I! Naruto! A Man Who Aspires To Be Hokage!

Chapter 7 I Am Luffy, The Bandit King 【Ask For Flowers】

two years later...

A slender figure sat up from the bed, and the moonlight from the window shone in. His flowing blond hair floated slightly, revealing an inhumanly handsome face.

"It's been two years." Naruto stretched his waist, "I always stay at home, my body is almost rusting."

In the past two years, Naruto spent most of his time at home doing tasks, and occasionally went out to meet Hinata to improve his favorability. The whole person's sense of presence in the village has basically been reduced to the lowest level. No matter how much Danzo promotes the Nine Tails Rebellion, the villagers can't even see people, so there is no such thing as disgust. Time can make people forget a lot of things.

At the beginning of the past two years, Third Generation thought it was overkill and allowed Danzo to overcrowd Naruto, causing Naruto to have autism. For a while, he would come to Naruto from time to time every day to refresh his presence and prevent White Fang from repeating his death It happened, and later I found out that Naruto was just sleeping at home. At the beginning, Third Generation persuaded Naruto to carry out activities, but then he simply ignored it, thinking that Naruto had given up on himself. Anyway, the deterrent is the fox in Naruto's stomach. As for Naruto, as long as It's good not to die. The most important thing about nuclear weapons is deterrence, and it's not just throwing two rounds if nothing happens.

Naruto looked out the window, it's time to go out for activities, today is the last big event at the beginning of the plot.

"System, open the character attribute panel!" Naruto thought in his mind.

Host: Naruto

Identity: Uzumaki Naruto, son of the Fourth Generation, Nine Tails Jinchūriki, reincarnation of Ashura

Bloodline: Vortex Bloodline

Forbearance (Chakra amount): 2920 (in sealing)

Body: 9880

Techniques: Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, Three Body Technique, Rasengan, Eight Inner Gates Formation (Dumen), Lightning Style-Chidori, Raikiri, Taiwan Escape-Strong Wind Break, Ninjutsu-Lightning Style Body Protection, Lightning Style- Qilin.

Assignable attributes: 300 (convertible)

Talent: Mouth Dungeon (exclusive to the Son of Destiny, born with affinity, instilling chicken soup for the soul will reduce the enemy's IQ by 20). Chakra precise control (whatever you want with a clap of both hands), throwing Grandmaster, blood follower limit - Taidun.

ps. The minimum Chakra amount for Genin is 1, the highest panel attribute for ordinary Genin is 999, 9999 for Chūnin, and 99999 for Jōnin.

With Naruto's current panel attributes, it is enough to deal with most emergencies below Kage-level. Even if he is hunted down by Kage-level, Naruto is confident to escape from their hands.

In the past two years, Naruto has obtained the attribute of Lightning Style Chakra through signing in. Through the control of the talent Chakra, he directly merged with the Taidun Blood Succession Limit, and extracted a lot of Lightning Style ninjutsu, especially Lightning Style-Ninjutsu, plus all attribute points When it comes to physical fitness, Naruto's physical fitness soars directly to the edge of pure body art Jōnin. Eight Inner Gates can also be opened up to the fifth gate. You must know that the Du gate displayed by the system refers to the degree that the Du gate can be opened without injury.

There are still some messy things, so I won’t repeat them one by one, so as to save the number of words that are disgusted by readers.

"The system adds attribute points to the physique." Naruto said to the system.

Ding dong~ Body: 10180! From time travel to the present, over two years, Naruto has successfully grown from a helpless toddler to a physical Jōnin comparable to that worn by Might!

And today is the day Danzo gets the Distinguished Heavenly Gods!

The night sky is getting darker...

Konoha's night was particularly gloomy today, and the huge moon seemed to be shrouded in a faint blood light. Several figures in Konoha's death forest chased each other, and the explosion of the detonating talisman caused bursts of thick smoke.

At this moment, another black figure flashed past, standing far away from the periphery of the battlefield: "Oh, I am late, it seems that I remembered wrongly, Danzo has already used Izanagi to get the Distinguished Heavenly Gods."

