I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 896 It Looks Like Love

A word from the little angel complicated the situation on the lawn.

Doyle also stopped.

This little angel and that orange cat know each other? Wait, the name Michael is not in the legend of the angel...

Angelina also asked her familiar.

"Mal Carter, who is Michael?"

Melkart was silent for a while, and then spoke in a low voice, as if worried that some existence would find it reading behind his back.

"Michael, this name represents 'similar to God', the most dazzling archangel among the angels, the vice-king of heaven, the Lord of Light, is considered to be second only to God, and is the only one who can face hell besides God The existence of the devil Satan."

Angelina was at a loss, and she didn't quite understand some terms that Malcolm said, but she could feel the respect in Malcolm's tone.

"Is it very strong?"

Malcolm paused again.

"It's very strong, but I don't know how strong it is. What I said just now is the legend about Michael that I know. The legend of angels is too old, and those powerful angels have not appeared for a long time. From my I have seldom heard about angels since I was born, but there are warnings in my inherited memory, among them, among the powerful beings that cannot be provoked among angels, Michael ranks first."

Angelina was also silent this time.

Bailiyuan also looked at the little angel, a little surprised that the little angel recognized the source of the sacred power in his body.

But... Is the sacred power I got in the world of the coat of arms really related to the sacred power of Michael in this world?

However, under Baili Yuan's gaze, the little angel actually knelt down and performed a standard knight's salute.

"The young angel Olinsen is willing to serve the angel's orders. Although I have not yet grown into a qualified angel, I believe that I will fulfill all your orders."


Rafi was startled.

My familiar has pledged allegiance to someone else's familiar, what should I do? Waiting online, very anxious!

Bailiyuan was silent for a moment...

"Meow meow meow~"


Ten minutes later, the summoning ceremony was over, but the little angel, Olinson, still stayed by Bailiyuan's side, embarrassing the real owner of the little angel, Lafite, and even Della was a little embarrassed.

"Olinson, my big orange is just a cat, not the Michael you said, didn't you agree with your statement without looking at my big orange?" Della said.

Olinson, however, stubbornly looked away.

"Hmph, I won't admit it wrong, the holy power of an angel cannot be faked, I have felt the sacred power of Lord Michael, it is absolutely absolutely impossible to admit it wrong!"


Della glanced at Lafite in embarrassment.

"Rafi, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, after all, this is beyond your control." Lafite's smile was also a bit forced.

This feeling is very complicated, like taking my boyfriend who works in the world's top 500 to meet my best friend and her best friend's boyfriend, but I didn't expect my best friend's boyfriend to be the vice president of my boyfriend's company. It feels... quite uncomfortable.

"Is your big orange really Michael?" Lafite asked hesitantly.

Dale sighed.

"How is it possible, Daju is a cat, it is impossible to be an angel."

On the other hand, Bailiyuan flipped through the book in front of him calmly. As for the matter of the little angel Olinson, Bailiyuan didn't intend to explain it, and he didn't know where to start to explain it. The most important thing was... Wouldn't the fact that he could speak be exposed if he opened his mouth?

That's right, I, Bailiyuan, am just an ordinary familiar orange cat who likes to read books!

Shit shovel officer, rub the meat ball~

Bailiyuan raised his paw, and Daila grasped Bailiyuan's paw knowingly and rubbed Bailiyuan's body, and rubbed Bailiyuan's body with the other hand.

"Student Lafite." Doyle came to Lafite's side.

"Teacher." Both Doyle and Della stood up.

Doyle smiled.

"Are you worried about how to get along with the familiar?" Doyle asked.

Lafite nodded with a wry smile.

"Lafite, you have to know that the more intelligent a familiar is, the more difficult it is to get along with and make friends with. It was the same with my familiar at the beginning."

Hearing Doyle's words, Lafite's eyes lit up, she was not stupid, and Doyle's words obviously meant that Doyle was about to give her an opinion!

"Teacher, what should I do?"

Doyle smiled.

"Move your familiar with sincerity, think what he thinks, love what he loves, and make you an indispensable part of his life."

Lafite nodded with a vague understanding.

Doyle also nodded with a smile, then turned and left.

Doyle's heart was full of blessings.

Children, the relationship between a mage and a familiar is like love. One must step forward and enter the other's world. Although you don't know love yet, it doesn't mean you are not qualified to try it. I hope you can Harvest what you want, and wish you a better tomorrow.



Bailiyuan was going to spend the night in this world, and he was about to finish reading the magic book in front of him, because this time he found that there was a time difference between the two worlds, and because he couldn't grasp the rules, Bailiyuan was going to hurry up.

Bailiyuan who didn't go back naturally moved into Della's dormitory, and Della's roommate turned out to be the pink-haired Lafite.

Similarly, because Bailiyuan did not disappear, Olinson also chose to stay.

Fortunately, the summoned familiar does not consume the mage's magic power.

Although the two of them lived in a double bed, it was very luxurious and had a girly feel. Della's bed was better, and Lafite's bed and furnishings were quite luxurious, as if the girl's heart was about to overflow.

Bailiyuan and Olinson stayed to stay, and during the day, Della and Rafi also prepared a place for them to live.

There are shops in the academy that sell various items that familiars can use.

Because familiars are small creatures, or have the ability to shrink, many mages choose to place familiars in their bedrooms, and the same is true for Della and Rafi.

Daila bought Bailiyuan a complete set of items used by cat familiars, such as cat litter, cat litter, fur balls...etc.

And Lafite was a little exaggerated, buying a set of quite luxurious equipment, especially the small bed suitable for Olinson, which almost caught up with the price of Bailiyuan's full set of equipment.

Della and Rafi are getting ready for bed.

Della was taking a bath in the bathroom, while Bailiyuan was reading a book against the clock in the bedroom.

Lafite, who had already showered, quietly climbed into the small bed prepared for Olinson.

Olinson wasn't on the bed, but Lafite had his own purpose.

"If I warm Olinson's bed, Olinson will definitely be moved, and this bed is first contaminated with my smell, and then Olinson will be familiar with my smell..."

Suddenly, Lafite heard Olinson's voice.

Lafite poked his head out from Olinson's bed, and looked towards the direction where the voice came from.

I saw Olinson nesting in Bailiyuan's cat litter.

"Master Michael, I've warmed up your bed for you, come in and sleep quickly..."

Lafite: 0ДQ

Bailiyuan: "..."

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