I! Naruto! A Man Who Aspires To Be Hokage!

Chapter 230 Mud Play Guy! 【Second Watch

"Hey! Naruto!" Fourth Generation said helplessly to Naruto in front of him, "Stop playing!"

"Play?!" All the coalition forces looked at this doomsday-like venue with a confused face.

Naruto walked slowly to Hashirama and the others: "Wood Style- Wood Clone Technique!"

An identical Naruto appears slowly!

"Already marked?" Naruto Wood Clone looked at Minato and asked.

"Hi!" Minato put one hand on Naruto's Wood Clone and the other on Tobirama.

"The so-called strike first, you are really fast enough." Tobirama clasped his hands and praised, "So you just use a clone?!"

"Enough." Naruto's Wood Clone lazily said, "Let's get started!"

In an instant, the four Naruto appeared at the four corners of Ten Tails: "Ninja! Four Red Yang Formation!"

A red enchantment stood upright around the corner of several people.

"It's not over yet!" Hashirama sipped lightly: "Sage Art-Myojinmon! Close"

Suddenly, ten red torii gates fell from the sky and directly pressed Ten Tails' tails underneath.

"Seal ten!" Hashirama sipped again.

Another torii fell and smashed Ten Tails' head wolf 11 to the ground!

Ten Tails Chakra suddenly ran sluggishly, struggling back and forth.

"Red enchantment?!" "It is said that he is dozens of times stronger than the four purple flame formations. Without four Hokage-level ninjas, this enchantment cannot be cast!"


Ten Tails howls in the enchantment!

The fireworks in Ten Tails' mouth gathered the giant Tailed Beast Bomb again and rushed towards the barrier!

"Nani?!" "That trick again!" "Won't the barrier break?" "He wants to destroy the barrier!"

There was a voice of worry from the coalition forces.

The corners of Naruto's four mouths twitched, revealing contemptuous smiles.


A huge explosion came from within the barrier!

The soaring pillar of fire rushed to the sky along the barrier!

"Great! It's protected!" Everyone was overjoyed, "It's such a strong barrier, it can't even be broken by that move!"

"Hey~ Look everyone!" Everyone looked into the barrier, "Ten Tails blasted me!"

"Haha! Bastard Ten Tails, eat your own bitterness!"

"This is not a simple enchantment." The corner of Hashirama's mouth twitched, revealing an evil smile.

"It's amazing! The former Hokages are so powerful!" "By the way, why hasn't the Third Hokage come yet?" "Who knows, anyway, it doesn't matter if that weak chicken comes or not.

Uchiha clan land.

"Great Fireball! Susanoo! Thousand Years of Death!" Accompanied by Sasuke's roar, a howl came out...

"Wood Style- Wood Clone!" Suddenly several figures flew out from Hashirama, "I'll open the door for everyone on the enchantment, Yoshi! Follow me!"

"`o! Aww~~!" A group of people howled and rushed forward.

One of Hashirama's Wood Clone came to Uchiha Madara: "Come on, I kept you waiting, Madara! Let me compete with you!"

"No," Uchiha Madara slowly put down the flame fan and sat on the ground, "The avatar is too boring, I'll wait for your main body to come over.

"How about I join in the fun?" Naruto suddenly appeared in front of Madara and said.

"..." Madara: "Mudza Guy!"

Just when the coalition forces were about to rush into the barrier of the four red flame formations, a figure blocked the coalition forces.

"What's wrong? Naruto?" Hashirama's clone looked at the figure and asked.

"It's nothing." Naruto turned his head and smiled, "I'll do this guy myself."

"Nani?!" Hashirama was startled, "This is..."

Naruto pulled out the Zanpakutō in his hand and slowly walked into the barrier, only to see that the Wood Clone maintaining the barrier formed a seal, and the entrance of the four red flame formations slowly closed.

"Nani?!" Hashirama was taken aback, "How can you control the Four Red Flame Formation?"

Wood Clone chuckled: "Your wife taught you."

Hashirama: "???"

Naruto slowly stepped into the formation of four red flames.

"Hey! Naruto!" everyone shouted worriedly.

Seeing Naruto walking into the barrier, Ten Tails should have felt a strong sense of crisis. A large number of split bodies fell from the main body, howling and rushing towards Naruto!

Everyone looked worriedly at the splinters with strange shapes from small to large in front of them, probably tens of thousands of them.

"Hey! That's a lot!" Shikamaru shouted, "Hurry up and open the barrier, let us help you!"

Naruto didn't speak, turned his head and smiled, the Mangekyō in his eyes rotated slowly, and virtual Chakra meridians appeared above his head!

Countless kinds of ninjutsu swept out!

The Zanpakutō in his hand slowly turned into pitch black! With a wave of his hand, a huge Slash Wave went straight to the Ten Tails, cutting countless split bodies!

"True! As long as I don't shout it out, I use the flat a Technique!"

Naruto walked leisurely inside the barrier, and everyone outside the barrier was stunned!

Madara felt palpitations in her heart, and the figure sitting on the ground condensed desperately. Chakra didn't know what he was doing.

As Naruto approached slowly, the huge Ten Tails struggled frantically, trying to stay away from this terrifying existence!

"Die!" Standing in front of Ten Tails, Naruto raised his Zanpakutō, "Emission!"

The black and red rays of light flowed on the blade.

"One-shot style!" Naruto slowly made a gesture, "Ghost!

The huge sword energy surged hundreds of meters and cut towards Ten Tails from top to bottom!

"Don't!" Madara yelled loudly in shock, and then Madara sealed her seal suddenly!

There was a sudden scream from the barrier, and Obito, whose half of the body was controlled by Black Zetsu, suddenly appeared, and his hands quickly formed seals.

"Come on Obito! It's time for you to repay your favor!" Madara yelled frantically.

"Nani?!" Madara suddenly looked into the barrier in disbelief.

I saw that the huge Ten Tails suddenly shrunk and dodged 927 slashes, and all retracted into Obito's body!

"Six Paths Ten Tails coffin!"


The huge slash directly missed the slash above the red four-red flame formation enchantment!

The barrier shattered!

Obito's figure was directly wrapped by Ten Tails into a white sphere suspended in the air.

Madara breathed a sigh of relief and sat down slowly. Although the original intention was to let Obito use the Rinne Tensei Technique, Obito did not expect that Obito would keep a hand for himself, but he finally kept Ten Tails, which is not the worst situation!

The egg-shaped sphere floating in the air slowly peeled off, and a figure floated in the air.

I saw Obito was white all over, with thorns on his back, nine Tomoe tattoos appeared behind him, and his figure was still floating in the air without using ninjutsu...

All the ninja soldiers stared at the huge Ten Tails that disappeared: "Ten Tails disappeared?" "What's going on? Did you kill it?"

"That's..." The Fourth Generation looked forward solemnly.

"Unmistakable, big brother!" Tobirama frowned.

"It's not good!" Hashirama slowly formed his handprints, "This is...

"Ten Tails Jinchūriki!!" Hashirama said confidently.

Obito turned his head, glanced at Naruto indifferently, and then looked at his twin tails.

Feather-like white fragments slowly fall in the sky, and Obito's style of painting suddenly changes, full of force!.

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