The cake is so delicious, but it's not worth it.

"I don't like you."

Lu Xing was silent for a moment, and reiterated it again.

Wei Qingyu nodded, not showing any sadness, and said calmly.

"I know."

"Eat the cake quickly, otherwise it will melt."

Seeing that Lu Xing didn't take it for a long time, Wei Qingyu tilted his head and looked at him in confusion.

"You said before that you treated me as your sister."

"Are you lying to me?"

Lu Xing:......

It's over.

Artificial intelligence has evolved into gpt4.0!

He said that humans can't develop AI like this!

Damn it.

Sooner or later, we will enter the AI ​​era, and every robot will have a human in its hand.


Wei Qingyu, you, the human-machine, wins.

Lu Xing ate a small cake and walked towards the classroom, and Wei Qingyu followed his steps and walked beside him.

She stared at the shadows of the two people on the ground and thought for a moment, then quietly moved a little towards Lu Xing.

Although the distance between the two people was still very far.

But looking at the shadows on the ground, she had already leaned on Lu Xing's shoulder.

Wei Qingyu slightly curved her mouth, and there was some light in her eyes, and asked with a little expectation.

"Is the cake delicious?"

Lu Xing nodded: "Delicious, it's not sweet."

As we all know.

The highest evaluation of desserts in our country is - not sweet.

This represents comfortable sweetness, not greasy sweetness, and not choking sweetness.

Seeing that Lu Xing was satisfied, Wei Qingyu was also satisfied, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

"That's good."

"The cake I gave you last time was too sweet."

"I thought about it later. You don't like to put sugar in your breakfast. You probably don't like sweet food."

Lu Xing looked at Wei Qingyu in surprise.

This man is smarter than he thought.

He could actually guess his hobbies from such details.

Hmm, hmm.

Really good.

Lu Xing gave her a thumbs up.

It seems that Wei Qingyu has really learned a lot from him. She will definitely become an excellent professional dog-licker in the future.

Wei Qingyu stared at the shadow on the ground and quietly moved a little towards Lu Xing.

Her voice, which was always like flowing water without ups and downs, was rarely brisk, and she spoke softly.

"Actually, I should apologize to you."

"I only cared about my own feelings and came to the piano room rashly, but you didn't have a good meal."

"I won't go there again, you eat well."

Compared to seeing Lu Xing, she still hopes that Lu Xing can be healthier and happier.


After what happened at noon, she suddenly realized that her appearance was a bit selfish.


Lu Xing was shocked.

Is this a top student?

In such a short period of time, you can review the experience and lessons?

Lu Xing thought about it and said.

"Xia Yeshuang didn't mean it. She feels very guilty about you now."

Hearing Lu Xing speaking for Xia Yeshuang, Wei Qingyu felt numb and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. She doesn't know about this. Don't blame her."

"I already have something that many people don't have. I should be content. I won't feel bad."

Lu Xing was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Wei Qingyu, the AI, to answer like this.


Lu Xing was silent for a moment and said.

"The seven emotions and six desires are the factory settings of human beings."

"If you are sad, you are sad. Sadness is not a comparison."

"Just like when someone says I am so tired, someone says others are more tired than you, why are you tired?"

There is no such reason, and this is not a competition to compare misery.

Lu Xing looked at Wei Qingyu and said sincerely.

"It doesn't mean that if someone is more miserable than you, you can't be miserable. This is your right."


Wei Qingyu was stunned.

No one has ever said such words to her.

She has heard some people talking about her, saying that she is so unsatisfied with such a good family background.

Africans can't drink pure water, and polar bears have no place to stay.

Who is not more miserable than her?

I don't know why she has a sullen face all day long? Why is she unhappy? What face is there to be unhappy?


But now Lu Xing said...she can be unhappy.

Wei Qingyu suddenly smiled, not a restrained smile, but a smile that was full of joy from her eyes to the corners of her mouth.

She can be happy or unhappy.

She can talk when she wants to talk, and she can keep silent when she doesn't want to talk.

These are her rights.

"Thank you."

Wei Qingyu smiled, this was the first time Lu Xing saw

Seeing her smile so happily.

"I am very happy now."


Lu Xing thought, AI robots have really evolved.

"Listen, the horn of the new journey has sounded, and the goal of strengthening the army is calling ahead

If the country wants to be strong, we must take responsibility, and the battle flag is full of iron and blood glory!"

Oh my gosh!

Lu Xing and Wei Qingyu were both startled and listened to the song in disbelief.


Did the radio station change its style today?

It's quite popular!


After school in the afternoon.

Lu Xing packed up his things and looked back. Li Dachun was writing furiously.

Since he said that, Li Dachun seemed to be full of chicken blood.

He worked hard on the questions, and when he encountered questions he didn't know, he kept harassing Hu Zhongzhong.

Hu Zhongzhong deserved it.

Lu Xing thought about it, took out some snacks from his bag and handed them to Li Dachun.

"Work and rest together."

Li Dachun looked at Lu Xing in surprise, "Godfather, you still understand me!"

Lu Xing smiled and patted his shoulder.

"When you get tired of reading, go buy some business books and relax."

Li Dachun was just slow, not stupid, and thought of it immediately.

"You want to do business in college and want to take me with you, so you let me apply to Haicheng University?"

He was a little surprised!


He is indeed his godfather, even the matter of making money can be taken with him!

Lu Xing put on his schoolbag and said with a smile.

"Half right, you can go and learn about some of the characteristics of Haicheng University."

He wants to do business, but people don't have to be in school, so they need an executor, or a tool man in short.

Looking at Lu Xing's back as he left, Li Dachun whimpered.


I hate the riddle man the most!

I can't figure it out.

"Forget it, let's go and harass Hu Zhongzhong."

According to the law of conservation of smiles, smiles will not disappear, they will only move.

Thinking of Hu Zhongzhong's manic look in a while, Li Dachun couldn't help laughing.

Walked in front of Hu Zhongzhong.


"Hey! Ask you something!"

Hu Zhongzhong was shocked, he was really speechless about this reckless man.

He can't stop being so energetic all day!

Hu Zhongzhong rolled his eyes: "Speak!"

"What is the characteristic of Haicheng University?"


Hu Zhongzhong's brain suddenly crashed, and he really couldn't remember it for a while.

Li Dachun learned some of Lu Xing's essence.

"No way, no way, the student council is so knowledgeable, he must know it, right?"


Hu Zhongzhong was angry and immediately collected information.

After a moment.

He spoke confidently.

"Haicheng University is a university with a long history. It ranks in China... Balabala... Faculty... Doctoral degree... Academician..."

"Oh, right."

"It also has the most mature and complete leave of absence system in China. As long as you provide proof of physical or mental abnormality, you can take a year off."

"Many students will take a year off and go on vacation, but you have to be careful not to run around so much that your family can't find you."

"But anyway, the procedures are simple and the operation is simple. Those who have taken a leave of absence say it's good!"



ps. On the first day of June, which kid can respect the elderly a little bit, v a free giftվ'ᴗ' ի

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