I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 931 I Forgot I Can't Float on Water

Seeing that the giant mouth was about to fall, Bailiyuan was pulled back by someone, and at the same time the guards' attack fell on the giant fish - a huge sword was built on the giant mouth, and the owner of the giant mouth was beaten back into the water. The hull was not damaged.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here." A voice came.

Baili Yuan turned his head and saw a bald male sailor with fierce eyes. He was young, as if he was underage, but the fierce eyes made people subconsciously ignore his age.


"What do you see me doing?" asked the male sailor.

"you guess?"


Bailiyuan was thrown to the ground by the male sailor.

"Get into the cabin."

With that said, the male sailor got up and pulled the other fallen guests.

"Although his eyes are a bit more ferocious, he doesn't look like a bad guy." Baili Yuan said.

"What's wrong?" Bailiyuan asked.

"The system is on him!"


"Observe the specific situation... hold the grass!"

The water surface broke again, and the giant mouth flew in again, and the target was still Bailiyuan.

Fortunately, the guards on the boat were strong, and the giant sword stopped the giant fish again.

A strong man with silver dou qi light on his body held the giant sword.

"Looking for death! I can't keep you!"

The giant sword was covered with the light of fighting spirit.

"Blow the mountain!"


This time, there was a large amount of blood spilled on the body of the giant fish.

"Is this the skill of this world?" It was the first time that Bailiyuan saw a skill that was activated by fighting qi in this world. This kind of skill is also called "fighting martial skill" in this world, or fighting skill for short, not a horse transformation kind of.

Although Alexa, who was traveling with Bailiyuan and the others, also mastered fighting qi, it was obviously only a preliminary grasp. It was not as powerful as a strong man, and it was also not enough to support Alexa in using fighting qi martial arts. Therefore, under normal circumstances, Alexa Sha used all moves, but the power of the moves strengthened with the help of fighting qi would also become stronger, but there was still a big gap with fighting qi martial arts.

Dou Qi martial arts are not only the application of Dou Qi, but also the best martial arts to bring out the greatest power of Dou Qi.

The strength of a strong man is called a high-level fighter in this world, and the system is classified as gold-level. The owner of the giant mouth is also of this level, and the easter egg has been refreshed on his body, which means that he is not easy to deal with.

"Why are you still here?" The bald sailor came back and said with a displeased expression.

Obviously, in the bald sailor's mind, Bailiyuan should have left at this time instead of staying in the dangerous place.


Suddenly, the bald sailor's face changed and he shouted.

"Be careful, there are not only ferocious giant fish nearby!"

However, it was still a step too late. There was a crashing sound, and a huge force appeared from below the passenger ship. The passenger ship was lifted up directly, and then tilted to one side along with the river.

The bald sailor grabbed Baili Yuan, but there was nothing around them to rely on, and the two of them were directly thrown out of the boat.

Fortunately, in the end, the bald sailor caught the edge of the passenger ship quickly with his eyes and hands, which prevented the two of them from falling out, but a few crew members still fell into the water.

However, if the hull continues to tilt, the two will still fall into the sea.

At this time, even the strong man holding the huge sword had to stop temporarily.

But the ferocious giant fish didn't leave just then, instead jumped out of the water again, and then opened its mouth wide.

"Isn't it?" Baili Yuan was a little speechless.

Because the target of the ferocious giant fish is him again!

The bald sailor didn't think much about it, his expression darkened when he saw the ferocious giant fish attacking, and he gritted his teeth after noticing that there was no one around.

"Six Styles Lan..."


Before the bald sailor had time to exert his strength, the water surface broke again, and a huge head appeared, and then he bit the hideous giant fish in his mouth, then chewed it twice and swallowed it directly.

"This is..." The bald sailor's eyes widened.

Baili Yuan was also very surprised.

"This is a turtle? No, this size can be said to be a turtle monster, right?"

That's right, this is a turtle-shaped creature.

The protruding neck is more than 20 meters long, and the huge tortoise shell is supporting the same huge passenger ship, and it doesn't look useless.

The giant tortoise turned its head, its eyes were a little confused, but after seeing Baili Yuan, it opened its mouth again.

Bailiyuan: "..."

Why do you want to eat me? My delicious body is not open!

Delicious body, a special physique of Bailiyuan, although it has basically never been used, but it cannot be ignored that this physique can indeed achieve the effect of attracting other creatures, but Bailiyuan will never turn on this effect by killing.

"There is definitely a problem. What is on my body?" Baili Yuan narrowed his eyes.

Facing the impending giant mouth, the bald sailor exploded directly.

"Six Forms Moon Step!"

With a bang, the bald-headed sailor moved quickly with Baili Yuan, as if walking in the air, moved for a long distance, and then fell into the water.

As for the attack... the bald sailor didn't think he could resist a giant tortoise of this size.

At the position where the two fell, they finally saw the huge size of the giant tortoise clearly.

"What kind of creature is this? A monster? Ultraman is needed at this time~" the bald sailor murmured, but this was just a complaint.

Baili Yuan's expression changed, and so did the bald sailor's expression, and then the two looked at each other.

The bald sailor spoke first, his face shocked.

"Fuck, why are you able to stand on the water?" the bald sailor asked.


Baili Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then showed an embarrassed smile.

"Sorry, I forgot I don't float on water anymore."

Then Bailiyuan fell into the water with a bang.

"Help, I can't swim..."

Bailiyuan made a gesture of "submerged in water and at a loss".

The bald sailor showed a "you're kidding me" expression.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan finally floated in the water under the suspicious eyes of the bald sailor.

When the bald sailor wanted to continue asking questions, something happened on the passenger ship.

A phantom of a golden giant sword appeared in midair.


A plain voice appeared in everyone's ears, as simple as saying to eat.

And the phantom of the giant sword fell, directly across the neck of the giant tortoise that was about to bite into the passenger ship, and then the giant tortoise paused.

The giant tortoise's head fell, no, it should be said to have slipped, because at this time the giant tortoise's head and neck were broken at the root, and there was no room for struggle at all, because the vitality of the giant tortoise was directly cut off.

The giant tortoise's head fell into the water, and a large amount of blood sprayed out, staining the river red.

"Such strength..."

Baili Yuan squinted his eyes. Just now the giant tortoise had platinum-level strength, but was beheaded by the phantom of the giant sword. This kind of strength that was displayed lightly made Baili Yuan breathe a little easier. .

"Colorful class, in this world it is called..."

"Legendary level!"

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