I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 927 Five years of undead, three years of natural disasters

The United Kingdom of the South is composed of several kingdoms. The capital is the southernmost city of gold, which is the richest city in the United Kingdom. There is also the Holy Flame Council, the highest governing body of the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom of the South and the Holy Vals Empire also believe in the Holy Church, or it can be said that most of the humans on the mainland believe in the Holy Church, and the Holy See of the Holy Church believes in the same god, but the Holy See actually represents the Holy Church. There is more than one, which makes the holy churches in different regions different.

The United Kingdom of the South has its own Holy See, but its influence is not as great as that of the Holy See of the Holy Vals Empire. It can be said that the royal power and the divine power are mutually checked and balanced, and this kind of power check and balance also appears in the Holy Flame Council.

In fact, the Holy Flame King exists above the Holy Flame Council, but the Holy Flame King actually has no decision-making power, but it is an existence jointly recognized by the parliament and the Holy See, and it is a symbol of the United Principality. The descendant of the strong man who established the principality, the throne is hereditary.

The territory of the United Kingdom is mostly plain terrain, with developed commerce, convenient transportation, and a windy water system. There is also a Grand Canal that passes through almost all countries, which promotes the economic development of the United Kingdom and makes the United Kingdom a very wealthy country. .

The wealth of the United Kingdom also means that the United Kingdom has a strong armed force. Although it is composed of many countries, but because of the common interests, each country is an offensive and defensive alliance and has its own elite troops.

However, the United Kingdom is not that simple. The information provided by Yuexuan shows that the forces within the United Kingdom are complex. Not only humans, but also many non-human races around. Some races are friendly to humans, while others are hostile to humans. These races Known as the Hundred Clans of the South, it is enough to see the variety of races.

Moreover, some families and forces in the principality should not be underestimated. Even in some countries, certain forces and families dominate, and the royal family in the country has to watch them.

There are dozens of pages of races and forces listed in the information given by Yuexuan, and it is not complete, because new forces may be born in the United Kingdom at any time, or old forces may perish.

Under the meat grinder of money and status, some people are smashed to pieces, but people still keep going.

At the end of the information about the United Kingdom, I also reminded that the United Kingdom is not that simple. It’s okay to appreciate the customs, but don’t make trouble. It’s best not to intervene in the game between various forces, because there are too many forces and they are complicated. Once you're stuck in it, it's hard to get out.

It is also because of the particularity of the principality that the coat of arms made the world choose to establish contact with the most powerful human country on the world continent, the Holy Vals Empire. However, due to the war, this kind of negotiation could not proceed smoothly.

However, from the fact that the power of the heraldry makes the world unwilling to enter the muddy waters of the United Kingdom even if it chooses to help the Holy Vals Empire fight, it can be seen that the United Kingdom is not simple.

Of course, that refers to the high-level. The environment in the United Kingdom is quite good for ordinary people and ordinary adventurers. In the United Kingdom, as long as you have ideas, you will basically not go hungry.

The coat of arms made many forces in the world very interested in the United Principality. As far as Bailiyuan knew, Yue Xuan personally brought a team to the south to the United Principality, as if he was looking for a certain country to cooperate with.

But these things are still far away from Bailiyuan and the others.

They went south just to have a look.

That's right, just take a look.

By the way, is there any artifact or magic weapon for sale? 【funny】


In the passenger ship.

Although Bailiyuan and the others are on the ship at the supply point, there are rooms provided on the passenger ship, but there are no deluxe single rooms, only ordinary double rooms and multi-person rooms, and if you don’t mind, there are quite cheap Datong bunks.

Bailiyuan and the others chose a double room with one silver coin per day, and Bailiyuan and Qiren shared a room.

The room is not big, but it is about 20 square meters, with a small private bathroom.

Qi Ren was fiddling with all kinds of bottles and jars, which were the materials unique to this world that he had collected during this time.

Bailiyuan also collected some, but he didn't focus on this matter, and the main task of Qiren joining the team was to study the materials of this world, he was the only researcher in the team.

Perhaps Yuncheng College itself didn't have much hope for their team, so they only arranged for such a researcher, and he was a fresh graduate.

And Bailiyuan was lying on his bed, looking at various materials, but actually watching the robots dissect the wind wolf king's body in the home space.

The essence of the flesh and blood of the Wind Wolf King's corpse has been absorbed by the bloody face, so the Wind Wolf King's body is shriveled and has begun to stink.

The fur and bones also lost their vitality, the tough fur became loose, and the bones, which were strong enough to resist swords, also became fragile.

Finally, the head of the Wind Wolf King was opened, and the magic crystal of the Wind Wolf King was taken out from the inside. The magic crystal of the Wind Wolf King was the size of a fist, but at this time the magic crystal also lost its luster and was covered with cracks. Lost.

"It's really completely destroyed." Baili Yuan sighed.

"But this also represents the cruelty and horror of this method." Caroline added.

Bailiyuan nodded.

But in the end, after killing the Wind Wolf King, there was nothing else to gain except the golden egg, and the golden egg was reserved by Baili Yuan for the lottery and strengthening.

With the continuous upgrade of the system, the usefulness of easter eggs is also increasing, and in the current situation of Bailiyuan, it is more valuable to keep easter eggs to use system functions than random lottery.

However, this does not mean that all easter eggs can be used. Glory eggs, holiday eggs and sacred eggs can only be used for smashing.

"I'm going to the toilet." After talking to Qi Ren, Baili Yuan didn't wait for Qi Ren's answer, and went directly into the bathroom in the room.

Although the style of this world is a bit old, some machinery and facilities have modern or modern shadows of the heraldic world, such as independent bathrooms and drainage systems, and even toilets.

Bailiyuan sat on the toilet and took out the glory egg.

The glory egg was obtained from the purple severed hand. As for the severed hand, the spear, and the edge of the altar, they were left in the home space and stored in a separate room.

As for the five people who are still angry, they have all been rescued and their vital signs are stable, but they all have serious injuries and even have disabilities. At this time, the five people are still in a coma. can wake up.

Bailiyuan put the egg in front of the toilet, and then took out the egg smashing hammer.



After fancy special effects, something appeared in front of Bailiyuan.

A book decorated with bones, it looks like a magic book, but the shape is a bit unserious.

Bailiyuan picked up the explanatory note on one side, and then his eyes widened.

"What? It's the Dark Saint... Bah!"

But it was obvious that Bailiyuan was thinking too much.

I saw on the note that said——

""New Textbook for Cultivating Comprehensive Abilities of Summoning and Transformation of the Dark Saint Undead": This book is the latest teaching material for necromancers, aiming to help young necromancers master various necromancer spells, effectively improve their abilities, and build a scientific and efficient training system. The growth system increases its strength in a short period of time. It is the first choice for young necromancers in the school of the undead. It closely follows the exam syllabus, follows the law of propositions, the teaching materials are synchronized with the courses, and simulates actual combat in real. Five years of undead, three years of natural disasters, It's no longer a dream. Note: As long as it is a creature with a corpse, even a sacred creature, I will transform it for you!"

"This...is really not a serious book."

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