“Hey!” Shiro picked up Naruto a little annoyed.

But the tone of his voice is still very gentle: “Wake up, the sun is sunny!” ”

Naruto rubbed his eyes to make himself appear more sober.

Staring at Shiro for a moment, Naruto smiled happily, “Little sister, you are so cute!” ”

Shiro squinted and smiled, unusually sweet, and asked Naruto:

“What’s your name?” What are you doing here early in the morning? ”

Naruto held up his forehead: “My name is Naruto Uzumaki!” I’m here to cultivate, of course ninjas have to cultivate!” ”

Bai: “Cultivation, but why cultivate?” ”

Naruto chuckled, “Of course it’s to protect important people!” ”

Bai was silent for a moment and asked, “Do you have a very important person who needs full protection?” ”

Naruto: “Of course, of course, all the good-looking young sisters are my future wives and my very important people!” ”

Bai thought funny: It turned out to be the dream of a little boy who had just opened his emotions…

Well, aren’t there many, many important people in him….

Bai comforted: “Well, as long as it is to protect important people, you can become very strong!” ”

After chatting a little, Shiro lifted the herbal basket with his slender arm and said goodbye to Naruto.

“You will definitely get stronger!”

“See you again when you have a chance!”

After walking two steps, he suddenly stopped there.

“Ah, then…”

“Forgot to tell you, I’m a man!”

Naruto was not shocked in vain.

He said resolutely: “Young sister, you don’t have to lie to me, I know, you are not a man!” ”

Shiro looked back in surprise.

Asked him funny: “Whether I am a man, I don’t know, you know instead?” What is the truth of this?! ”

“Young sister, you are a woman, don’t believe us to bet!”

Bet? Bet on whether you are a man or a woman? Shiro felt even more amused.

She tugged at the front casually, revealing a large snow-white area.

The front is empty.

Bai ridiculed: “Little brother, look, do you know the body structure of your sisters, you can’t say that I am a woman anymore!” ”

“It’s normal to like the little sister, but don’t mistake the handsome little brother for the little sister!”

Naruto said with a smile

“I’ll prove that you’re a woman, and if you lose, just come with me, young lady!!”

Hearing Naruto say so surely, Shiro was aroused by Naruto’s curiosity.

I’d rather see how you prove that I’m a woman!”

“Young sister, you acquiesce, this is a representative, the default bet is made!”

After saying that, Naruto disappeared in an instant.

Bai was stunned.


Bai suddenly felt a light upper body.

She suddenly realized that her kimono was instantly cut from behind her above the waist.

Even the flesh-colored band, which pretended to be a man in order to meet the requirements for combat tools, also fell down.

The two white rabbits were finally no longer repressed and exposed to the air.


Bai exclaimed, and hurriedly blocked his arm in front of him.

The left hand was sealed with one hand, and a circle of water mist surrounded her, blocking Naruto’s view.

White shame and anger: This little sera wolf, how did he know my gender?!

No wonder the knife that is no longer cut was taken away by him, this guy’s ability is very weird!

“Well, young lady, don’t talk nonsense with your eyes open this time, or I’ll take off your clothes underneath!”

“I declare that from now on, you will be my man!”

In the mist, Shiro takes out a set of clothes from the scroll and puts it on, then disperses the mist.

Bai said angrily, “If it weren’t for your young age, I would have taught you a lesson!” ”

Naruto said angrily: “Hey, your words don’t count, obviously if you lose the bet, you will go with me, how can my sister still say such words to teach me a lesson!” ”

Bai angrily glanced at him, ignored him, and disappeared in an instant.

Naruto shook his head with a slight regret and went back to Darzna’s house for breakfast.

The progress of bridge construction is infinitely nearing the end.

If there is no ambush battle against them, it should be tomorrow.

The next morning.

Naruto woke up.

As soon as he asked, sure enough, Kakashi was worried that he was cultivating hard and let him rest well.

Leaving him behind, he went straight to the bridge near the end.

Just when he was unhurriedly packing up and washing and preparing to go to the bridge to fight.

Two rogues came here.

To kidnap Dazna’s daughter and grandson.

It was a lackey sent by Cardo.

Naruto casually killed the two and walked leisurely towards the bridge.

This is Sasuke’s battle to open the double hook tama chakra eye

He didn’t want to go to war too early and steal the limelight.

Of course, when he arrives, just make sure that Sasuke turns on the double hook.

He can then solve the battle at any time.

After all, the moment you just took off your white clothes.

He had already engraved a Flying Thunder God Technique on his white smooth back.

Even if Shiro changes his clothes and takes another bath.

Can’t wash away his flying thunder god!

Oh no, it’s the second generation of Flying Thunder!

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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