The first mock test lasted two days.

On Monday morning, we took the Chinese test, in the afternoon the math test, on Tuesday morning the comprehensive science test, and in the afternoon the English test.

Since the first day of the test, the class has never been at peace.

It seems that checking answers is a common hobby of students.

But perhaps because everyone is different, everyone's reactions to the answers are also very different.

Hu Zhongzhong is a typical representative of the first category.

He looked around for people to check answers, and after finding that he had made a mistake, he began to wail in pain and burst into tears.

"Ah! I'm going to fail!"

When the test paper was handed out, it was 130 points.

Li Dachun is a typical representative of the second category.

When he found that he had the same choice as the top student, he said yes and danced excitedly.

"Awesome! This is a sure thing!"

When the test paper was handed out, he got 70 points.

In the hustle and bustle, Lu Xing looked back at Xia Yeshuang's position.

It was still empty.

From Monday to now, she has not appeared in school for a whole day and a half. Lu Xing sent her a message to show his concern, but she didn't reply.

Wei Qingyu has missed breakfast for two consecutive days!

"Xingxing, I'm relieved after taking the comprehensive science test. That electromagnetic field is killing me! Let's go have a good meal?"

Li Dachun rubbed his hands, and his eyes were shining with amazing light when he mentioned eating!

Lu Xing glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.

Eleven o'clock in the afternoon.


As a qualified professional lick dog, paying attention to the dynamics of customers is a necessary quality.

"Next time, I'll go to the piano room."

After thinking about it, Lu Xing still felt that Xia Yeshuang would appear there.

There is only one reason -

Xia Yeshuang will decorate the piano room, and every corner is full of cute little details.

This shows that the piano room is a comfortable place for Xia Yeshuang.

Just like the boss of a company, he will judge whether an employee intends to leave based on the decorations on the employee's workstation.

The more scattered decorations there are on the workstation, the lower the probability of this employee leaving.

On the contrary.

When an employee's workstation is too cold and simple, you should pay attention to whether he has the idea of ​​running away.

From this, Lu Xing inferred that Xia Yeshuang is very likely in the piano room.

Li Dachun's face instantly began to wink when he heard the word piano room.

"Oh, you're having another secret meeting?"

Lu Xing was amused: "What kind of words are you using? You deserve 80 points in Chinese."

"Why is there a ginseng attack?" Li Dachun held his injured heart, "The piano room belongs to Xia Yeshuang. You went to the piano room to meet her, not to do math problems?"


Lu Xing snapped his fingers happily: "It seems that our Dachun's intuition is still very accurate. He actually discovered the truth."

Li Dachun chuckled.

"What are you studying? I think you are studying biology and exploring the structure of the human body at most."

He leaned close to Lu Xing's ear and whispered.

"Be careful, don't kill anyone!"

Lu Xing:......

My mother tongue is speechless!


Piano room.

"I am such a genius!"

When he saw the little golden head lying on the piano, Lu Xing praised himself in his heart!

He quietly pushed the door in and closed it quietly.

Walking to the piano, Lu Xing saw Xia Yeshuang sleeping for the first time from this perspective.

Lu Xing leaned against the piano, Xia Yeshuang's little golden head was at his waist height, looking very cuddly.

Her eyes were closed, her long eyelashes cast a shadow, her pink mouth was slightly open, moist and shiny, and her blonde hair was a little messy and scattered on the piano.

The wind blew the gauze curtain, Xia Yeshuang was as beautiful as an oil painting, making people reluctant to disturb her.


The birds outside the window had no intention of pitying her, lying on the branches and singing loudly.


Xia Yeshuang frowned in her sleep, obviously disliking that it was too noisy.

"Well, serving customers well is the necessary quality of our professional licking dogs."

Lu Xing swept around the piano room and finally took a broom from the corner.

He rolled up his sleeves and stood outside the window holding a broom to try to sweep away the noisy birds on the branches.

The bird didn't want to pay attention to him and made even more noise!

"Damn stinky bird!"

Lu Xing muttered in dissatisfaction.

Whether it was the bird outside the window or the bird on him, they often made him feel helpless.


After fiddling with it for a long time, the bird didn't go away, but a few leaves fell on Lu Xing's hair.

"What are you doing?"

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the piano room.

Lu Xing's brain immediately tensed up, and he hid the broom in his hand behind his back, and quickly turned around and smiled at Xia Yeshuang.

"It's okay, I, I'm cleaning, I'm sweeping the floor, I'm sweeping the floor."

Xia Yeshuang had just woken up, and her eyes were filled with misty and moist looks.

Sweeping the floor?

But she clearly saw Lu Xing seemed to be reaching for something by the windowsill just now!

Xia Yeshuang was already depressed because she was woken up, and now she was deceived by Lu Xing, her face suddenly turned cold.

"I gave you money, not for you to cheat me."

Lu Xing said embarrassedly: "I didn't..."

"Speak! What were you doing just now!" Xia Yeshuang's tone became even colder.

Lu Xing was helpless, closing his eyes and looking ready to die.

"I saw the birds in the tree outside disturbing your sleep, so I wanted to take a broom to drive them away, but they were too agile and I failed!"

Xia Ye Shuang was stunned, and it was hard to imagine that this was the reason.

"Why didn't you tell me when I asked you?"

Lu Xing lowered his head, rarely showing the shyness that matched his age.

"It's too embarrassing to not be able to drive the birds away. It's a bit embarrassing to say it."

I haven't fought with birds before, and I'm really embarrassed!

Even if Lu Xing has been trying his best to be steady and rational, he still feels a little embarrassed when encountering such an unmanageable emergency.

Xia Ye Shuang was stunned at first, and an indescribable feeling came to his heart.

It turns out that there are people who are so stupid.

In order to let her sleep a little longer, he took a broom to fight with the birds, and he didn't dare to say it because it was embarrassing?

Xia Ye Shuang scanned Lu Xing's expression for a long time, and finally laughed out loud.

Lu Xing's ears were a little red because of Xia Ye Shuang's laughter.

"Your happiness disturbs me!"

Xia Yeshuang laughed even more happily.

"Is it your turn to control my laughter? I'll just laugh!"

Lu Xing was helpless.

Forget it, if the customer wants to laugh, let him laugh. It's better than crying.

"Your throat may hurt after waking up. I'll pour you a glass of water."

Lu Xing just brought the water to Xia Yeshuang, but found that she didn't even raise her arm, but just put it on the piano!

The two looked at each other.

Damn it! She won't ask me to feed her water, will she?

Damn it! My arm is numb from sleeping and I can't lift it up!

With the customer-first concept, Lu Xing carefully held the disposable cup against Xia Yeshuang's wet and crystal lips.

"Drink slowly."

Xia Yeshuang refused to admit defeat, snorted, and said proudly: "I like to drink faster!"

Half a minute later.


Not only was Xia Ye Shuang's chest wet, revealing the white lace inside, but there was even some water in her collarbone!

Lu Xing asked sincerely.

"Do you really like to drink water like this?"

Xia Ye Shuang bit her lower lip, her face suddenly flushed, but she still nodded with difficulty.


"Drinking water like this is cooler!"

Lu Xing: o_O

It's a shame to save face!

The two looked at each other, and I don't know who couldn't hold it back, and suddenly laughed at each other.

The wind blew the leaves outside the window, and the birds chirped.



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