I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 164: Wide and small 18

Having stayed in Yongning Town for five days, Xie Huaying fully felt the enthusiasm of the town residents.

At first, such "enthusiasm?" made her a little troubled.

Perhaps the daily life of these residents is too dull and boring, so that a stranger suddenly came, and they are like tourists entering the zoo to see monkeys for the first time, and they can't wait to turn their eyes away. stick to her? On the first day of her arrival, as long as Xie Huaying went out, no matter where she went, she would attract onlookers.

As long as those small town residents meet her, they will always greet her with enthusiasm at the first time, which makes Xie Huaying wonder if she has become a household name.

However, this enthusiasm is not only annoying, but also has many benefits in her opinion.

The puppet master only gave her the coordinates of Yongning Town, telling her that there is an opportunity to obtain extraordinary power here, but he did not give any more clues. Everything can only be found by Xie Huaying, which is really unreliable.

For example, on the first day she came to town, when she went straight to the church, she thought she would find out some secret, but she couldn't even enter the door of the church. The priest even had some doubts about her because of her sneaky behavior.

At this time, Xie Huaying finally realized the importance of town residents. She doesn't know anything about Yongning Town, but the residents here have lived here for generations. As long as she has a good relationship with the residents of the town and listens to secrets from them, she will not be able to find the extraordinary. A clue to strength?

With this foolish method, Xie Huaying changed her attitude. She regards Yongning Town as a special copy of the game. "Finding clues to extraordinary power and obtaining extraordinary power" is her main quest. Then, in order to complete the main quest, first brush some NPC's favorability, Isn't it natural?

So, in the next few days, Xie Huaying was very active, walking around in Yongning Town, talking to people everywhere, and one after another "pre-tasks" and "side tasks" were developed by her.

Of course, for Xie Huaying, she is doing a task, gaining favor, and looking for clues related to extraordinary power by the way. In front of the residents of the town, what she portrays is a good girl who is "kind, hard-working, enthusiastic, very stupid, and establishes a good relationship with the residents as soon as possible".

- She is so stupid? She wants to have a good relationship with everyone, so stupid? She needs to help everyone a lot. How can the residents have the heart to refuse? Of course it can only be? Trouble her a lot? :)

As a result, Xie Huaying found that this Yongning Town is really as "simple and simple" as the puppet master said. She is just stupid and has a good relationship with the residents, and she said, "I'm happy to help you all. "But how can ordinary people take this kind of remarks seriously, shouldn't they all be polite, what do you mean?

However, these "simple" residents of Yongning Town seem to have no polite cells in their heads. Listening to Xie Huaying's words, they actually asked her for trouble.

What help the grandmother to find the lost basket, for the time being? The owner of the grocery store who is in need looks after the shop, and spreads the word from the east end of the town to the west end of the town... This is only a pediatrics, it is more troublesome, and temporarily? To accompany the bear children Playing, the result? I was covered in mud; I went to the pond for someone to fish for something, and I almost got a leg cramp; I became a model for a painter, and I stood motionless in the cold wind for several hours? Fever...the list goes on and on, enough to make one doubt life?

Now, all the residents of Yongning Town know that there is a good-hearted girl in the town. She is very keen to wander around and help everyone, so everyone cooperates with her and fulfills her wishes. Once you see her, two words Not to mention is a troublesome thing to throw out.

- Sure enough, the girl smiled happily.

And Xie Huaying's actions are not without gain. After all, every time she helps others, the attitude of those residents towards her will indeed be much closer. Before? Another old man quietly told her a secret.

It is said that Yongning Town is not all ordinary people, there are many bloodline people hidden in it, they have the power that mortals can't be fooled, just because Xie Huaying is an outsider, and temporarily has not been fully accepted by Yongning Town, So she didn't have the chance to get in touch with them.

Knowing this secret, Xie Huaying was even more excited.

She was sure that her strategy was right. As long as she gained a lot of goodwill and took advantage of the opportunity to help everyone to explore Yongning Town, she would sooner or later discover clues to extraordinary power, and maybe she would be accepted by the bloodline practitioners. Where do they get the inheritance of extraordinary power?

Xie Huaying, who was a little broken down by those big and small "tasks", cheered up again.

However, there are some things that can't be done without perseverance—

At this moment? Standing in the backyard of the only slaughter shop in Yongning Town, Xie Huaying was dumbfounded.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, and the soil seemed to be soaked with that stench. A fat pig with white flowers was right in front of Xie Huaying? It roared sternly, even though he had lost his mobility, he was still struggling fiercely.

"Hey, Xiao Xie, what are you doing?" A tall man walked into the backyard in an apron. He was holding a huge blood-red butchering knife in his hand, and it was faintly visible that the depth of the knife was hard to wash away. Red blood.

He dragged the butcher knife and grinned at Xie Huaying.

