Everyone in Pava City also saw this scene, and they didn't understand it very well, but there was a look of hope in their eyes.

The four members of the brave team also watched this scene in disbelief.

"This is not the shield warrior skill I taught." Rudolph said with trembling lips.

"Yuanen, don't lose!" Fino shouted.

Everyone else silently sent blessings.

Ang and Sina both opened their mouths.

The city lord and Father Nicholas, who were closest to the city wall, looked at the city wall in front of them, and their eyes grew.

"This is... the skill of a shield warrior?" the city lord said in disbelief.

"There is such a strong belief in it, wait, this pure divine power and light power, God, is he the Son of God?" Godfather Nicholas was even more shocked.

As the godfather of the Holy See, Godfather Nicholas naturally saw the sacred power contained in it, and he had never seen such pure holy power, even the Pope could not compare it.

"Nicholas, who the hell is he?" the city lord asked.

Godfather Nicholas opened his mouth, and finally choked out a few words.

"He's the...cook of the brave team. The prophet said it himself when he contacted the Holy See headquarters yesterday."

"Cook? I can go to Nima's cook! Your cook is so dick?"

"Don't tell me, ask the prophet."


Bailiyuan naturally knew what was going on with the city wall behind him.

That was the ability of the image of will, but it was not used by Baili Yuan himself, but the image of will inspired by the will in the Radiance Shield through Baili Yuan's body.

The huge city wall represents protection.

It can also be seen how many beliefs of guardianship there are in the shield of guardianship.

Bailiyuan stood on the ground, looking at the army of undead in front of him, the corners of his mouth curled up, his back straightened, and he put one hand on the shield.

"Caroline, am I handsome?"


Are you still in shape at this time?

However, the two figures behind the undead army were not in such a good mood at this time.

"What's that?" the black-robed woman shouted.

"No... I don't know..." the Necromancer whispered.

"Let the undead army rush over, tear him apart, and destroy that city wall!"

"Yes Yes……"

Then the undead army launched a charge again.

Although the first wave of the undead army has been gasified by the divine power, the subsequent undead army has no fear at all, and this time the undead army seems to have part of the undead army wanting to bypass Bailiyuan and the city wall behind him because of the previous incident. .

Bailiyuan narrowed his eyes.

"Then, let's show you the power of guardianship!"

There was light on the city wall, which was the fort hidden behind the parapet.

"Bloom, beat the enemy!"

White cannonballs were fired one after another and fell into the army of undead. There was a roar, and a large number of undead disappeared in the explosion of the cannonballs.

At this time, it seemed to have become a tragic battlefield.

The undead army that came on the attack has already guarded the Baili edge of the city wall.

Only a few undead rushed to the vicinity of the city wall, but were then wiped out by the lit holy power.

What is a natural disaster?

It is an irresistible disaster.

Undead are no longer dropped from the magic circle that launches the undead disaster, but a more powerful force emerges.

Baili Yuan's face was serious.


Although it is not difficult to maintain this state because of the shining shield, if possible, Bailiyuan might be able to maintain it for a day, but there is an upper limit to the state at this time.

Bailiyuan knew that the current state could not face the legendary level.

It wasn't that the Radiance Shield wasn't strong, nor was it that the Image of Will was weak, but that Baili Yuan's own strength limited his display of strength.

But in this case, Bailiyuan's own strength was also strengthened to the limit that he could bear.

Half-step big coat of arms makes pinnacle! Platinum level pinnacle!

And on top of this, there is a barrier, which cannot be broken through by simple power superposition.

Bailiyuan also has a deeper understanding of the matter of breaking through to the diamond level.

Although Bailiyuan can temporarily possess diamond-level strength through a special form, it is only in a special state and cannot last for a long time. In that short period of time, Bailiyuan cannot deeply understand the specific situation of diamond-level strength.

In other words, Bailiyuan can temporarily possess diamond-level power, and even use other powers to kill stronger colorful-level enemies, but he can't explain exactly what the diamond-level or colorful-level is. up.

Baili Yuan had a hunch that if he broke through to the diamond level in his human body, his special forms would definitely change.

But at present, it is only the state of the human body that has reached its peak. If it is after transformation and then accepting such a blessing...

However, the enemy still needs to be dealt with now.

"In this case, let's finally use the power of this city wall."

The city wall behind Baili Yuan suddenly lit up with light.

"Break it!"

With a low shout, the city wall shattered, but it turned into light rain that fell all over the sky, and in the light rain were bricks that had been decomposed from the city wall.

As the bricks fell, the undead creatures on the ground were wiped out by the divine power.

