I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 898: Fairy Unicorn

Bailiyuan came to the sealed area maintaining the backtracking body.

Of course, all the way is to use floating.

Although this consumes more superpowers, it is also a disguised form of superpower training, and maintaining the retrospective body will continue to strengthen the improvement of body and strength.

There are still no guards in the sealed area, but Bailiyuan knows that after the incident at the academy festival, the security level of the sealed area has definitely risen countless steps.

The first time Bailiyuan entered the sealed area, he felt a faint feeling of being watched.

Bailiyuan took out his identification as the number one, and then this feeling disappeared.

It's not that someone is watching him, but the detection barrier set up in the sealed area is there.

Of course, the other changes in the sealed area were not so simple, but Bailiyuan definitely didn't want to experience it by himself.

Bailiyuan entered the main entrance of the sealed area. Inside the main entrance was an empty hall, and there were only two decorations that looked like stone lions in the hall. Behind the two stone lions was the real entrance to the sealed area. .

However, these two stone lions are not simple decorations.

The moment Bailiyuan came in, the eyes of the two stone lions lit up.

"It's a gargoyle." Bailiyuan recognized the types of the two stone lions. The gargoyle is an artificial life, and its strength is related to the strength of the person who made the gargoyle. Bailiyuan really doesn't know how it was created. The authority of this kind of skill is not accessible to Bailiyuan now, and it is even more impossible for Caroline to search on the Internet. At most, she can learn some information about gargoyles.

Gargoyles are relatively rare, and this is the first time Bailiyuan has seen a real gargoyle.

"The first one, Bailiyuan, confirm your identity. According to your authority, you can now claim two creatures in the sealed area within your authority. One is a monster and the other is not restricted. Do you want to claim it now?" A stone A sound came from the lion's mouth.

Of these two creatures, one is the number one quota for Baili Yuan, who can only receive monsters, and the other is the reward for this exchange match.

However, it is impossible to allow Bailiyuan to receive it casually. The strength of the two creatures is not allowed to exceed Bailiyuan's strength, so Bailiyuan can only receive at most two creatures with the strength of high-level heraldry envoys.

"Is there any target you like, or you can search with conditions, and you can also browse freely." Another stone lion continued.

"I choose to browse freely, and the scope of browsing is the strength of high-level herald envoys." Bailiyuan said.

The eyes of the two stone lions flickered.

"Permission passed..."

Then, a floor in front of Bailiyuan floated up, and a stone wall below it floated up, and then Bailiyuan discovered that the raised stone wall turned out to be an electronic screen.

The electronic screen changed for a while, then stopped, and some words and options appeared.

[Strength: Advanced]

【Type: Unlimited】

[Optional: Warcraft 25, Elemental Creature 7, Spirit 4, Special Life 2]

There are only four options that Bailiyuan can choose, and the number is not many, which is convenient for Bailiyuan to choose.

However, the degree of cherishing the four creatures is undoubtedly reversed, but it does not mean that cherishing must be chosen.

The choice, of course, must be more suitable, and it also depends on the needs, otherwise it will be a waste, at most it will add a mouth for eating, or it can only use corpses as materials, but Bailiyuan does not lack resources and materials. But if there is really no choice, Bailiyuan will still choose, after all, don't give up for nothing.

And Bailiyuan also understands this so-called resource collection, even if he is the number one, there will be almost no precious monsters or other creatures for him to choose from, but this is also relative, Bailiyuan has no shortage , but these monsters and other creatures are very precious to ordinary students.

This is also the reason why the quota of monsters obtained by Bailiyuan's first place has not been used up, because there is no suitable one.

Therefore, this time, Bailiyuan also directly ignored the option of Warcraft, and looked at the other three options.

Elemental creatures are only common elemental creatures of fire, water, and wood, and there is no value for selection.

Then there are elves and special lives. After Bailiyuan looked around, his eyes fell on an elf.

The elves in the world of heraldry are creatures born from nature with magical powers, and the world of heraldry also has occupations related to elves, such as the former occupation of Yinglili—the elf!

Elves can generally transform into three forms.

The first is the original form of elves, which are generally beasts and plants, and there are very few elves born in human form. In this form, elves are not as strong as imagined, and at most they use the power of their own attributes to Against the enemy, but elves, as creatures born from nature, live like ducks in water in nature, and such power is enough for them to live well.

Of course, this does not mean that all elves are kind, otherwise there would be no creatures like elves in the sealed area. The creatures that can be sealed in the sealed area are not said to come in for retirement, but most of them are aggressive dangerous species.

The second form of the spirit is the instrument form.

Because elves are born with limited strength, elves sometimes choose to live with other creatures as their auxiliary power, and the so-called auxiliary power is to turn into the opponent's weapon or armor. This is how the profession of elf envoy was born of.

When elves are turned into weapons and armor, not only their own power will be transformed, but also the strength of the user will be enhanced.

The elves who have no fighting ability themselves can even burst out with powerful strength through the use of elves contracted by themselves.

The third form of the elf is the awakened form.

However, this form is more difficult to achieve, and the elf and the user need to communicate with each other to enter the awakened form.

But even if there is no awakened form, the first two forms of elves are still of considerable value. Even if you don't want an awakened form, turning elves into your own weapons is a good choice.

The elf that Bailiyuan cares about is a wood attribute elf that can be turned into a bow and arrow - the Unicorn Fairy.

After carefully reading the information on the Unicorn Immortal, Bailiyuan chose the Unicorn Immortal. As for the other right to choose a monster, Bailiyuan still did not use it.

The stone wall fell again, and the door behind the two stone lions slowly opened.

"Elf, high-level, unicorn... the second floor, 202..."

"Enters please obey the rules, otherwise you will face punishment."


Bailiyuan soon arrived at room 202 on the second floor, and the door opened with Bailiyuan's arrival.

The size of the room is not too big, and it is still very empty, with only one sealing platform in the middle of the room.

After the door was closed, the power on the sealing platform fluctuated. Under Bailiyuan's gaze, the seal on the sealing platform gradually disappeared. Finally, Bailiyuan could clearly see the creature on it—a fist-sized red unicorn !

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