I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 951 Change Job to Shield Battle

The sound of fighting rang in Baili Yuan's ears, and the flames of war burned all over him. For a moment, Baili Yuan felt as if he was on the battlefield.

"Yuan, Yuanen, Yuanen..."

A series of voices stunned Baili Yuan for a moment. He opened his eyes again and found that he was still standing there, holding the shield in his hand, and the light on his body disappeared.

The rest of the brave team surrounded Bailiyuan.

"Yuanen, how do you feel?" Fino asked curiously.

"If you guessed right about what happened just now, Yuanen should have accepted the inheritance of the Guardian Shield. Why, Yuanen, how do you feel?" Longte asked.

Bailiyuan recalled for a moment, and suddenly touched the guardian shield.


Glory egg +1


The others were confused, but Bailiyuan didn't explain.

Then, under everyone's gaze, the Guardian Shield glowed, then shrank continuously, and finally merged with the radiant bracelet on Baili Yuan's left wrist, turning into a bracelet with a shield shape, no, it should Said it was a glove, the shrunken shield protected the back of Baili Yuan's left hand.

On one side of the Brilliant Bracelet is a keystone, and the Guardian Shield is integrated into the Brilliant Bracelet, which changes the entire Brilliant Bracelet.

"It seems that you have completely controlled the guardian shield, can you still take it off?" Longte asked.

Give Baili Yuan a try, the small shield can be transformed back into a guardian shield, and it can be taken off the Brilliance Bracelet.

But Baili Yuan had another idea in his heart.

Bailiyuan sensed that the Guardian Shield is not temporarily attached to the Brilliant Bracelet, but is fused with the Brilliant Bracelet. In other words, the Guardian Shield with the Brilliant Bracelet is the complete Guardian Shield.

The consequence of this is that the effect of the Brilliance Bracelet has been improved, absorbing light to help Bailiyuan restore light faster, and through the Brilliance Bracelet, Bailiyuan can control the Guardian Shield, and the Guardian Shield has The effect of the power of the light system can be developed into many application methods.

The Guardian Shield is more appropriately called the Radiant Shield from now on.

"It's decided, it will be called Radiance Shield from now on."

Of course, others just thought that the Guardian Shield was controlled by Bailiyuan and attached to his own bracelet.

The protective shield was obtained by Baili Yuan, so the broken leg inserted by the protective shield naturally fell off.

Bailiyuan squatted down and picked up the broken leg.

"What about this leg?" Baili Yuan asked.

"It's impossible to throw it here." Rudolph scratched his head.

"I think I'll leave it to Yuan'en, I trust him, and he also has this strength." Reiner said suddenly.

Long pointed nodded.

"Indeed, Yuanen is the most powerful and has an artifact in his body. He is the most suitable person to keep a broken leg."

Fino and Rudolph had no objection.

Bailiyuan directly threw the broken leg into the disassembler, but in the eyes of others, Bailiyuan put the broken leg into the storage space.

But now they looked at Baili Yuan differently.

At first they thought that Bailiyuan was an ordinary spearman, but they didn't expect that he was a summoner, and he was also a legendary summoner. Then they found that the gun he was carrying was a divine weapon. After that, Bailiyuan It was actually recognized by the guardian shield, which in disguise shows that Bailiyuan is a person of high moral character and has a heart of protection, and it also shows that Bailiyuan may have experienced many things and has his own story.

This series of events cast a layer of mystery on Baili Yuan in the eyes of others.

But Bailiyuan was thinking about another thing.

"Do you want to change your job to shield battle?"

Until now, as an Ultraman, Bailiyuan has been in contact with summoner, mage, psychic, engineer, heraldry, ninja and other professions, and has mastered cooking, knife skills, sword skills, fighting, bow skills, etc. Professional skills, now holding Thorn Dragon Spear and Radiant Shield, these are two ways forward.

Thorn Dragon Spear might be handed over to Big Needle Bee, but Radiance Shield has already acknowledged Baili Yuan.

"So you have to start learning the moves of the shield warrior?"

Fortunately, someone can ask.

Bailiyuan looked at Ludolph, and Ludolph also looked at him, but Bailiyuan suddenly discovered that not only Ludolph, but other people were also looking at Bailiyun.

"What's wrong?" Baili Yuan was taken aback.

"Yuanen, are you listening to us? We are going to deal with the corpses here. If you leave them alone, there may be a plague. Your summoned beast can corrode the flesh, so we ask you to help." Fino said.


Bailiyuan was very worried that the big needle bee would make the four of them evaporate as soon as the big needle bee came out.

Finally, Bailiyuan called out Longlongyan and the heavy armored tyrannosaur to bury the body.


Three days have passed since the dragon was defeated.

At this time, Bailiyuan and the others had already moved to another small town.

Early in the morning, there was a shout of harmony at the door of the hotel.

"Hey, ha!"

At this time, Bailiyuan was learning the moves of shield fighters with Ludolufu. When Bailiyuan was learning, of course, it could not be the shield of brilliance, but an ordinary wooden shield with ten copper coins on each side, which was similar in shape to the shield of protection. .

Although the study time was short, with Baili Yuan's talent and foundation, he learned quickly.

"Yuanen, no wonder you are recognized by the Guardian Shield. Not only do you have a guardian heart, but you are also very talented on the road of a shield warrior." Rudolph commented.

Although Bailiyuan has just learned the basics, Ludolufu can still see that Bailiyuan's talent is very good. After all, the more basic things are, the more problems can be seen.

"That's right, I'm a genius after all." Baili Yuan said calmly.

Rudolph opened his mouth, and then chose to change the topic: "Yuen, there are many types of shields, but the means of use and skills derived according to the method of use and the situation of use are actually not that complicated. They are mainly divided into shields used by legions. For personal use, although I used to master legion skills when I was a soldier, after leaving the army, I also mastered personal skills and methods. What I mainly teach you is personal shield combat skills. "

"However, I am good at using long heavy shields, which are different from the pentagonal light shields of the Guardian Shield, so some skills and techniques are not suitable for you. You cannot imitate them. You must learn to summarize and think by yourself. What's yours becomes what suits you."

After listening to Rudolph's words, Bailiyuan nodded.

"I see."

"Okay, then raise the shield a thousand times! Then squat up a thousand times! A good shield fighter must have a pair of strong arms and a pair of powerful thighs!"

Rudolf raised his arms, his muscles puffed up, and at the same time he exerted force on his legs, his pants were stretched tightly. If there were no women on the street, he might have torn his pants to show off. .

Bailiyuan opened his mouth.

He always felt that Rudolph did it on purpose.

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