I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 922 Wind Wolves

The group of five finally accepted the invitation of Baili Yuan and others to have dinner together.

But today's dinner time is not so peaceful.

Baili Yuan wiped his mouth after putting the last bite of food into his mouth, then got up and picked up the sword that was put aside.

Wu Geng Yue, Luo Er, Future and Junko Bai Chuan also got up at the same time, as for Brilliant Gold, she was still staying in her tent.

"What's wrong?"

Adeline and the others haven't reacted yet.

But Alexa and Maggie stood up too.

"Get ready for battle!" Alexa said.

Maggie waved the staff in her hand and set herself with a defensive magic. Her magic power was not enough for her to support others, but some auxiliary abilities could be useful.

After a simple chant, Mary stuck the staff in her hand on the ground.


A circle of light spread to the surrounding woods, and as the circle of light entered the woods, some areas in the woods flickered twice.

"There are a lot of enemies, they should be beasts that live in packs." Maggie said, "According to the distribution of beasts, they should be common wind wolves."

"Don't be careless. Although the wind wolf is a wild beast, it can breathe out wind blades, and there may be a leader-level monster wind wolf in the larger wind wolf pack."

Alexa said, in fact, it was mainly explained to her three younger generations.

The three of Adeline are also ready to fight.

"If it's a pack of wind wolves, try to lure them together, and then I'll kill them with magic." Maggie continued.

The others nodded.

"Sister Alexa, how did you find the beast hidden in the forest?" Adeline asked curiously, this was the first time she encountered such a thing.

"Because it's too quiet. There were insects chirping just now, but there is no sound now. There must be some more powerful creature coming. In the wild, sound is a very important source of information."

Adeline nodded half-understood, then looked at Bailiyuan.

"Yuan En (Baili Yuan) was the first to stand up, so he must be the first to find out, that's amazing~"


At this time, Bailiyuan and the others were also recalling the information about creatures like wind wolves mentioned in the materials.

The wind wolf is a relatively common herd beast, similar to the low-end version of the forest wolf. It is less intelligent, cunning, cruel, and aggressive. It can breathe out wind blades, but the frequency of wind blade attacks is impressive, and it is impossible to burst. Maybe it can only spit out one or two wind blades. An ordinary adult wind wolf only has the strength of a trainee coat of arms. A wind wolf that has evolved into a monster can have the strength of a junior coat of arms, but its growth rate is not as good as that of a forest wolf. .

Of course, not everyone can remember everything like Bailiyuan, but they can all feel the wind and waves in the forest... not too strong, even if they don't use the strength of the heraldry, they can be solved simply by relying on melee ability Even Luo Er, a sorcerer, and Qi Ren, a life-side heraldry envoy, are the same...

Perhaps seeing Bailiyuan's actions, the hidden wind wolves realized that they had been exposed, so they stopped hiding and got up and rushed towards Bailiyuan and the others.

Baili Yuan's eyes quickly looked around at the wind wolves rushing over, they were not strong, there were about twenty of them.

However, this number of wind wolves is already difficult for ordinary adventurers to deal with. The biggest advantage of group animals is the cooperation with each other!

"Attack!" Junko Bai Chuan shouted, drew out the dagger at his waist and chose to deal with it head-on.

A wind wolf opponent Junko Bai Chuan spat out a blue wind blade.

"Be careful!" Alexa hurriedly reminded.

But Junko Bai Chuan flexibly dodged in the face of the wind blade, and at the same time continued to move forward, quickly sprinting to the wind wolf's side, and then the dagger was on the wind wolf's throat.

One touch!

Blood sprayed from the wind wolf's throat, the wind wolf fell to the ground, and his life quickly faded.

Seeing Baichuan Junko's flexible and direct skills, Alexa's eyes became serious. Although she knew that Bailiyuan and the others had good strength, she realized at this moment that Bailiyuan and the others were stronger than she imagined. Be strong.

At the same time, Bailiyuan and the others also rushed towards the wind wolf, and they even followed Adeline. Although they are all novices in the wild, they are not weak as college students, and they have systematic training and tricks However, the combat power is higher than that of ordinary adventurers, but it is just that they lack the experience of life and death fighting.

"Bring them together!" Maggie reminded, but no one seemed to answer her.

"Protect yourself, and mainly take care of Adeline and the others." Alexa said, then rushed towards the wind wolves, and easily dealt with one of them.

Maggie looked at the people fighting around, opened her mouth, and finally chanted a spell, condensing several fireballs to support Adeline and the others.

Although the three of them fought well, it was a one-on-one situation, and Maggie's task was to prevent the more correct Wind Wolf from targeting them.

Bailiyuan and the others chose to fight in close quarters.

Even the future "Musketeer" is no exception.

When a wind wolf opened its mouth to release the wind blade, the muzzle of the flintlock gun in Future's hand was aimed at the wind wolf's big mouth.


More than 20 wind wolves were quickly cleaned up by Bailiyuan and the others, and Adeline and the others also took care of one or two by themselves, showing their strength.

However, Adeline and Allen, who are mages, are a little embarrassed. After all, as mages, they must protect themselves first, and then condense to release magic.

"Is it over?" Adeline asked. Although she was a little embarrassed, she didn't seem to care that much. She was very excited to solve a wind wolf with her own hands. Li Yuan's clothes were neat, and there was no trace of blood except for the long sword in his hand.

"Yuan is so strong!"

"Don't be careless, there are still enemies!" Maggie reminded, her eyes fixed on the direction of the forest.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and pairs of dark green vertical pupils lit up from the forest.

"These are..." Adeline shrank back in fear.

"I think we may have encountered a large pack of wolves." Alexa smiled wryly.

Maggie frowned.

"No, it stands to reason that people often pass by on this road. Passing adventurers and caravans will clean up the beasts on the road. It is impossible for such a large pack of wind wolves to exist."

"It may have migrated from elsewhere, too."

"Now is not the season for wind wolves to migrate." As a magician, Maggie has a larger reserve of knowledge and a more specific analysis of the situation.

"But anyway, let's get rid of these wind wolves first." Alexa said, then looked at Junko Bai Chuan, "Captain Bai Xi..."

"Don't worry, we will protect you."

Junko Shirakawa put away the dagger and put on ordinary gloves for herself.

"Did you feel it?" Luo Er asked Wu Geng Yue's side.

May Moon looked in several directions of the forest.

"This breath should be..."

"Warcraft class!"

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