I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 958: Pava City

"Although you know undead magic and many things, as long as you cook delicious food, you are someone I recognize and a close friend of my brave Fino." Fino said seriously to Bailiyuan.

After a meal, Bailiyuan's status in Fino's heart has changed from a teammate to a close friend.

Seeing Fino's serious look, Bailiyuan began to think.

"Could this be the correct strategy for Fino... Wait, why should I attack her?"

"The discovery of the Necromancer can't just be left alone, we have to tell other people about it," Longte said.

"Let's go to Pava City. There is a church there. You can contact the Holy See headquarters through the Holy See's magic network. It is the most powerful city nearby, and only there has the strength to solve the necromancer matter." Reiner said.

Rudolph nodded, and then looked at Bailiyuan.

"Yuanen, it's better not to show undead magic outside."

"Okay, I understand." Bailiyuan had learned from Longte before what undead magic represented in this world.

It was even worse than what Baili Yuan had imagined. If it wasn't for the other members of the Brave Team who had their own judgments and encountered some people with a strong sense of justice, they might have to fight Baili Yuan now.

Two days later, the five crossed the forest.

Although there was no danger along the way, the dead silence in the forest made the five of them feel extremely heavy, and a feeling that a storm was coming hit Baili Yuan's heart.

It wasn't until they saw Pava City that the hearts of the five people relaxed a lot.

Pava City is worthy of being a city of skills. The city wall is not thick and square, but round. It looks like an artistic feeling, but its defense ability is not weak at all.

Pava City is also very lively, the faces of people coming and going are full of vitality, the buildings are more refined and gorgeous, a magic tower stands in the center of the city, music is played on the streets, and various statues and artworks are placed Placed in the center and on both sides of the street, flowers are placed on both sides of the road, people and vehicles are walking on the wide and clean streets, and the whole city is full of a pleasant atmosphere.

This was something Bailiyuan had never seen since he came to this world, and it made people's eyes shine.

Compared with others, other towns seem to be somewhat backward areas.

"Haha, Pava City is really a good place." Rudolph laughed, he could already smell a stronger aroma of wine.

"There are more than 100,000 people in Pava City. It is very lively and interesting." Longte said.

"Do you want to go directly to the church here?" Reiner asked.

"I'm going to play!" Fino said.

"Brave, we should report first, and it's not too late for us to play after the report." Reiner persuaded.

Fino hesitated.

"All right."

"I won't go for the report, I'll look for my comrades." Rudolph said with a smile, he said that his battle seemed to open a hotel here.

"I'm not going either, I'll go to the Magic Tower in the center of the city." Longte pointed to the Magic Tower standing in the center of Pava City.

"Magic Tower?" Baili Yuan was a little puzzled.

Long pointed nodded.

"Professionals in Pava City are not strong in fighting power, but they are safe enough. That magic tower is one of the reasons. It is one of the highest achievements in Pava City. It is said that if it is activated regardless of consumption, it can even kill legendary level monsters." Strong, I want to go and see."

Bailiyuan understood, and then scratched his head.

"I'll take a stroll here first and then talk about it."

"Well, let's split up into four groups, and finally go to the church to assemble." Rudolph said.

Everyone else agreed.

Because of Fino's identity, the church is the safest place.

Necromancers appeared outside the city, making people feel that the city is not so safe.

After they separated, Bailiyuan walked on the street alone.

A little thought, theoretical analysis...

"There may be a problem with Pava City." Baili Yuan said.

Caroline agreed with Bailiyuan's words.

Although there is no evidence, Pava City does make people care.

Finding a small alley, Bailiyuan directly released a group of small scouting robots and began to investigate quietly in the city.

Then, Bailiyuan began to wander around the city, feeling the style of Pava City.

Although this world is in the style of the Middle Ages, many places have their own characteristics, such as big sisters, wives, lolis walking on the street... Ahem, the people here are still very good-looking.

But is Bailiyuan such a superficial person?

How can it be!

In fact, Bailiyuan wanted to make a judgment based on the conditions of the people in the city.

Bailiyuan has also seen many people in this world, but the people in Pava City, regardless of gender, old or young, have a kind of temperament that people in other towns do not have. If I want to describe it, it is probably the breath of a craftsman Bar.

Suddenly someone greeted Bailiyuan.

It's a loli.

Bailiyuan looked at the sweet loli in front of him, and felt that if she was more than ten or twenty years older, she might make him happier.

"Well, big brother, can you let me draw a picture?" Little Lolita asked timidly.

Bailiyuan looked up, and there was an easel not far away, a little boy was standing there, looking at Lori standing in front of him, his eyes were a little dodged, he was worried but didn't want to look .

"Well, I can give big brother candy as a reward." Little Loli stretched out her hand, with a candy in her palm.

"Then I won't be polite." Bailiyuan took the candy from the little Lolita, and then agreed to let the little Lolita draw for him.

Nowhere else would children have the opportunity to learn to draw.

As for why he accepted sweets from the little loli... Who is not a child?

Sitting on the chair, little Loli held the paintbrush and began to draw a picture for Baili Yuan, with a serious face, which made people feel like a big kid.

The little boy stood by and kept wiping the dagger in his hand.

"Your sister?" Baili Yuan asked the little boy.

"No, my neighbor's child, she came out to draw, and my mother asked me to be her bodyguard, but how can something happen in Pava City, it's a waste of time here." The little boy said a little angrily.

However, the little boy had no intention of leaving.

Bailiyuan smiled.

Zhengtai, your expression just now is not like this.

"This may be the legendary integrity of mouth and body." Caroline commented rarely.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"What do you want to do in the future? You've been wiping daggers all this time... What career do you want to do?" Baili Yuan asked.

"Soldier!" said the little boy.

Bailiyuan was a little surprised. The child in Pava City said that it was easier to accept people who were skilled professionals. I didn't expect this boy to want to be a combat professional.

"But warriors don't use daggers."

"My mother won't buy me a sword, so I can only afford a dagger, but I have already made my own wooden sword, but I believe that when I grow up, I will be able to afford my own long sword." Xiao said the boy.

"By the way, are you an adventurer? Tell me the story of your adventure." The little boy said with bright eyes.

"Okay then, let me tell you the story of my battle against the evil dragon..."

"I've heard this kind of story a lot. Now there are no evil dragons on the mainland, and every day, nine out of ten people in the tavern say that they have killed a dragon. I just want to hear your real experience."

"Then let me tell you about my battle against the Necromancer two days ago..."

"That's the story that the remaining one of the ten people in the tavern told."

Baili Yuan opened his mouth, his lips trembling.

Come on!

"Then let me tell you the story of my wit fighting slimes..."

"This is good!" The little boy's eyes lit up.


While chatting, the day passed slowly.

Scouting bots didn't find anything problematic in the city either.

When the evening was approaching, Bailiyuan also saw the little Lolita's painting of herself.

Although he is not as handsome as his real self, he can tell that it is Baili Yuan, no, it should be Ezreal.

"Can I keep this painting?" Little Lolita asked.

"Of course, I have already received my reward." Baili Yuan threw the candy in his hand.

The little loli showed a look of surprise.

"Thank you so much."

Baili Yuan smiled, and then looked at Pava City, which had entered the night.

"It's a really nice city here."

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