I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 123: third flower 8

In the palace, Li Mo, who had only the last ray of demon soul, was hidden in Princess Yuhua's body. He tried every means to expel the polluting aura attached to the demon soul, but all failed. On the contrary, it was the strange The twisted aura spread deeper and deeper into his demon soul.

"What the **** is this?!" Under the attack of the breath, Li Mo only felt that his reason was on the verge of losing control, and it was not easy to think clearly, "That Xie Yuan must have a problem!"

He repeatedly thought about what happened during this period of time, and determined that the big change in Xie Yuan's attitude was when the first marriage was granted by the Palace of the Golden Luan, but unfortunately he was not present at the time, so he could not be sure whether the other party had a problem at that time.

"Who grabbed Xie Yuan's body one step ahead of me, and the other way around? Deliberately designed me into the set..." Li Mo could easily come to this conclusion, and his heart suddenly sank, "After planning for so long, it was actually intercepted. Huh!"

"Damn?! Don't let me catch you—"

Tortured by the "dirty" Taoist texts, Li Mo obviously lost his calmness and became a little more mad and irritable, and he had to separate a lot of minds to resist the pollution of the "dirty" Taoist texts. .

If he just pretended to be weak before, then now he is really weak to the extreme.

"A, Amo..." At this moment, the voice belonging to Princess Yuhua sounded in consciousness, with a bit of hesitation that was not there in the past, "...Are you okay?"

The irritable Li Moben wanted to shut her up when he could, but another thought suddenly arose.

... Not long ago, the moment he was severely injured by the unknown mysterious person, the moment the polluted breath like gangrene spread into the monster, he sank into extreme pain, and the other few Dao Yaopo lost contact, and it has remained the same until now.

Li Mo suddenly had a bad guess in his heart.

If his conjecture is true, then Princess Yuhua may be his last straw.

Thinking like this, after a moment of silence, he finally said, "Yue'er..."

His voice was complicated, weak, powerless, guilty, and a little overwhelmed, full of emotions.

After just calling out such a sound?, he stopped, as if he didn't know what to say, and finally sighed softly.

"Before, I lost my temper for a while. You have to be careful, that Xie Yuan's body has been occupied by another big demon, I was caught off guard by his plot, the demon was defiled, and my mind was confused, I... Forget it, maybe in your opinion? These are all excuses, and everything is wrong with me! I shouldn't treat you like that..."

The more he spoke, the more eager he became, and the remorse in his tone was undisguised, revealing a deep sense of frustration and annoyance.

In the silence, Princess Yuhua finally couldn't help but say, "No, I don't blame you, it's all the big monster's insidious and cunning way to plot against you with such despicable means." She was angry for a while, and then happily said, " I knew, Amo, you wouldn't treat me like this, that's not your truth! You were willing to die for me back then? How could you use me? Blame that fake Xie Yuan!"

Li Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

... It's good to appease Princess Yuhua. His current situation is not optimistic. Under the situation of trouble, it is best for this woman to be safe and not hold her back.

In a few words, the previous incident passed like a breeze, and the two of them tacitly stopped mentioning it, as if nothing had happened, and they were still a couple of you and me. Is it just in their hearts? Leaving some traces, only they know it.

Princess Yuhua asked worriedly: "Then Amo, are you okay now? Are you seriously injured? What can I do for you? And that Xie Yuan..."

When she was talking, she faintly heard the voice of the servant not far from the hall - the emperor is coming!

Princess Yuhua was suddenly at a loss.

Li Molai didn't have time to say more, but just dragged Princess Yuhua's consciousness into her body again: "Yue'er, don't talk for the time being, leave everything to me to handle."

The emperor stepped into the Mingyue Palace where Princess Yuhua lived, and saw Princess Yuhua, who was dressed in splendid clothes and had a pale face, greeted him, and bowed to him: "Imperial Father."

The emperor responded with a sound, motioned for the others to go down, and asked suspiciously, "Yuhua, why are you here? Did things go wrong today?"

It stands to reason that it is normal for Princess Yuhua to be in her own palace, but the emperor has long known that Princess Yuhua should be waiting for him in the cold palace at the moment - the cold palace and the formation in the palace are all sent by the emperor Arranged.

And most importantly -

"Where's Xie Yuan? Is the Immortal Seed on him?"

The so-called immortal seed is the qualification of immortal cultivation. According to her statement, as long as she can extract Xie Yuan's immortal seed and hand it over to the emperor, the emperor will have the qualification to cultivate immortals, and the immortal fate will surely come in the future.

But now, Princess Yuhua did not wait in the cold palace as planned, nor did Xie Yuan and Xianzhong.

Facing the emperor's eagerly looking forward gaze, Princess Yuhua felt a little guilty. Her original intention was to let Li Mo take Xie Yuan's body and then confess everything to the emperor. As a big demon, Li Mo has no shortage of exercises, and he can also find treasures from heaven and earth, which can be used to reward the emperor. As for what kind of immortal seed, that's all her nonsense!

However, at this time, it was not Princess Yuhua who was in control of her body, but Li Mo, who saw that "her" was pale, her eyes were full of confusion, and she said in confusion and panic: "Father Royal , I don't know what happened."

In the eyes of the emperor's scrutiny, the girl bit her lip and said in a dreamy tone: "I, I asked someone to bring Xie Yuan, and activated the array according to the method taught in the ancient book. Fa, the formation suddenly lit up, the brilliance was extremely dazzling, I didn't see anything..." The more she spoke, the smaller her voice became, as if something incredible had happened, "When I look at it again, Xie Yuan gone, never to be found again."

The emperor frowned, his eyes swept over her.

