Chapter 189 Shoulu

“Miss, run away!”

Uh… just after the guy said such a sentence, the falling…light hit his head and fell to the ground.

Of course Krabalt wouldn’t stay alive to muzzle the man a few times, and then he dragged it away.

Later, after Krabalt had processed those things, he went straight upstairs.

When he came to Miss Keya’s room, he put his blades on Miss Keya’s head.

But he kept putting the knife there, but he didn’t start, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

In the end, Krabalt retracted the knife in his hand, turned and left.

The pirates on the ship on the other side of the sea have long been waiting impatiently.

One of the fat guys asked a thin guy, “When did you say that Captain Jacks got up? This time is about to come. If he doesn’t get up anymore, what can I do if he loses the time?”

The other…skinny people don’t know what to do, and none of them dare to disturb Jacks sleeping! They are really desperate, so they dare to disturb others sleeping.

But if they don’t continue to set off, they are really too late.

Then a man wearing a headscarf knocked on the door there.

“Captain Jacks, I’m getting up soon, it’s getting late, and if I get up again, it will be too late.”

That…the person wearing a headscarf said anxiously.

After he said these words, the door inside opened.

The pirates stood on both sides, welcoming Jacks out.

After he came out, the pirates said to Jacks, “Good morning, Captain.”

“Good morning.”

As soon as he heard the words Good Morning, Jacks felt very upset! They were simply too much, don’t they know what their principles are “Asshole! My principle is that Good Morning will come with Chaoyang.” .”

The expression on Jacks’s face is also not very good.

The pirates are naturally aware of it.(Read more @

So one of the subjects said to the other: “He doesn’t look good.”

The other nodded seriously.

“Of course, after all, I just got in bed. Who is in a good mood? Jacks pointed his finger at the moon in the sky, and then said in a very unhappy tone: “Look, the sun is still there: the sky In the middle of the night, they were yelling and interrupting people’s rest.”

Jacks’ tone was too angry, and the pirates were apologizing to him one by one.


“terribly sorry!”

Hearing everyone apologize to him, Jack Sibut was finally relieved.He turned his feet and retreated to the pillar.

“It’s good if you understand.”

After speaking, he smiled and said to everyone: “Good morning, everyone.”

The pirates were very unconvinced when they heard what Jacks said.

“What! What I said is completely different from just now.”

A pirate said very upset.

The other pirate was a diehard Jacks fan. After he heard this, he immediately corrected it: “Asshole, this is because the captain’s mood has changed again. It must be like this!”

“That’s it”

“Stop making trouble!”

Seeing those pirates making a big noise, Jacks felt helpless. It would be great if they could sleep here.

But if Hypnosis was used on them, Krabalt’s plan failed, then he might hack himself to death.

“Brothers, let’s go.”

Jacks said to them.

As soon as Jacks finished speaking, there were a lot of calls from the boat, and they could finally invade the village! Haneda Ryuichi and the others were standing on the slope and tricking people into pouring a bucket of oil there.

“Well, in this case, they won’t be able to climb this slope because a barrel of oil is poured here, and they will be defeated in one fell swoop when they are slipping up to the sky tomorrow.”

Lie Bu Shu said after a sigh of relief.

Zoro came to the pile of oil, looked at the pile of oil and said thoughtfully, “Oh.”

Lierenbu is in a good mood now, because he is very satisfied with the trap he set up.

“No matter what

What happens tomorrow, we must take good care of this slope.”

Lirenbu said seriously to them.

Luffy sat directly in front of the oil, and then stomped on the…oil.

“Don’t let us slip into it by ourselves. It’s just as miserable as an ant’s nest. It’s so bad that you want to get this great idea.”

Luffy looked at the deceitful cloth and spoke seriously.

Liar Bu didn’t know whether he was boasting or derogating himself.

But Liarbo thought that he was boasting himself no matter what, so he nodded proudly at Luffy: “Of course, I have a slingshot for my own tricks, but very confident.”

Hearing what Liarbo said, Haneda Ryuichi had an idea in his mind, can he bring Liarbo over and sail with them? To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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