I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 886 Who's peeing sweet, wake her up

Bailiyuan didn't fire the gun, nor did Bailiyuan scream.

If it was a battle between elves, Bailiyuan might have to go to great lengths, but real people PK... Hehe, even with a gun, it's useless.

Bailiyuan entered the home space.

"Judging from the things found on a few people, we can tell that they are from Team Lava," Caroline said.

As with Quan, several people were also stripped naked and stuffed into straitjackets, but these people were still in a coma.

"The identity of the leading woman seems to be unusual, and her spirit is very strong."

Bailiyuan came to the table where the elf balls were stored. On one side were the six elves of Quan, and next to them were three elves each of Chiyansong and Shuiwutong. Both Chiyansong and Shuiwutong had only three elves on their bodies. , but these three elves are their absolute main force.

In addition to the three main players, there are also two special purple elf balls—Master Balls!

This was found on the bodies of Chiyansong and Shuiwutong. These two elf balls should be used by the two to subdue Kyoka and Gulardo.

At the same time, there are key stones of Shuiwutong and Chiyansong next to it.

Then there is the elf that Bailiyuan has collected this time.

A total of five people attacked him, four men and one woman, and the leader was the woman.

The configuration of the spirits of the four men is similar, there are two spirits, four big wolf dogs, three stinky mud, and one gas bomb.

However, the woman's elf configuration is six, and it is similar to Quan's elf configuration, and also has the characteristics of the lava team.

A fire-breathing camel of more than 80 levels, a nine-tailed camel of more than 80 levels, two double-bomb gasses of more than 70 levels, a king swallow of more than 70 levels, and a big king swallow of more than 70 levels. wolfhound.

This kind of elf configuration is obviously better than Quan. Maybe this woman is also a cadre-level figure of the Lava team, and she is a big fish. If you can ask something... I am looking forward to Bailiyuan, the base of the Lava team.

These elves are undoubtedly very suitable for fighting on land, but it's a pity that when they entered the alley, Bailiyuan had already locked all of their elf balls with superpowers, and Bailiyuan finally confiscated them.

"This woman is more valuable, stay, and throw the remaining four men out." Baili Yuan made a choice, and then the four men were taken out of the room by the machine.

"Wake her up." Baili Yuan said.

A burst of electricity flashed, and the unconscious woman slowly came to life.

After being confused, the woman realized her current situation, and looked at Baili Yuan angrily.

"Where is this place? Let go!"

"Who pees sweet, wake her up~"


The woman obviously also understood that the matter at this time was beyond her control, so the woman directly closed her eyes and mouth, admitting it.

This incompatible appearance didn't make Bailiyuan pay too much attention, and Caroline got on the machine directly.

"What are you going to do?!" Looking at the machine, the woman had a bad premonition, but Caroline didn't care about the woman's cry, and directly put the machine on the woman's head.

Soon, Caroline got a lot of information.

Then Caroline listed the information under the woman's disbelieving eyes.

"Her identity is Bonfire, one of the cadres of Team Lava. The purpose of arresting you this time is to inquire about your relationship with Angela. She wants to catch you and threaten Angela to help Team Lava."

"Why are you looking for Angela?" Baili Yuan was a little puzzled.

"Because the lava team's situation is not good. Chi Yansong disappeared, the base was invaded and leaked to the alliance, one of the three cadres, Hokage, was arrested. Now the lava team is in a very bad situation, so we are looking for Chi Yan Fire Village and Bonfire decided to transfer the organization to other areas to avoid the limelight, and Angela is a good choice."

Baili Yuan nodded, but it was a pity.

"It seems that Team Lava's base won't be able to go. Do you know where the rest of Team Lava are hiding?"

"The rest of the people have already moved, and a dedicated communication is required to determine the location," Caroline said.

"All right."

Bailiyuan waved his hand under the resentful gaze of the bonfire.

"Send her to Quan's room, I guess they should have a common language."

Hearing Quan's name, Campfire's pupils shrank.

For a moment the bonfire thought of something.

The lava team had obtained information about Quan's disappearance before, but they didn't expect that Quan would be here, that is to say... this Xiao Yuan has already attacked the Ocean team?

The machine just went to Izumi's room with the bound bonfire.

Quan looked at the bonfire being pushed in, showing a ghostly expression, and then laughed out loud.

"What's your expression?" Bonfire asked angrily.

The two organizations have been fighting against each other for many years, and the two naturally know each other.

"Hey, isn't this a small bonfire for planting berries?"

Planting berries is Bonfire's hobby, and Bonfire is really good at growing berries. As for the small campfire, some parts of the campfire are indeed much smaller than the spring.

The campfire snorted coldly, glanced up and down at the spring, and finally his eyes stopped between the legs of the spring, where a pipe was connected.

Bonfire smiled ironically.

"What's that expression on your face?" It was Quan's turn to ask this question this time.

"Hehe, shameless woman."

Sensing the sight of the bonfire, Quan blushed, gritted his teeth, and yelled.

"Is anyone there? The bonfire also needs to go to the toilet!"

The face of the bonfire changed.

"I'm not, I'm not, what are you shouting about?"

However, a pipe was picked up by the mechanical arm under the horrified gaze of the campfire and the smiling gaze of Izumi, and slowly approached between the legs of the campfire, ready to be connected to the restraint garment.

"Don't come here!"


There were tears of humiliation in the corner of Bonfire's eyes.


Bailiyuan walked out of the alley.

Bailiyuan didn't intend to take care of Team Lava's affairs, but Bailiyuan wouldn't let it go if someone came to his door.

After Bailiyuan left, there were four unconscious lava team members left in the alley without clothes.

Bailiyuan didn't go to look for Angela, Angela also got busy, busy dealing with Dawu, Mi Keli, Du and Sirona.

Although Bailiyuan wanted to see Sirona, the female champion, she didn't go in the end.

Bailiyuan is very interested in Sirona's cultivation of the method of biting land sharks, but obviously such a top secret will not be easily told to Bailiyuan, unless the relationship between them can reach a negative distance... ahem.

Because it was impossible, Bailiyuan didn't think too much about it, but Bailiyuan believed that the future of his sharp-toothed land shark would not be bad.

Bailiyuan came to a hotel.

As for why he came here... Because Xiaoyu saved Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan stayed here temporarily.

The root wave and the cliff sword hitting Bailiyuan yesterday did not simply bring Bailiyuan back to his original shape, but directly killed Bailiyuan's life.

But it is a coincidence that Bailiyuan, who was beaten into the air, finally landed on the glass of Xiaoyu's rented room, and finally Bailiyuan was rescued by Xiaoyu.

Bailiyuan never thought that he and Xiaoyu would meet again in this way.

Baili Yuan pushed open the door of the room, and in the living room of the room, two lobster soldiers, one big and one small, were there...


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