I! Naruto! A Man Who Aspires To Be Hokage!

Chapter 16 Konoha Shinobi School Truant Group Of Four 【Ask For Flowers】

The next day, Naruto, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a rapid knock on the door. Naruto stretched himself, removed the feet covering his face, and walked to the door yawning.

As soon as the door opened, Third Generation's kind old face appeared in front of Naruto: "Naruto, why didn't you go to school yesterday..." Before he finished speaking, Third Generation saw Uchiha Izumi stretching after being woken up, Third Generation's pupils shrank, and a look of horror flashed across his face.

Naruto stood between the eyes of Third Generation and Izumi calmly, and said lazily, "What, it's Grandpa Third Generation, I was too tired yesterday, and I forgot that I had already gone to school..."

Third Generation asked Naruto calmly, "Naruto, is she?"

"Oh, I picked it up. It was on the night of the school bonfire party. I saw her fainted on the side of a street. It took a lot of effort to move her here." Naruto said in a voice that Quanmei could hear arrive.

At this moment, the sleepy Izumi finally came to her senses, looking at the mastermind behind Uchiha's genocide, a flash of resentment flashed in her eyes, she lowered her head and walked in front of Third Generation: "Master Hokage."

Third Generation hummed, and said in an excited tone: "I didn't expect that the Uchiha clan still has a survivor. This is really great."

"Master Hokage, we Uchiha clan..." Izumi asked with her head down.

"Oh, I thought Uchiha Sasuke was the only survivor of the Uchiha clan." Third Generation said with a sad face, "I didn't expect you to be saved by Naruto."

After finishing speaking, Third Generation sighed hypocritically.

Although she had guessed the outline of the matter from Naruto, Quanmei still shook her body, with an unconcealable grief on her face.

"Konoha is a little bit uneasy these days, especially in the Uchiha tribe. Don't go back and live here. Now I have a task for you. You should stay here with Naruto for a while. You are responsible for taking care of his daily life." Third Generation smiled He glanced at Naruto and Izumi Mimichi.

"Really, Grandpa Third Generation! Then I will have friends!" Naruto pretended to be excited.

"Yes! Sir Third Generation." Quan Mei replied with her head down.

"Naruto, since you have passed the entrance examination, you have to go to school to study hard!" Third Generation said seriously to Naruto after explaining: "Otherwise, it is impossible to give compassionate money to those who have not contributed to Konoha."

"Okay, Grandpa Third Generation." Naruto replied with narrowed eyes.

Hearing Naruto's answer, Third Generation turned and walked out.

Third Generation walked to an alley near Naruto's house, and a figure appeared beside Third Generation in an instant.

"Did anything happen around Naruto these two days?" Third Generation asked.

"Report Hokage-sama, on the way Naruto came home from school the day before yesterday, a person with a whirlpool mask bound Uchiha Izumi appeared. When our Anbu appeared with Naruto, he left Uchiha Izumi and withdrew." Cat face Anbu Speaking of.

"Hmph! Report to me any time you like this in the future!" Third Generation said in displeasure.

"Hi!" Anbu with the cat face disappeared beside Third Generation in an instant.

Then Third Generation murmured: "Uchiha Izumi, Itachi, it seems that besides younger brother, you have another weakness that we discovered."

On the other side, Naruto said to Quanmei: "How about it, do you still have any thoughts about Third Hokage?"

Uchiha Izumi kept her head down and said nothing.

"You can rest at home, there is food in the refrigerator, don't go out these few days." Naruto said to Izumi, "As the only survivor of Uchiha on the surface, it is quite rare for some people. Wait for this time to pass Say it again."

"Are you talking face-to-face?!" Izumi was startled, "Are there any other people in Uchiha?"

"Hey," Naruto smiled, "Haven't you seen it before?"

Naruto didn't say much: "I'm still a child, do something that a child should do, you rest more."

"What's the matter?" Quanmei asked puzzled.

"Go to school!" Naruto said angrily.

Izumi was stunned, are you kidding me, you are a one-on-one Elite Jōnin and you still have to go to ninja school? !

Regardless of Izumi who was in a daze, Naruto walked out of the house happily, and the Uchiha genocide finally came to an end. Although it did not completely change the plot of the original work, it finally made up for the regrets of watching anime in the previous life.

Naruto held his head, swayed and walked on the way to the ninja school. If the people in the previous life saw it, they would definitely call him an expert, what kind of street trickster! So personable!

I sang the nursery rhyme I used to go to school: "The sun is shining in the sky, the flowers are smiling at me, the little bird is saying early, why are you carrying the explosives on your back? When I looked back, the school was gone~"

"Hey, Naruto." A lazy voice came from the corner of the street. Naruto turned his head and saw a kid with a pineapple head, who was greeting him. It was Nara Shikamaru.

"Hey, it's you, Pineapple Head." Naruto greeted, "You're late, you know, and you're still wandering around here! Be careful that Master Hokage will fire you."

"Bastard brat, you're not the same!" A voice came from behind Shikamaru, and the red hedgehog head painted on his face shouted at Naruto, who was followed by Inuzuka Fang.

"You don't understand, I want to be a Hokage man, have you ever seen a Hokage man go to a Jōnin school?" Naruto said indifferently.

"Asshole! I'm the one who wants to be Hokage! Just because you want to compete with me?!" Inuzuka teeth yelled.

"Should we still go to school?" A simple and honest voice came, and a fat man came behind him, followed by Akimichi Chōji and Aburame Shino, wearing sunglasses and covering their faces.

So far, the Konoha Shinobi school truancy four-member team has arrived.

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