I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 96 Wife, come out and see Feng Wang

Let the elves get to know each other for a while, and then Bailiyuan persuaded the three new elves to join his team by relying on his "personality charm".

While communicating with the three elves, Baili Yuan discovered something strange.

Cardi Dog's characteristic is the heart of justice. After being attacked by evil-type moves, its attack power will increase by one level.

The righteous heart's Katie Gou and Baili Yuan are inexplicably compatible, without Baili Yuan needing to talk too much, Katie Gou hugged Baili Yuan's chubby face and began to lick it.

By the way, Katie Dog is 0.7 meters tall, as tall as Baili Yuan, what a sad story.

The hetero-colored katti is golden with golden hair and looks very pleasing.

And Katie Dog is also Bailiyuan's first elf with different colors.

Except Katie Dog.

Flash Gyarados has dual attributes of water and flying, and its characteristic is intimidation. When it comes out, the attacks of all opponents within the attack range will be reduced by one level. It is 6.5 meters tall and very imposing.

The Flash Gyarados is an extremely vicious Pokémon, and it is easy to go crazy, and it is not very disciplined. It attacked Baili Yuan as soon as it came out, and Baili Yuan also overwhelmed the Flash Gyarados after the battle.

Flashing Gyarados is the only elf that has taken the initiative to attack Bailiyuan so far, but he is only at the fifth level, so he doesn't need the elves to take action. Bailiyuan taught Gyarados how to be a dragon with an egg-smashing hammer .

In the subsequent communication process, the flashing Gyarados said that the reason why he took the initiative to attack Bailiyuan was because he felt inexplicably upset after seeing Bailiyuan. will attack directly.

Bailiyuan also thought about this for a while, but he didn't find much, but guessed that it might have something to do with the characteristics or attributes of the Gyarados.

Gala Gala in the form of Alola has dual attributes of fire and ghost, and its characteristic is beetle armor (reprint setting), which is immune to attacks that hit the vitals. It is 1 meter tall.

Compared with ordinary Gala Gala, the Gala Gala in the Alola region looks a little thinner, its body is purple-black, and there is a black fire-like pattern in the center of the skull. It holds a bone stick in its hand. The stick is in the shape of an ordinary bone stick, but when Gala Gala rubs the bone stick on the skull, a dark green flame will burn on the bone stick.

Gala Gala looks very aggressive, and through his constantly turning eyes, he can feel that he is definitely not as honest as he looks, but at least he is not vicious, and he doesn't have much resistance to Bailiyuan.

Although it's a little uncomfortable to be around Bailiyuan, it doesn't affect life, and I don't feel bad about Bailiyuan, I still like to get along with Bailiyuan very much.

In this world, a rather interesting change has taken place, the elves have their own elf balls!

Summoning the elves summons the elves' elf balls, and then the elves can be summoned.

After taking back the elves, Bailiyuan continued on the road.

The roads in the wild are not considered safe, but walking on the main road is not too dangerous, but in order to ensure his own safety, Bailiyuan still summoned the super-powered Miaomiao to follow him.

But it's not just rushing, Bailiyuan will also train the elves on the road, and fight against the low-level elves on the side of the road.

The elves that are mainly trained are those that have not yet grown up, including the three newly added ones, Super Miaomiao, Bibi Bird, and Ibrahimovic.

The battle is just a one-off point, and Bailiyuan will not seriously injure the elves. After defeating the elves, they will distribute some food to the elves on the roadside.

Therefore, Bailiyuan discovered another problem - he only brought food for himself and the elves for a week, and when new elves arrived, food would become scarce, so Bailiyuan needed to find a way to get food!

Continue to move forward, but the sky is gradually darkening.

"Is it going to rain?" Bailiyuan stepped up, hoping to reach Viking City soon.

Then, I only heard a clack of thunder in the distance - it's raining!

Bailiyuan quickly ran under a big tree, and then summoned Menus' poke ball, calling Menus out.

"Meinas, make a water circle to block the rain."

Menus nodded, flicked his tail, and made water waves.

Menus' cultivation has not been through battles, but has been deepening his understanding of water. Although Bailiyuan doesn't know if this is the right way to train, he has indeed achieved considerable results in Menus.

For example, Menus' control of his own skills has reached a point where he is at his fingertips, and there are many types of changes in his attack skills.

The water fluctuated and surrounded Bailiyuan and Menus, forming a water cover that kept the rainwater out of the water cover.

Menus maintained the water shield.

Bailiyuan heard the thunder outside, looked at the big tree behind him, and then summoned the Rumbling Stone.

"Long Longshi, if the lightning strikes later, remember to go up there!" Baili Yuan urged.

Long Longshi clapped his hands. Although it is true that he is not afraid of lightning strikes, I want to blow myself up for what you said.

Bailiyuan curled up and hid with Rumbleshi in the water cover made by Menus.

And Menus came out of the water cover and bathed in the rain.

The icy rain slapped on the smooth surface of her body, making Menus feel very comfortable, and couldn't help twisting.

Thunderstorms come and go quickly.

Soon the weather cleared up, and a rainbow appeared in the sky.

Bailiyuan hugged Menus and looked at the rainbow in the distance.

As for Longlongshi, it was put away by Bailiyuan. The Longlongshi building was too hard, and the rain cleared, and Longlongshi's mission was over. Longlongshi didn't like the outside after the rain very much. is wet.

At this time, a golden figure flew across the sky, passed through the rainbow, and flew into the distance.

"that is……"

Baili Yuan's eyes lit up and he became excited.

"Wife, come out and see Feng Wang! Ah, I forgot, I don't have a wife." Baili Yuan rubbed his chubby face.

Menus patted Bailiyuan's head with his tail to express his comfort.

At this time, a sound of footsteps came from a distance, approaching Bailiyuan, followed by a girl's voice.

"Really, it's all the fault of that reckless guy who stole his bicycle and made him drenched in the rain!"

Bailiyuan and Menus looked in the direction of the sound.

It was a girl with orange hair and braids, and the girl also found Baili Yuan who was hugging Menus by the side of the road.

Bailiyuan and the girl stared at each other for a second.

The girl suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed in the direction of Baili Yuan, showing a shocked expression.

"A Pokémon I've never seen before!"

Bailiyuan: "..."

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