At this time, "Princess Yuhua" had already lowered her head, and one hand could not help twisting the corner of her clothes - the emperor's eyes fell on her hand, this is what Princess Yuhua would show every time she tried to lie to cover up something. ?

He didn't make a sound, and saw the girl with her head bowed? In an uncertain voice, he said, "This, maybe this is the first time I used this method to make a mistake. It is also recorded in ancient books. There are some formations that will send people out, maybe in two days, when the energy of the formation is exhausted, Xie Yuan will come back?" Saying this, she nodded, "...It must be the case, wait. It'll be fine in a few days."

The emperor's furrowed brows never parted, but just repeated her words: "...wait a few more days?"

"Princess Yuhua" released her twisted fingers and raised her head to look at the emperor: "Wait a few more days." She skillfully reached out to hold the emperor's sleeve, and vowed, "Father, you Still don't believe me?"

The girl? The cheeks are slightly bulging, with a bit of anger.

"You." The emperor loosened his knitted brows, revealing a gentle and indulgent smile, "Of course the royal father believes in you. Well, then let's wait a few more days."

After sending the emperor away, "Princess Yuhua" can relax now? You must know that there are traces of pollution spreading in Li Mo's demon soul. Princess Yuhua made the emperor not suspicious, which was really a draining thing.

...Fortunately, everything was temporarily fooled!

But another consciousness in the body, watching Li Mo pretending to be himself from beginning to end, deceived the emperor, and skillfully used the voice of a daughter to act like a spoiled child to the emperor, as if it was another own Princess Yuhua, but After being silent for a long time, he said, "Amo..."

Li Mo responded impatiently: "Huh?"

"Fang Cai, that is...why are you so skilled?"

Seeing Li Mo imitating herself perfectly, for some reason, Princess Yuhua felt inexplicably in her heart? A trace of panic, and some indescribable complex emotions.

In the next moment, Li Mo's gentle voice came: "Yue'er, you forgot, I've been by your side for all these years, who in this world knows you better than me?"

Princess Yuhua was reminded by him and suddenly remembered many past events, Xiao Hei who was sent to her as a pet, Xiao Hei who rushed to protect him when provoked by other princes and princesses, Xiao Hei who died for her? "And since the resurrection", Ah Mo, who has been with her all the time...

In an instant, the trace of fear that had just popped up in her heart and other indescribable complex emotions dissipated. Instead, a tender and soft feeling filled his heart.

She gave a soft "um" and stopped talking.

But after thinking about the emperor who wanted to leave, she was a little worried: "Can those words deceive the father? In fact, the father loves me very much, otherwise, otherwise, we will tell the truth and let him help you—"

"No!" Li Mo's tone was a little hurried.

Princess Yuhua was very puzzled.

Li Mo had no choice but to continue: "Don't. You should know that your father, the emperor, has been asking immortals for many years. If you know my identity... If a demon king is exposed, maybe it will attract cultivators who are hidden in the world... …”

What he said was euphemistic, but Princess Yuhua understood what he meant and immediately woke up? "That's right. Once the royal father has the intention of attracting cultivators and rashly exposes your identity, Amo, it will be bad."

"In this case, we can only rely on ourselves to find a way to help you recover." She sighed very sadly, thinking that she and Li Mo were squeezed together in the same body? Mouth, "It's a bit inconvenient after all, Mo, can you go out first?"

At this time, in order to concentrate on resisting the polluting aura in the demon soul, Li Mo had already let Princess Yuhua take over the body again. Hearing her question, Li Mo's consciousness was silent for a moment, and then he said: "I've been injured too badly this time, maybe I need to cultivate my demon soul, but I don't know if I can get away temporarily - I need to try."

Princess Yuhua agreed without hesitation.

Li Mo's so-called attempt is very simple.

Before, he lied to Princess Yuhua that entering other people's bodies requires a degree of fit, and if the fit is too low, it is likely to fail. In fact, it is not necessary. As long as the person is willing, or signs a voluntary "oath", he can possess himself. Demons have too many tricks to coax mortals into taking their vows.

With the cooperation of Princess Yuhua, it is even easier. With her noble status, once an order is issued, no one of the palace servants in the Mingyue Palace dares to disobey.

Even if Princess Yuhua made any strange requests, these palace servants did not dare to refute them. Set up some language traps, these people should go to Princess Yuhua, even if they "voluntarily" let go of their protection and let Li Mo possess them.

Li Mo's demon soul has been severely damaged now, and he doesn't dare to separate out too much. He only separates out a little bit and attaches himself to these human bodies as a pathfinder. If it succeeds, it means that he can get out of Princess Yuhua's body; if it fails, it means that his conjecture has come true.


When one person and one demon tried to take the lives of the palace servants in the Mingyue Palace, the emperor had already left the Mingyue Palace and summoned several secret guards to ask about what happened in the cold palace.

The few secret guards have been guarding nearby, and they only saw Princess Yuhua come out alone, and have never seen "Xie Yuan" - digesting the magic formula of Li Mo's demon soul, some simple tricks are right It's not easy to say that - this seems to corroborate what Princess Yuhua said.

The emperor didn't show any surprise, and waved back the dark guard again, his eyes pondering: "... how many more days do we have to wait?"

Sitting in the empty hall, he stared straight into the air, wondering what he was thinking.

"This is the answer you gave me? Everything is going well, how many days will it take to show up?"

"...Or, what happened that I didn't know about?"

At this moment, the dark guard who had left soon reappeared and handed a handwritten letter that was urgently sent to the emperor's case.

The emperor took a look and suddenly stood up.

"What happened to Daozhen? The real person Chixiao also died?"

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