I! Naruto! A Man Who Aspires To Be Hokage!

Chapter 76 This Is The Theater Version! [Not Related To The Main Line]

"It's so slow, Kakashi." Naruto squatted on the ground and said boringly. "so boring……………"

"It's all your fault, Naruto!" Little Sakura said madly, "You can sleep while standing on your head on the roof, how did you do it! I was kicked out before I finished watching the movie, poor me I want to appreciate the heroic figure of Sanzhi-sama.

"What, who made this movie so boring, it made me sleepy watching it, it was me who fell and not you, what are you calling?" Naruto squinted his eyes while lying on the grass

"Nani!" Little Sakura punched Naruto with a black line all over her face.

"Hey! I can't hit it, I can't hit it, just a little~" Naruto dodged left and right, making little Sakura very angry.

Sasuke: "...two mentally handicapped."

Suddenly, there was a sound of horseshoes in the movie theater, and a girl riding a white horse jumped out of the movie theater wall and ran away along the road...

"Ah~?" Little Sakura was stunned, "Isn't that Princess Fengyun?"

"Stop!" Suddenly there was a noise from behind, followed by a group of guys in black riding horses who looked like robbers.

Knock down little Sakura who is in a daze.

"Cough and leak! (Damn it!)" Little Sakura stood up and was about to chase Princess Fengyun, looking like she wanted to help, "11 Naruto! Hurry up and help!"

"Don't~ it's so troublesome." Naruto was lying on the grass like a salted fish.

Little Sakura stepped forward and grabbed Naruto's feet and quickly chased forward. Naruto was dragged by little Sakura dangling like a noodle.

Sasuke stood up and followed closely behind.

"Oh, I bought it! (You guys!) Stop for me!" Little Sakura's painting style changed suddenly, as if the Super Saiyan 2 was flashing with lightning, and threw Naruto out like a meteor hammer.

"Pain~! Pain~!" With a bang, Naruto knocked down many knights on horseback.

Sasuke jumped up and chopped off the leader in an instant.

After a while, the chasing samurai were all tied up by little Sakura and Sasuke.

"Yo, you're so refreshed early in the morning." Kakashi appeared on the wall.

"Huh?" Naruto, who was limp on the ground like a cripple, raised his head, stood up, and stretched his waist, "Yawn~

"It's none of my business, it has nothing to do with me." Naruto shrugged. With a bang, Naruto disappeared.

"Shadow Clone." Kakashi squinted. "You two, tied up our employer early in the morning."

After speaking, Kakashi turned around and appeared in front of the leader, and the ropes on everyone were untied in an instant, Kakashi helped the leader up: "Oh, I'm really sorry

"Good morning, Your Highness the Princess." Princess Fengyun, who was holding her knees by the river in a daze, looked up, and a blond, blue-eyed, unbelievably handsome guy appeared in front of her.

Princess Fengyun blushed pretty, got up on her horse and ran away.

"Ahhh~ahhh~" Naruto stood up and disappeared in the ground in an instant. Ten seconds had already appeared on the matter of Princess Fengwei.

"Beautiful lady, why are you dressed up like this today? Not to mention pretty, it's just the way I like it." Naruto suddenly hugged the other person's waist from behind affectionately.

"Ah!!" With a scream, the two fell from the horse, and Naruto put her on the ground safely with a princess hug. Seeing Fengyun Princess Fuyuki hit Naruto's head with a flurry of punches, and shouted: "Rogue!"

Naruto was holding his head in frustration: "Who the hell said that women in anime have low IQs, and they can be fooled by just a simple word of love. If I have a chance to go back, I will definitely hang up those people!"

"Hey~ hey~" Naruto said speechlessly, "it's alright! I'm your guard during this filming!"

Feng Xuee played more frequently...

Theater on the other side.

"All in all, our task this time is to protect Ms. Feng Xuee for overseas filming." Kakashi said to the little Sakura and Sasuke. "This time, Mr. San Taifu, the heroine's manager, took us there.

A middle-aged man with small glasses said hello, it was the leader who was beaten by Sasuke before.

At this time, the director suddenly interjected: "You are Mr. Kakashi, I heard that you have been to the Snow Country?"

"Well, it happened a long time ago." Kakashi didn't want to say more.

At this time, an actor came over: "And didn't you say that the Snow Country is a very poor country?" It was Sanzhi who was chasing stars from little Sakura.

Little Sakura looked back, her eyes burst into red hearts: "My God, Sanzhi-sama!"

"It seems that the previous filming team fell into a big conspiracy, and then went bankrupt after a setback." Sanzhi continued. "Speaking of which, Xue Hui ran away when she heard that she was going to shoot in Snow Country." "Yes."

The agent next to him lowered his head and said nothing.

At night, Fuyuki in disguise is walking on the road with Naruto, who has a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"What are you doing?" Naruto said speechlessly. "Are you really not planning to go back to the crew?"

"I want you to control me!" Feng Xuehui walked into an izakaya angrily.

Feng Xuehui drank wine alone, looked at the pendant hanging on her body, and said drunkenly: "Don't be kidding, ghosts are going back to Snow Country.

At this time, a drunk on the side walked towards Feng Xuehui.

Bang, knocked away by Naruto who suddenly appeared.

Naruto squinted at the drunkard, and said to Fuyuki, "Come on, get ready for bed."

"Huh?" Feng Xuee looked up at Naruto, saw a pair of purple Sharingan spinning slowly, and then fell asleep.

Feng Xuee's manager and Kakashi ran in suddenly and saw Feng Xuee lying on the table: "What's wrong with her?"

"It's nothing, just fell asleep after drinking too much." Naruto said with a smile.

The drunk watched everything secretly from behind the door: "So, Fuji Fuxue is Fuka Koyuki, it seems that the hexagonal crystal is on her body.

The drunkard staggered out of the tavern.

Xue Hui got up from bed 410 slowly: "Santafu, pour me a glass of water! I don't know what's wrong, I'm always dizzy, is it my psychology, I feel like I'm still shaking

"No, it's not your psychological effect." The third husband replied.

Xue Esheng was painted by the makeup artist on the boat without love.

"Don't take it lightly, this time we are taking an A-level mission." Kakashi said blankly.

"A-level?" Sasuke felt bored, "I don't think escorting a female star will be an A-level task."

Naruto squinted and sat on the bow fishing leisurely. Little Sakura was watching the director's audition for filming.

"What a superb acting skill." Little Sakura exclaimed.

"That's right, Xue Hui is a talented actor who can stand in front of the camera for a day and no one can match his acting skills." The manager San Taifu said proudly.

at this time.

"Shishimaru, don't die!" Xue E played wonderfully, "Hey~~ stop."

Everyone staggered.

"Santafu, take the eye drops!" Xue Hui shouted.

"Hi!" San Taifu hurried over to give Xuehui two drops of eye drops.

"It's coming! It's coming! Hurry up!" Xue Hui shouted:

"Shishimaru! Don't die!"

Naruto yawned big, little Sakura frowned

This is an actor...

ps. This is the first update. 3 It's more like, the author of the sand sculpture doesn't follow the time... When will I finish writing and when will I pass it on...

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