful light refracted from the glass at the top of the church floated on him. Before his eyes, various dyes were dissolved.

The original is not to use the hand as the pen, splashing ink out.


When the priest opened the door of the church and stepped in, the scene in front of him made him stand in place.

Beneath the towering dome of the church, a golden light like water poured down, and a slender and graceful figure stood quietly within the radiance.

In front of him, a large fresco filled with strong tones filled the originally blank wall, extending from one end of the wall to the other, like a gorgeous long scroll surrounding the entire church, bringing the radiance to the The figure in the middle is wrapped in it, as if guarding the gods.

The unfinished part is still knitted at his fingertips.

Is that the human world? Unimaginable tones, weird, magnificent, bizarre, as if day and night merge into one, death and recovery occur at the same time, as if endless rules and symbols are blended together? An unimaginable picture for ordinary people.

Let people look at it at a glance, like seeing a galaxy of stars, countless avenues intertwined like a vast river of heaven, and it is like seeing the vast and vast world, all living beings are happy or angry, sad or laughing, Countless strong emotions come together, impacting the minds of the viewers.

And the figure standing still in the brilliance, silently drawing this long scroll, is like a supreme **** who weaves countless avenues and controls the minds and thoughts of all living beings.

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