Dr. Agasa's house.

Conan now lives in Dr. Agasa's house every day.

As for his own home, he can't go back at all.

If he goes back to live there, he will be discovered by the Black Organization, and that would be the end of him.

"Why are all the letters sent to my dad?"Conan said while lying on the sofa.

After school today, Dr. Agasa took out a lot of letters, most of which were sent by his father, Yusaku Kudo, who was a fan of his book.

"What's the solution?"

"Your father, Yusaku Kudo, is a writer on the US bestseller list."

"The Night Baron he wrote is popular all over the world!"

"Of course, many readers will send him letters!"

"You will forward these letters to the United States tomorrow."Dr. Agasa said as he tested the machine.

"Damn it, isn't there a letter sent to me?" Conan was a little unwilling.

After all, he was a well-known high school detective in Japan, so didn't he have any fans?

"I don't know, look for it yourself, maybe you can find it!" Dr. Agasa said.

Then, Conan found the only letter addressed to him in the pile of letters.

"There really is a letter sent to me, it's really great!"Conan was a little happy.

Then, Conan opened the letter.

"Moriya Teiji?"

""Do I know this person?" Conan looked at the sender puzzledly.

Hearing the name Moritani Teiji, Dr. Agasa stopped the work in his hands:"I remember this person is a famous master in the architectural world!"

"It's really strange that they would invite you!" Alibos complained


"Can't an architect send me a letter?"Conan was a little unhappy.

Then he started reading the contents.

It turned out that Moriya Teiji wanted to invite Kudo Shinichi to his villa for a tea party.

Of course, he could also bring his friends along.

"I was actually invited to a tea party!"

"But I can't go at all!"

He is now Edogawa Conan, and there is no way he can attend the tea party in the name of Kudo Shinichi

"Why don't you just get rid of Xiaolan and let her take Conan with her? Then it will become you, Kudo Shinichi!" Dr. Agasa suggested.

""That's right!"

At the same time, at ten o'clock in the evening,

Ryuji came to the place that Toru Amuro mentioned.

This place is a dark and narrow alley. Few people come here, and the street lights outside cannot illuminate the darkness here. It is only during the day that it will be bathed in sunlight.

This is indeed a good place to talk.

But it would be even better if there was no smell of rotting garbage.


Ryuji walked into the alley step by step.

Then, Ryuji saw a back figure in front of him. If nothing unexpected happened, this back figure was Toru Amuro.

And Toru Amuro also heard this voice and said lightly:"You are finally here!"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Hearing this, Long Si smiled and said,"Yes! Amuro Toru!"

Long Si directly revealed Amuro Toru's identity.

Amuro Toru was not surprised that Long Si revealed his identity.

After all, the man in front of him was a detective, and a very sharp detective. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) If you keep jumping around in front of such a person, isn't it a matter of time before you are discovered?

"Humph!" Amuro Toru turned around and looked at Long Si and said,"When did you know that I was the person behind those two people?"

Long Si spread his hands and said,"A long time ago!"

"I felt something was wrong when you pretended to be their parents and moved in."

"And you give me a familiar feeling"

"Then later on, you asked me to adopt Xiao Ai and Xiao Hui, and I felt something was getting more and more wrong."

"After all, no tenant would entrust his daughter to a landlord whom he has just met for a few days."

"I think you're too anxious."

"Who would pay five years of rent first?"Ryuji shrugged.

Hearing Ryuji's explanation, Amuro Toru nodded. He was sure that something was wrong.

He was carrying out some tasks at that time, so he needed to get Shirley and Miyano Akemi away as soon as possible...........

That's why he handed Shirley and Miyano Akemi over to Ryuji so quickly. That's why this flaw was created.

If he had more time, he would probably do this slowly, but he didn't have that much time, so he could only hand Shirley and Miyano Akemi over to Ryuji as soon as possible.

"I would like to apologize to you here for getting you involved in this dangerous trouble." Toru Amuro bowed to Ryuji and apologized.

If there was no other trusted person around him, Toru Amuro would not let Ryuji look after Shirley and Miyano Akemi.

He really had no one else to use except Yuya Kazama.

And he was not sure how many members of the Neon Public Security Bureau were from the Black Organization.

After all, if they could place undercover agents in the Black Organization, then the Black Organization would naturally be able to place undercover agents in the Neon Public Security Bureau.

Everyone can do this kind of thing.

That's why Toru Amuro entrusted Shirley and Miyano Akemi to Ryuji.

Although he felt very sorry for Ryuji, Toru Amuro still gave Ryuji a large sum of money.

Hearing this, Ryuji nodded:"I accept your apology"

"But after Kudo Shinichi became Edogawa Conan, I was involved in the confrontation with the Black Organization."

After all, in 3.0, he often contacted Maori Kogoro and Xiaolan, and Xiaolan would be his girlfriend in the future.

So when Edogawa Conan was found to be Kudo Shinichi by the Black Organization, he would also be included in the list of people to be silenced.

He couldn't avoid this matter.

Since he couldn't avoid it, he would hide and get some benefits.

And Amuro Toru gave a lot of benefits to Ryuji.

For example, a large sum of money and two"daughters"!

Hearing Ryuji's words, Amuro Toru was not surprised, because he had long believed that Ryuji knew that Edogawa Conan and Kudo Shinichi were the same person.

After all, the timing of their disappearance and appearance was too consistent.

And Edogawa Conan, like Kudo Shinichi, is very flamboyant.

It's hard not to know!

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