"Thank you so much, Xiao Xie. Today I am here? Manpower? Seriously? Insufficient. Are a few apprentices at home? I have something to do, or I am not feeling well. This guest wants to have a banquet in advance? Book a good fat pig. You have to say anything? Kill it today, but it will make me anxious!" The cold light of the pig-killing knife flickered in Xie Huaying's eyes, and the smell of blood came out, but the man smiled happily.

Xie Huaying's whole person is bad: "???"

...what the hell? Before coming? She was not foolish enough to kill pigs? ? ?

Xie Huaying tried to refuse: "No, I..."

"Oh, thank you for being here! I've heard it all, you like to help everyone solve troubles, and you don't need to do it yourself, just give me a hand!" The man was self-sufficient As he spoke, he walked towards her, the butcher's knife gleaming coldly.

"No, I really can't..."

Seeing the other party approach, smelling the **** smell of the courtyard, and hearing the neighing of the fat pig, Xie Huaying was going crazy.

"Huh? If you can't do it, you should have said it earlier. I don't have time to find someone else." The man really frowned, his face was a little unkind, and with the cold and gleaming pig-killing knife, Xie Huaying felt a huge oppression.

The atmosphere in the yard suddenly became a little dangerous.

In the footsteps of the other party's approaching step by step and the fierce eyes, Xie Huaying had the illusion of seeing the perverted murderer in the horror movie, and couldn't help but tremble.

Then, she nodded frantically.

"Cough, I mean, I can!"


At dusk, Xie Huaying, dressed in the smell of pigs and blood, walked back to the tailor shop dejectedly, her whole body exuding an air of inescapable love.

This kind of her, provoked the little girl Rose to look at her several times, and she was a little disgusted: "What's wrong with you?"

Xie Huaying didn't have time to talk to her, she also despised herself, so the first thing was to take a shower.

After Xie Huaying ran away from her, she looked innocent and rose, and then she restrained her expression, showing a thoughtful look: "It seems that someone has acted before us? And the effect? ​​Is it still very good?"

The old couple in the tailor shop also nodded, a little worried and a little unwilling: "Mr. Yuan's task, do you want other people to complete it first?"

Rose's eyes showed a sullen look, then she clenched her fists, waved it forcefully, and said with certainty, "Hmph, it must be us who can help Mr.

She? Still remember? That eternal? Unforgettable twilight.

When she woke up in the formation on the square and opened her eyes for the first time, the picture she saw.

In the roar of thunder in the sky, a slender figure stood quietly, the whole world seemed to be overturned in the gust of wind, the brilliance of the formation was crumbling like a candle, but the figure was still standing still.

She saw endless black energy gushing out of the other party, covering her entire line of sight, until she regained visual perception again, the storm and thunder had disappeared, and only the crimson tenderness was reflected in her eyes. of dusk.

And under the dusk?, the figure standing quietly.

From that day on, not only Rose regarded this figure as a god, but the entire Yongye Town regarded it as a god.

"...Since Mr. needs to see this woman's emotional breakdown, her blood is boiling, and she needs to study her special blood, then all of us will spare no effort to help Mr. realize his wishes!"

In the slightly dim tailor's shop, the innocent-looking little girl showed a very sweet smile.


【Host, are you really okay with this? ] The whole process watched Xie Huaying's colorful life in the past few days. The system 999 was unable to complain, [mobilize all the residents of Yongning Town to collapse the outsiders in various ways... and also call it arousing the power of her blood... This is the rhythm of playing Xie Huaying to death. Also said that he never hated her?? 】

"I said no means no."

In the church in the center of the town, Yuan Buwei, who was playing with an origin stone, said without raising his head.

"...I just happened to need an Awakener, and she? She came to the door herself."

At the beginning, he had studied the aborigines Yu She, Rose, and Yuan Buwei himself, but now there is only one Awakened Seed for him to compare with.

Why? Why only the Awakened Seed can resist the curse of the inner world? After learning that this curse is a kind of malice, the reason why the seeds of the Awakened are not distorted is very simple, they are favored by the Heavenly Dao of the surface world.

"It is known that at the moment of emotional collapse and soul distortion, the seed will activate the awakening..." Yuan Buwei put on a professional attitude like doing math problems, "Then, I will reproduce this condition, just to observe it? In what form does the 'seed' in Xie Huaying's body exist? Isn't this reasonable? Reasonable and without problems?"

As for obviously there are more and simpler ways, but mobilizing the residents of the town to do things and build a "Trumen world" for Xie Huaying, of course, it is because, even the simplest way requires the original or not? Activate the operation, and activate the town residents, he will be able to fish happily :)

Speaking of this, why didn't you? Shake your head secretly, disgusting System 999: "Look, it's clearly a just cause of exploring the mysteries of the Awakened and saving Heaven, but you are always foolish and insidious for revenge. Act of…"

"999, your equipment is not enough!"

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