I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 881: Primordial Regression

The sky on one side was covered with dark clouds, the whirlwind whizzed, and thunderstorms fell chaotically.

In the sky on one side, the sun turned into a ball of fire, the sky was dyed orange, the sun poured down, and the light was dazzling.

People and Pokémon in these two extreme weathers have different feelings, but the same thing is that they are not comfortable. They can only choose the side that is relatively suitable for them. Some people can only retreat and cannot stay here. .

The sea water was turbulent, turned into whirlpools, and it was pitch black. At the same time, it rose crazily, trying to submerge the land, but the sunlight quickly evaporated the sea water. At the same time, the ground cracked under this light, and the plants withered.

"This kind of scene...is this the recorded sea of ​​origin and land of end!" The woman in a raincoat exclaimed, without concealing her exclamation in her tone, she and her biting land shark chose the scorching sun Area.

"Then Kyoka and Gulardon... is that evolution? Mega evolution?"

"No, it's the return to the original." Baili Yuan's voice sounded beside the woman.

Baili Yuan went ashore not far from the woman, and immediately took over when she heard her words.

As for why Bailiyuan came here...

From the imposing manner of biting Lu Shark, Bailiyuan felt that the woman is a big boss!

And it doesn't look like a bad guy. After all, a bad guy won't be standing on the shore so brightly. Although he is wearing a raincoat and can't see the woman's appearance clearly, such an outfit is not uncommon at the beach at this time.

Bailiyuan didn't use superpowers, but he looked the woman up and down with his eyes.

Well, in good shape.

He's not a bad guy, he's a big guy, and he's in good shape, so why don't you come here?

Maybe the battle between Gulardo and Kioka in the distance will spread here, and it will definitely be much safer by this mysterious woman's side.

The woman is interested.

"Primitive regression? What's that?"

But it wasn't Baili Yuan who explained it to her.

"The so-called primitive regression is to return to the original form with the help of natural energy. This is not evolution, but Gulardo and Kioka are about to show their true appearance."

A group of people came over, it was Xiaozhi, Angela and others, and it was Angela who explained.

Angela looked at Bailiyuan.

"Xiao Yuan, long time no see."

"Cousin, Lizi, long time no see, well, this is Xiao Zhi, Xiao Gang, also long time no see."

Lizi and Bailiyuan greeted each other.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang didn't expect Bailiyuan to know them. In their impression, they didn't seem to have any intersection with Bailiyuan, but they did know Bailiyuan.

And Xiaosheng also knows Bailiyuan.

"It's Xiaoyuan! He was the champion of the Silver Conference in the Chengdu area last year, and he is Angela's cousin, and he is also a user of super evolution!" Xiaosheng mainly educated his sister Xiaoyao.

The way the woman in the raincoat looked at Baili Yuan changed when she heard Xiao Sheng's words, but obviously another thing made the woman more curious.

"The original regression turned out to be like this, and this is the first time I've heard of it."

Angela also looked at the woman, and her pupils shrank slightly when she saw the biting land shark behind the woman.

There are super evolutionary stones on the biting land shark!

Angela put on a smile on her face.

"This lady seems to know a lot about Kyoka and Gulardon." Angela said with a smile.

The woman in the raincoat doesn't like Angela very much. It's an instinct. She has seen many people, so she can naturally feel some people with ulterior motives. But the woman quickly suppressed this emotion. After all, she and Angela are just First time meeting.

"It's okay, but I don't know as much as you." The woman replied with a smile.

"I only found out by chance, well, the light is about to disperse, and the true appearance of Gaioka and Gulardo is about to appear."

After hearing Angela's words, everyone looked in the direction of Gaioka and Gulardo, but Bailiyuan's eyes were a little erratic.

"Two... two supreme eggs?! Wait, that is a sacred egg? Why did it appear in mid-air?"

Bailiyuan retreated slightly.

"I suddenly remembered something, so I left first."

However, the few people who were paying attention to Gaioka and Gulardo were not in the mood to care what Bailiyuan was going to do, only Angela seemed to understand something, and smiled at Bailiyuan.

"be safe."


The woman in the raincoat also stared at Kyoka and Gulardo.

After the return of the original, Kyoka and Gulardo appeared in front of everyone.

Both have gotten a lot bigger in size.

The original Kyoka has a pattern similar to "α" on its forehead and wing-like fins. This pattern also appears on the indigo orb. The original Kyoka turned dark blue, and its body length reached almost ten meters. It became more massive.

The seams of the original Gulardo's skin are lava-like orange-yellow. The original Gulardo has an "Ω" icon pattern on the round part of the root of the arm. This pattern also appears on the vermilion orb. The original Gulardo Duo's skin color also turned dark red, and he became even more ferocious. He stood more than five meters tall, but his size was equally huge when viewed horizontally.

The size of the original Kyoka and the original Gulardo is already quite large in the Pokémon world, and this large size represents the powerful power hidden in their bodies!

After the two Pokémon evolved, they roared at each other, and violent power gushed out from their bodies.

Primal power spread from the bodies of the two Pokémon, and turned into rocks outside and collided with each other, making a deafening roar.

"It's the original power!" Angela made a judgment, with a strange look in her eyes.

Primal power is not so simple. There are not so many elves who can naturally comprehend primitive power, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they have "ancient" characteristics. Of course, primitive power can also be taught, so that other elves can learn to master it. , but the effect is slightly worse.

The "primitive power" learned and mastered is just a skill, but the "primitive power" that can be awakened by itself is a symbol of status. It can be called "primitive power"-the power inherited from ancient times!

The external manifestation is to represent the ancient "rock".

However, the focus of this trick is not on rocks, the real focus is on the improvement of strength from these primitive forces!

It is a comprehensive improvement of attack, defense, special attack, special defense and speed!

With the emergence of primitive power, people who were closer felt the pressure displayed by Kyoka and Gulardo.

The woman in the raincoat also frowned, and the biting land shark behind her got close to the woman to protect her.

Primal Kiocar and Primal Groudon are finally fighting together again.

Countless bluish-white shining lights appeared beside the original Kyoka.

At the same time, the power of the earth surged around the original Gulardo.

The coastal area trembled violently, as if something terrible was about to happen.

The legs of the top prize boy in the rain area trembled.

"What kind of power is this?!" The superior proud son gritted his teeth, feeling that he was going to be unable to hold on.

Are you still too weak?

At this time, a hand was placed on the shoulder of the honored pride, warming the honored pride's body, and the discomfort disappeared.

"Keep to your own path, and don't be intimidated by external forces!" A familiar voice rang in the ears of the superior pride.

Different from ordinary people, the will of the elites who have practiced and reborn are more likely to be deterred by powerful forces. According to technical terms, they are prone to inner demons that prevent them from continuing to make progress.

The superior pride turned around in surprise after hearing the voice.

A handsome blond man appeared behind her. Even though he was wearing a mask that covered half of his face, the superior pride still recognized the man's identity.

"It's all right..." The man smiled, "Because I'm here!"

Baili Yize is online!

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