The one who spoke was Naruto who sneaked out from home. He wanted to take advantage of Danzo's capture of Shisui Distinguished Heavenly Gods with a horizontal cross, but he did not expect that he had misremembered the capture time. Shisui's right eye had already been taken by Danzo.

"Oh, it seems that this trip is going to be wasted again. It's rare that I'm in the mood to come out." Naruto said helplessly.

Suddenly, a few kunai flew out from behind and shot at Naruto. Naruto shook his head a few times, and the kunai flew past Naruto's face and stuck deeply in the big tree behind him.

"Who are you?" I saw an old man with bandaged head and right hand slowly walking out from behind a big tree behind Naruto, staring at Naruto closely with one eye.

Naruto shook his head innocently. Wasn't it a lot of effort? He was worried that he wouldn't be able to get the Distinguished Heavenly Gods, so he sent them to his door by himself: "My name is Luffy, a man who swears to become the Bandit King!"

After that, he took out a kunai and rushed towards Danzo. Danzo narrowed his left eye slightly, "So fast!" Naruto on the way disappeared from Danzo's field of vision with a swish, "So fast!" Danzo was startled, Danzo jumped back in an instant, and Naruto, covered in lightning, appeared where Danzo was standing.

"Lightning Style armor! You are from Cloud Shinobi!" Danzo was shocked, and Naruto smiled: "No, don't talk nonsense, I am King Luffy, the man who will become One Piece~" He opened the Fifth Inner Gates of Eight Inner Gates Gate Dumen, Naruto's speed was more than doubled in an instant, and appeared behind Danzo in an instant.

Cough~ Danzo looked at the hand stretched out from behind and spat out a mouthful of blood: "Who the hell are you!"

"I've said it all, my name is Wang Luffy, and I'm the man who will become One Piece" Naruto chuckled.

"You don't want to say even my dying wish, just now you said that you are the bandit king!" Danzo couldn't help coughing up blood again.

"Oh, don't worry about these details." Naruto took out the sealing scroll that sealed Shisui's right eye from Danzo, "Distinguished Heavenly Gods, here it is~"

At this moment, Danzo's dying figure slowly disappeared like a bubble, and appeared behind Naruto. With a swish sound, a handful of kunai penetrated Naruto's body: "Little devil, you still have a lot to learn."

"Really?" Naruto smiled slightly at the corner of his bleeding mouth, and with a bang, his figure turned into a puff of smoke, and a wooden stake appeared on the spot.

"Impossible! You don't have time to seal!" Danzo exclaimed.

"Then, I accept Sharingan. Goodbye, my dear Lord Danzo." Naruto grinned at Danzo: "Remember, Olewa Luffy, the man who became One Piece!"

"Baga! Stop!" Under the watchful eyes of Danzo who was furious, Naruto disappeared in front of his eyes with a swish.

"Damn it!" Danzo gritted his teeth angrily, at this moment several figures whoosh, knelt down in front of Danzo. It was before going after Shisui's roots, "Did the Distinguished Heavenly Gods get it?" Danzo asked.

"Sorry! Master Danzo, the subordinate is incompetent, Shisui was rescued!" said the root member in white robe.

"Trash!" Danzo roared angrily: "Tomorrow, we will send people to Cloud Shinobi Village to find a ninja named Wang Luffy, a pure body jutsu ninja whose strength is around Elite Jōnin! I must find him!!"

On the other hand, Shisui, who was rescued by Uchiha Itachi, was disheartened: "I originally wanted to use the Distinguished Heavenly Gods to stop the coup in the group, but I didn't expect Danzo to want to take away my Mangekyō ability. Now that I am in Konoha There is no place to stay, Danzo will definitely beat him back, and Danzo has always wanted to destroy the Uchiha clan. I have no way to change the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the village. The rest is up to you, Itachi, I give this eye to Here it is, I hope you can use it to perpetuate our will. Finally, I am sending you a farewell gift!"

Shisui gave Itachi the mind-altering Distinguished Heavenly Gods Mangekyō Sharingan, and jumped off the cliff.

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