I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 933 How does Izzy use Yasuo's skills?

Baili Yuan's words seemed to anger the "sea products" around him, and the enemies rushed towards Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan held the Heima fishing rod in his hand.

Although the Heima fishing rod has been strengthened to "+10" and has many special abilities, but in the battle, only three abilities can be used, namely the thunder attribute, controlling the water flow, and the school of fish rampage.

Other skills are either non-combat skills, or are not strong enough to be applied in combat. After all, the Heima fishing rod itself is not a prop for combat.

But using a fishing rod to deal with fish is the most suitable.

The Heima fishing rod in Baili Yuan's hand spun, and the water surface around him and the bald sailor also started to twirl, and then turned into a turbine, drawing in the enemies rushing from all around, bringing up a large amount of blood.

"The ancient well hides secrets under the calm, and the murderous intent is revealed when the waves are magnificent, this is the meaning of water!" Baili Yuan said slowly.

If you want to use a power, you need to understand this power, and if you want to control a power, you must use this power as the basis to walk your own path.

Bailiyuan also has his own understanding of the power of water. After all, when practicing water attribute chakra and practicing water attribute skills and ice attribute skills with Menus and fast swimming frogs, they will gain experience. A feasible path was found.

Although this road is not unprecedented, nor is it unprecedented, but it is the road that Bailiyuan holds in his hands, and then turns into Bailiyuan's power!

Under the wheel of the water vortex, the enemies rushing into it were cut into pieces by the high-speed rotating water wheel, and the enemies after that also stopped in their tracks, but the water surface at Bailiyuan's feet and the bald sailor's position remained the same. smooth.

But the enemy is not so easy to deal with.

The water around Bailiyuan broke open, and several murlocs jumped out and rushed towards Bailiyuan, while the bald sailor was also dragged into the water.

If you can't charge forward, then attack from below!

The death of a companion did not deter

Bailiyuan smiled, and then shot out the fishing rod in his hand, directly smashing the murlocs who were attacking him in half. At the same time, the hook of the fishing rod in Bailiyuan's hand dipped into the water, as if it had its own tracking hook. To the bald sailor's clothes underwater.

And the bald sailor has also dealt with the murlocs who attacked him. Although underwater is not suitable for the bald sailors, the bald sailor relied on his strong physique and took some injuries to deal with the murlocs. When he was about to continue attacking him, Baili Yuan retracted the fishing rod in his hand, and the bald sailor was pulled up to the surface of the water.

The water surface at the foot of Bailiyuan froze quickly, freezing a piece of water surface.

The bald sailor fell on the ice, and the murlocs under the ice wanted to break through the ice, but found that the ice was much harder than they had imagined, and they couldn't break through.

"This is, magic?" The bald sailor looked at the ice under his body in surprise, but he always felt that something was wrong. He had never seen a magician before, but they all held staffs, so how could anyone hold a fishing rod?

Baili Yuan didn't pay too much attention to the surprise of the bald sailor, but instead looked at the mermaid on the rock in the distance.

At this moment, the mermaid put away the smile on her face.

"That's their leader! Half-step legend."

In this world, the term between legend and high level is a half-step legend. Bailiyuan thinks that maybe we can learn from this statement, and call the realm between high-level heraldic envoy and great heraldic envoy "half-step great heraldic envoy" , but now is obviously not the time to name it.

Because the water surface was frozen, even though the surrounding water vortexes were also frozen, the murlocs broke through the ice made by the water vortex one after another, and then killed Bailiyuan and the others. This time, all the murlocs did it. , Counting carefully, there are almost fifty of them, and two of them have golden eggs on their bodies.

The high-level coat of arms makes the powerful murlocs!

The breeze blows through Bailiyuan's hair.

Slash steel flash!

Then the fishing rod used several strikes to cut the attacking murloc in half.

A jet of high-pressure water rushed towards Bailiyuan with great force, and it was one of the gold-ranked murlocs who shot.

With a turn of Bailiyuan's body, the fishing rod swiped in front of the water column, and a wind barrier appeared in front of Bailiyuan, blocking the high-pressure water column.

Then Bailiyuan beheaded the two murlocs around him again, and a whirlwind swept up his body.

step forward.

Step forward and chop!

Baili Yuan's body was pushed out by the wind.

The gold-ranked murlocs wanted to attack Bailiyuan, but Bailiyuan followed the bodies of other murlocs and was carried by the wind to rush around, beheading each murloc at the same time, so that the gold-ranked murlocs did not dare to attack rashly.

Finally, the wind around Bailiyuan accumulated to a certain level.

Bailiyuan stopped, and then made a posture of drawing a knife to the gold-ranked murloc.

The pupils of the gold-ranked murloc shrank, feeling a sense of crisis.

Bailiyuan's fishing rod was cut, and a powerful whirlwind rushed out, rolling up a large group of murlocs in front, and finally the gold-ranked murlocs into the air.

Although the gold-ranked murloc wanted to struggle, unfortunately, he still remembered that he couldn't fly, so he didn't break free from the whirlwind.

The wind around Bailiyuan didn't stop. When the whirlwind swept the gold-ranked murloc into the sky, the wind also rushed into the whirlwind with Bailiyuan.

In the whirlwind, Bailiyuan was able to swim freely.

"Blazing Wind Endless Slash!"

Gale Sword Master - The ultimate mystery of Yasuo's Gale Sword Art, which explodes with powerful lethality, and to use this move, not only requires strong physical fitness and comprehension of kendo, but also comprehends the Gale Sword Intent!

And these, Bailiyuan has them all.

In the strong wind, the gold-level murloc was torn into pieces and drifted away with the wind. Seeing this scene, the mermaid on the rock widened its eyes.

It all happened so fast, she didn't even realize it.

The gust of wind calmed down, and Bailiyuan landed with a relaxed appearance, with the breeze wrapped around his body. Not only was he relaxed, but he even touched an easter egg casually just now.

"Death is like the wind, always with me." Baili Yuan exhaled, his golden hair dancing with the wind.

Then Bailiyuan suddenly realized a problem, he was in the form of Ezreal, using Yasuo's moves, speaking Yasuo's lines...

"I'm so flirty~"

Bailiyuan's Blizzard Slash not only took out a gold-ranked murloc, but also cleaned up a large number of ordinary murlocs, and relieved the pressure on the bald sailor on the other side.

The bald sailor also showed his strength.

The bald sailor doesn't have many methods, and what he uses is not fighting spirit, but some kind of fighting method that relies on his body.

"Six Styles Finger Gun!"

"Six Styles: Lanjiao!"

Together, the bald sailor killed a few ordinary murlocs, and then got into a fight with the only remaining gold-ranked murlocs.

"Six Types Iron Block!"

"Six Styles Paper Painting!"

The strength of the bald sailor is almost the same as that of the gold-ranked murlocs.

And when Baili Yuan turned his gaze to the gold-ranked murloc, the mermaid finally moved.

She didn't react just now, but now that she discovered Baili Yuan's intentions, how could she let Baili Yuan continue to attack?

As soon as the mermaid raised her hand, several water dragons rushed towards Bailiyuan.

Thanks to UncleBen123 for the 100,000 reward. Wow, I really deserve it. I haven’t made any changes recently. After all, I am preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination and I am busy studying.

However, since I have given so many rewards, the author is unlikely to disappoint the old iron. I will spend more time in two days to add updates to the old iron, and the ten consecutive updates are scheduled at the end of the month (ω)

About thirty or thirty one in two days, there will be ten more outbreaks one day!

Thanks again to UncleBen123, and also to other veterans who support the author ^3^

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