I! Naruto! A Man Who Aspires To Be Hokage!

Chapter 81 Persevere! There Are Still 2 Chapters Away From Chapter 83!

Naruto and his party quickly asked the country of tea to move forward.

Soon, Naruto and his party arrived at the destination of the mission.

"It's finally here," Jiro said.

"Hey! Elder Jiro looks very energetic." Naruto said with a smile. Jiro Cho, had dinner with Tsunade when he was looking for Tsunade earlier.

"The greetings are over, Fifth Generation just ask you for the specific details of the mission." Sasuke interjected.

"Yeah." Jiro nodded, "I think you all know the worship ceremony of the Tororensha.

Everyone nodded.

"There have been conflicts between our Wasabi family and another mustard knight group in the town. In order to compete for the dominance of the town, we caused a lot of bloodshed, and even affected ordinary civilians. So after Daimyo came forward to mediate Now, whoever wins the worship ceremony will have the dominance of the town." Jiro said.

Jiro Chang said about this meal: "Four years ago, the Akuko family hired ninjas to participate in the competition, which led to an overwhelming victory. This time they hired ninjas again this time, so this time we entrusted Konoha Village to participate. However, he was attacked by the opponent's ninja.

Jiro made a kneeling gesture: "Please, please give us a helping hand, we can no longer lose to the Akazi family!"

"So who exactly are we going to protect?" Sasuke asked.

Jiro clapped his hands.

The door opened, and a young man knelt behind the door: "Master Jiro!"

"This is Morino Itaten, the contestant this time." Jiro introduced.

"Master Jiro! In fact, you don't have to hire these ninjas at all! I will definitely help you win the championship!" Itata Ten excitedly said.

Jiro waved his hand: "This time the ninja hired by the other party is very important, it is not the time for us to get angry.

Itata bowed his head and stopped talking.


Little Sakura and Sasuke were shopping on the streets of the country of tea, and suddenly saw a few hooligans eating Bawang meal in a shop.

"Bastard, who do you think you owe it to to do business here!" said one of the gangsters.

"It's your honor that the Laozi don't give money to eat at your place, how dare you ask the Jiezi family for money?" said another gangster.

"I think you haven't figured out the situation yet․" The gangster snapped his fingers and punched the shopkeeper.

Crack! Sasuke reached out to catch the gangster's fist, and Haki said, "If you don't want to die, get out!"

"Bastard! What kind of green onion are you? You want to die."

Five seconds later……………

"That's all for today, I'll let you go! Little brat." "You know how powerful you are, don't resist next time [little ghost! Two little gangsters with bruised noses and swollen faces lifted up the leader of the gangster who fell in trouble and said.

Sasuke twisted his neck and made a clicking sound.

The little bastard left a sentence like "you remember it!" and fled away after throwing money to the shopkeeper.

"Thank you, brother!" The middle-aged shopkeeper said gratefully.

"It's really satisfying." The bosses of the nearby shop also applauded, "This time, the elder Jiro of Wasabi's family must win."

"Sasuke, it seems that Jiro and the others are still very popular." Little Sakura said.

Sasuke nodded.

"Boss Jiro, why did you hire Konoha Shinobi to protect me?" Itata Ten dissatisfied.

"Stop being awkward, Idaten, I know you don't like ninjas." Jiro paused "Itaten, you know I trust you more than anyone else, the rest is up to you. Please this time Run for this town, please."

"Hi!" Itata said firmly.

Early the next morning.

Everyone gathered at the worship site, and countless residents were looking forward to watching the game.

"Master Aoi, how should we arrange it?" Three people who looked like gangsters said to a young man with green hair.

"I'm going with Fusuke now, you go find the other contestants." Aoi said to the three of them, who were the ninjas hired by the Akuko family.

"Hi!" The three of them responded and disappeared in an instant.

A salute was fired, and the two contestants set off instantly, but Yi Tuotian deviated from the original route halfway and began to circle the sea.

"Nani?" Little Sakura asked strangely, "What did he do?"

"Never mind him." Naruto followed Itata, bored, "We just need to ensure that he won't be hurt by other ninjas."

Ida Tian ran around the sea and ran into a forest.

On the other hand, the mustard contestants have already set sail and headed for the first competition location!

At this time, the three gangsters on the coast followed behind Naruto and the others: "Are they the three? It is said that the three ninjas in our village's Chūnin exam were killed by them." "Obviously it was just an exam." , but such a ruthless hand!" "This time we must avenge our comrades in the village!"

Bang, the Transformation Technique was released, and there were only three Rain Shinobi standing on the treetops.

Yi Tuotian ran quickly on the mountain road, but he didn't know that he was under the illusion.

"Naruto!" Sasuke yelled at Naruto.

"Yeah!" Naruto nodded. "You go!"

Sasuke disappeared up the tree in an instant.

The next second Sasuke appeared in a bush: "Come out!"

Countless figures slowly emerged from the ground, slowly approaching Sasuke like zombies.

Sasuke shot a kunai, piercing a figure, but found that Rain Shinobi's movement did not stop with Sasuke's piercing.

"Illusion?" Sasuke frowned: "Sharingan! Open!"

At this time, a Kunai shot towards the phantom, Sasuke tilted his head to avoid it, and then looked in the direction of the Kunai: ". I found you!"

Sasuke disappeared instantly and appeared in front of a clump of grass: "Fire Style- Great Fireball Technique!"

"Damn! How is it possible!" Rain Shinobi was shocked, the illusion that he was proud of had no effect!

"Hmph! It's a small skill. You dare to play illusion in front of the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan!" Sasuke said disdainfully.

"Hmph. So what, you're just one person!" The three Rain Shinobi stood up quickly and signed at the same time: Water Style, whoever repairs the dam!

The three simultaneously blasted a huge wave of water towards the ground and rushed towards Sasuke.

"Lightning Style- Raikiri!" Sasuke jumped on the tree and pushed Raikiri into the water.

The three Rain Shinobi twitched like they were going mad, and fell to the ground with smoke all over their bodies.

Sasuke pouted, got up and chased after Naruto.

the other side.

Naruto and little Sakura followed Itaten to the coast, and Sasuke also came quickly behind.

Sasuke nodded at Naruto.

"You ninjas didn't question why I stayed away from the competition route?" Itata asked strangely.

"We just received the task to protect you from harm during the game. It has nothing to do with us whether we want to (ma Zhao) the game. We will complete the task after the game." Naruto said indifferently, saying It's not easy.

"Hmph! Chief Jiro shouldn't have invited you ninjas here!" Itaotian complained angrily.

Then several people boarded the small boat on the coast.

"There is a monsoon on the sea at this time. At the beginning of the race, I judged from the clouds that if I follow the original route, I must go against the wind. However, there is an ocean current directly leading to the first stop in this fishing village. It only takes one hour. Then you can go to the other side of the sea." Itatatian explained proudly.

"Search!" Naruto suddenly realized.

"But what does it have to do with me." Naruto shrugged again.

"I really hate ninjas!" Itata said angrily.

Sure enough, the boat following the ocean current moved quickly to the other side of the river.

Suddenly several shots of Kunai suddenly shot from the side, and shot towards Naruto.

Naruto waved his hand and blocked Kunai.

Everyone looked to the side at this time, and a big ship was slowly approaching...

ps. Re-editing the second chapter, I am really sorry!.

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