The first meeting between Bailiyuan and the top ten leaders of the Demon King Sect... unexpectedly went smoothly.

In addition to confirming Baili Yuan's leadership position in the Demon King Sect, this meeting also confirmed the first thing that needs to be done, which is to bring back the last piece of the Demon King's body.

This matter was handed over by Bailiyuan to Commander Waterfake.

After the meeting, Bailiyuan sent Sylphia away, and then met with Yuexuan alone.

Yue Xuan also knew that Baili Yuan wanted to see him, so Yue Xuan did not leave in a hurry.

In the room, Yue Xuan and Baili Yuan looked at each other.

A feeling of meeting fellow villagers.

"How did you do it?" Yue Xuan asked.

"I also want to ask how you did it. Nine out of ten commanders are actually spies of the world of heraldry?"

"A lot of things have happened, but we are not in the same group, and there is also a competitive relationship. Okay, let's talk about why you became the devil first."

Bailiyuan shrugged.

"Of course it's because I'm handsome!"


"Well, in fact, the high priest brought people to make trouble, and then it fell into my hands. I accidentally distorted her beliefs, and then she regarded me as a demon king and brought me back to inherit the throne. Actually, to be honest, I really didn’t mean to.”

"Twisting belief?" Yue Xuan narrowed his eyes.

"you know?"

Yue Xuan nodded, but didn't say much.

"What about the devil king, where are those remains?"

"I used it as fertilizer."


Yue Xuan showed a "you're kidding me" expression.

Bailiyuan shrugged.

"It's true that the devil's body is not easy to destroy, but I happen to have a solution in my hand. Look at this..." Baili Yuan took out the crystal of the law of darkness, "This is what I got from the devil's body. purified."

Yue Xuan felt the power in the crystal, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

"Has the body of the Demon King been destroyed?"

"Well, so the Demon King can't be resurrected."


Yue Xuan suddenly felt melancholy.

"Do you know why we sneak into the Demon King's feet?"

"Why? Wait, isn't your target the Demon King?"

"It's not just the devil, but our mission is to prevent the resurrection of the devil, but we didn't expect this to happen."

Soon, Yue Xuan also told the story of them and the Demon King Sect.

At the beginning, the traces of the Demon King Cult were discovered because of two things. One thing was that on the battlefield of the Holy Vals Empire, the coat of arms made people in the world discover that the war was being controlled by people behind the scenes when they helped the Holy Vals Empire to solve the war problem. Promoted, the second thing is on the news of collecting artifacts and magic weapons, the coat of arms made people in the world discover that the artifacts sealed the demon king, and then discovered that someone was also collecting artifacts and magic weapons.

When these two things were compared with each other, the people who made the coat of arms discovered that there was a dark organization in the dark part of the mainland.

It is another matter to formally contact the Demon King Sect.

"Do you know the identity of the High Priest?"

"Sylphia's identity?"

Yue Xuan nodded.

"Actually, she is the eldest princess of the Holy Vals Empire!"


"Actually, the eldest princess in the Holy Vals Empire is a fake. She controls a person who is exactly like her." Yue Xuan said a surprising news.

"After it was determined that someone was behind the war, the war in the Holy Vals Empire became more and more weird. When we sorted out the reasons for the war in the Holy Vals Empire, we found that there was nothing strange about this war, although some people Pushed for war, but that man left no trace."

"what does that mean?"

Yue Xuan lowered his head.

"In other words, the driving force behind it is one of the participants in this war! Then we spent a lot of manpower and material resources to investigate one by one, from the royal family to the ministers and generals, and finally found the problem."

"Wait, they let you check?"

"This is because we are secretly investigating, and there is also the support of the Holy Emperor Vals. This generation of emperors is a very ambitious person. The world is not so friendly, but an attitude of taking advantage of it, and the emperor also knows that this war is a bit strange, so he is happy to see us against each other, and to put it bluntly, he hopes that we will bite dogs." Yue Xuan's eyes were rare There was a mocking look.

Bailiyuan also remembered that Andy once told him that the big forces in this world were not so friendly to the world of heraldry.

However, according to Bailiyuan's understanding, the fighting power of this world seems to be inferior to that of the world of coat of arms. After all, the human beings in the world of coat of arms are not the strongest race, they can only be regarded as one of them.

The coat of arms makes the world willing to communicate with other worlds, but it does not mean that it will become a stepping stone for the other world.

Although the emperor of the Holy Vals Empire is very ambitious and has enough strategies, he is only limited to this world.

Yue Xuan continued to speak.

"Then we conducted a DNA test on the royal family to make sure that there were no enemies mixed into the royal family, and then found that the eldest princess was not the biological flesh and blood of the Holy Vals Empire."

"What?" Bailiyuan was taken aback.

"The identified person is a double. We did not inform the royal family of the Holy Vals Empire about this matter, but secretly investigated and found that the eldest princess turned out to be a double, and the real eldest princess is not only not an ordinary person, but behind the scenes He also runs a huge organization, and this organization is the Demon King Sect!"

Yue Xuan paused for a while, giving Baili Yuan time to absorb.

"We took this as a breakthrough, found the traces of the Demon King's Cult, and successfully broke into the Demon King's Cult. The Demon King's Cult has always been hidden in the shadow of the Holy Vals Empire, absorbing nutrients like blood-sucking insects, and then expanding to other countries. After a period of understanding, we made a new plan."

"That is to occupy the Demon King Cult, collect artifacts and magic weapons, and at the same time prevent the resurrection of the Devil King. When we first came to this world, we officially launched an attack. The high priest with two magic weapons is not moving, so we will The target was placed on the ten commanders, and we paid a lot of money, and even two great heraldic envoys were seriously injured, so we opened up the current situation."

"Are conflicts so easy to provoke?" Baili Yuan asked.

"Actually, there are conflicts between them. It can be said that in this demon king's religion, except for the high priest and the forces controlled by her, everyone else is not an absolute pure believer. They all have their own interests and goals, but they don't It’s all about people making troubles, as long as someone provokes the flames of war, then everything will go smoothly.”

"Then why did you keep one?" Baili Yuan asked suspiciously.

"Because..." Yue Xuan paused.

"At that time, the commander was not in the Demon King's Cult, but was looking for the last piece of the Demon King's body, so he escaped unharmed, and he still had a magic weapon in his hand, but it didn't affect anything."

"The other magic weapon..."

"Two magic weapons have been brought back to the world of coat of arms. Unfortunately, there is no share for Yuncheng College."

Bailiyuan nodded, probably he didn't grab it, and sure enough, I still have to lead him to fly.

"By the way, what happened to your eyes? Why did they turn red?" Yue Xuan asked suddenly.

"Oh, you said this. This is a new ability I have recently mastered. It can change colors. Look... red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple...the LEDs are shining!"


Yue Xuan covered his eyes, Baili Yuan's glasses made him a little dazzled.

"You write a report of your experience to me, and I will report it later, and you don't need to write in the good things you get, it belongs to our Yuncheng College."

"Oh well."

Bailiyuan had no objection.


Why do good things belong to Yuncheng College?

Because Bailiyuan belongs to Yuncheng College!

Yuncheng College belongs to Andy!

Andy belongs to my Bailiyuan!

That's it.

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