In the end, the army of undead disappeared, leaving behind a pitted battlefield.

"Did you win?"

"Very good!"

"Long live!"


But Bailiyuan didn't feel any happy feeling, and the same was true for those who knew the specific situation.

"Yuanen, next..." Godfather Nicholas said.

"I know." Baili Yuan waved his hand, then pulled out the shield on the ground and held it in his hand.

A terrifying coercion suddenly appeared.

Five figures slowly appeared from the magic circle.

The woman in black robe looked at the situation of the magic circle and smiled again.

"This time, it's up to you!" The black-robed woman naturally saw the upper limit of Baili Yuan's strength.

Bailiyuan looked at the five figures that appeared in the magic circle.

Skeleton Mage!

Crypt Lord!

Death Lich!

headless rider!


Without exception, they are all legendary.

When the people in the city saw the appearance of five legendary undead creatures, they became quiet again.

After the five legendary-level undead creatures glanced at the necromancer and the black-robed woman who had summoned them, their bodies froze.

After all, the coercion of five legendary undead creatures was quite stressful for the two of them.

But soon the five undead creatures turned their attention to Pava City.

Then five legendary undead creatures flew in the direction of Pava City.

Legendary level is able to fly, even undead creatures are the same!

"It's over." The city lord's lips trembled a little, "Godfather Nicholas, there is still time to pray to me."

"Shut up!" Godfather Nicholas scolded the Santo, and then looked at Yuanen.

"Yuanen, let's go, the five legendary undead creatures are not so easy to deal with, you have tried your best, we will not blame you."

Godfather Nicholas said, and his words were also transmitted to the ears of other people in the city through the images in the city.

Father Nicholas glanced at the Santo.

The sound can be transmitted, which is naturally controlled by the city owner, and the controller of the image in the city is in the hands of the city owner.

"That's right, your name is Yuanen, right? You're a very nice young man. We were cheated by the enemy this time, and it's also my dereliction of duty as the city lord. Haha, but I hope you can live, and then, in the future, we will help you Revenge! But I guess other people in the city will scold me after they die." The city lord said, he did this naturally to tell everyone about the current situation and what "Yuanen" has done his best.

The purpose of doing this is that he hopes that the people in Pava City will not blame "Yuan En", and also hopes that "Yuan En" will not have too much psychological pressure and can leave rationally.

"As the city lord of Pava City, I declare that Yuan En will always be our friend of Pava City, even if Pava City is destroyed!" The city lord said every word.

However, Bailiyuan looked up at the five flying undead creatures.

"Actually, my real name is Bailiyuan."

Then, under everyone's gaze, Ezreal's appearance was shattered, and the light lit up.

The backtracking body is lifted!

Adult form!

The body of Baili Yuan, who had turned into his original adult appearance, shone with light.

Power gushed out from Baili Yuan's body.

The strength accumulated during this period of time in the backtracking body exploded together.

Then, under the incredulous eyes of everyone, a pair of wings spread out from behind Baili Yuan.

Wings of humility!

My Bailiyuan can fly too!

Godfather Nicholas almost stood up from the ground because of excitement, but his face still turned red.


Father Nicholas felt his tongue get tied.

At this time, Bailiyuan's appearance was very similar to the faceless statue that had been enshrined in the church. No, it should be said that in the hearts of many people in Pava City, they were exactly the same.


Flapping its wings, Bailiyuan rushed into the sky with the shield.

Before the five undead creatures could react, Bailiyuan rushed to them.

Rabbit spell!

Baili Yuan came to the Skeleton Mage and slammed down the shield in his hand.


The skeleton mage was directly smashed to the ground.

"It feels so good to hit people with a shield."

However, although the skeleton mage was smashed to the ground by Bailiyuan, he did not cause fatal damage except for the damage to him from the sacred power, and the resistance of the legendary undead creatures to the divine power has also increased a lot.

The skeleton mage stood up again, and surrounded Bailiyuan with the remaining four undead creatures.

The strong sacred power and light power on Baili Yuan made them feel disgusted from instinct.

Although Bailiyuan was surrounded, he didn't panic.

"Caroline, am I handsome?"


The shield in Baili Yuan's hand lit up, and the power in Baili Yuan's body also surged.


A ray of sacred aura shot straight into the sky, piercing through this special space.

In the light, a huge figure appeared in everyone's sight.

Even without the help of images in the city, everyone can see clearly.

A little flustered, I found a bug.

Normally speaking, the legendary level and the great heraldry of another world are at the same level, they should both be diamond level, but some chapters are written as colorful level Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

A half-step legend should be platinum.

Notify now, and everything will change later.

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Others are fine.

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