I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 865 Tactics are useless in front of my eyes!

Quan threw out the elf ball in his hand, and a Diya sea lion and an iron-clawed lobster appeared in front of Bailiyuan!

Quan adjusted her mood. Because of the terrain constraints, she couldn't send out the strongest elves, nor could she show her real strength, so she had to deal with it seriously. Of course, the premise was that Bailiyuan really had strength, otherwise if Bailiyuan It's just an empty frame, with only a powerful elf like the giant pincer mantis, Quan will definitely let Bailiyuan feel his anger.

However, it was clear that Bailiyuan did not disappoint Quan.

"Come out, fast-swimming frog!" Bailiyuan called out the fast-swimming frog again, and the fast-swimming frog and the giant pincer mantis stood together.

Afterwards, Bailiyuan and Quan looked at each other.

Two seconds of silence...

"Giant pincer mantis, dodge!"

"Fire-focused Giant Claw Mantis! What?!"

Quan was startled, she didn't expect that Bailiyuan seemed to have anticipated her thoughts, and let the giant pincer mantis avoid the pincer attack of the iron claw lobster and the emperor tooth sea lion in advance.

Originally, Quan wanted to concentrate on eliminating the giant pincer mantis, which had consumed a lot, but because of Bailiyuan's "foresight", the plan was shattered.

Baili Yuan's eyes flickered slightly.

Future Hitomi!

The third-level future pupil only extended the foreseeable time from five seconds to seven seconds, but it greatly enhanced Bailiyuan's predictability, and also added a certain degree of intervention, the impact of some ideas of Bailiyuan It will also appear in the eyes of the future.

"Fast-swimming frogs, attacking iron-clawed lobsters, slapping them in a row!"

This trick is sure to hit!

Sure enough, when the fast-swimming frog rushed to the iron-clawed lobster, the iron-clawed lobster had just attacked, and before it could defend itself, the following slaps hit the iron-clawed lobster on the head.

Of course you have to crack the crispy skin first!

"Don't give him a chance, True Qi Fist! Giant Pincer Mantis, go to Diya Sea Lion's side!" Baili Yuan's command was extremely fast.

Quan finally changed his face.

Although Pokmon is the one who fights Pokémon, it has a lot to do with the trainer. You can see the tricks when you are one-on-one, but if it is doubles or there are more Pokmon. The requirements of players are even greater. Not only do they need to be familiar with all their Pokmon and then combine them, but they must also have a faster response. "Foresight".

Because there are many Pokémon to be commanded, a delay or mistake in an order may have serious consequences.

But now, Bailiyuan seemed to have anticipated Quan's orders and ideas, and was always stuck before her instructions to make arrangements, which made Quan feel very uncomfortable.

Quan felt the "horror" of Baili Yuan's command ability after a simple fight.

If you continue your thinking, you will definitely be attacked, and if you change your thinking, it will be too late, and you will definitely fall into the disadvantage in the end.

Quan gritted his teeth and fought hard!

"Iron claw lobster, crab punches back! Emperor tooth sea lion, covered by blizzard!"

Blizzard is a range skill. This kind of skill can not only attack the Giant Pincer Mantis in front of you, but also support the Iron Claw Lobster.

However, Bailiyuan remained unhurried.

Quan suddenly had an even worse premonition.

"Giant pincer mantis, stick to your face!"

Then, such a scene happened on the field.

Diya sea lion used Blizzard, but Blizzard met the defense just after he shot, and most of Blizzard was blocked on the other side of the defense, which is the side of Diya sea lion.

Bathing in the cold wind blowing out by itself, the Diya sea lion narrowed its eyes comfortably.


Because of this, the blizzard of the Emperor Ya sea lion did not support the iron claw lobster at all. The crab punch of the iron claw lobster and the true energy fist of the fast swimming frog hit the opponent at the same time, but it was obvious that the iron claw lobster suffered more serious injuries.

The fast-stroke frog flew out backwards, but turned over quickly.

"Infuriating bomb!"

"Not good!" Quan's expression changed. With the strength of the fast-swimming frog just now, the iron-clawed lobster couldn't catch the fast-swimming frog's infuriating bomb again.

"Iron claw lobster, hold on, emperor tooth sea lion, aurora beam!"

Quan didn't believe that the giant pincer mantis could use it continuously to defend success!


The giant pincer mantis was directly shattered by the aurora beam, but the body of the giant pincer mantis disappeared.

However, the promotion also consumed a lot of stamina of the giant pincer mantis, and the time for the giant pincer mantis to fight is running out.

"Diya sea lion, be careful!" Quan ordered, because the steel type can restrain the ice type.

Bailiyuan's eyes flickered.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, use the cross scissors on the Iron Claw Lobster!"

The figure of the Giant Pincer Mantis flew out from behind a rock, aimed at the back of the Iron Claw Lobster and used the cross scissors!

The iron claw lobster confronting the fast-swimming frog didn't react at all.

But there was a hint of cruelty in Quan's eyes.

"Di Ya sea lion, use the aurora beam on the position of the iron claw lobster!"

The cross scissors hit the iron-clawed lobster, and the iron-clawed lobster flew out. The damage of the insects to the evil-type was doubled, and the iron-clawed lobster lost its fighting ability directly, but the giant pincer mantis had to stay where it was , has been unable to avoid the attack of the aurora beam in time.

However, at this moment, the blue figure stood in front of the Giant Pincer Mantis.

"Burst Punch!"


The fast-swimming frog's burst punch collided with the aurora beam, causing an explosion. After the explosion, one arm of the fast-swimming frog was slightly frosted, but it also successfully blocked the aurora beam.

"It really doesn't give it a chance." Quan said, taking back the iron claw lobster at the same time.

Bailiyuan raised his hand and took back the heavily worn giant pincer mantis.

"The Giant Pincer Mantis has no power to fight anymore, so there is no need to be cruel." Baili Yuan laughed.

"Heh, this is not a competition!" Quan said, throwing another elf ball.

A stinky slime reappeared.

"Smelly mud, body fixation!"

The fast-swimming frog was fixed in place.

Quan looked at Bailiyuan.

"Although your command ability is very good, what can you do?"

Bailiyuan threw out an elf, and the big needle bee appeared behind him.

"What can I do? The battle is over." Baili Yuan said.

Quan felt that Bailiyuan's words obviously did not mean that they had won.

"Diya Sea Lion, Aurora Beam, get rid of that fast-swimming frog!"

However, what responded to Quan was the scream of the Diya sea lion, and a poisonous needle of the big needle bee pierced the skin of the Diya sea lion.

"So fast!"

"There is one sentence you said is good..." Baili Yuan's voice rang in Quan's ear.

Quan's face was shocked.


At some point, Baili Yuan appeared by her side, apparently running over, but Quan didn't notice at all.

"This is not a competition!"

Quan wanted to fight back, thinking in Quan's heart that it would be a big mistake for Bailiyuan to treat her as an ordinary trainer, but she also has not weak melee combat ability!

Then Quan felt a pain in his neck, and his consciousness gradually fell into a coma.

Quan seemed to hear Baili Yuan's voice before he fell into a coma.

"Tactics are useless in front of my eyes!"

Then Quan completely fainted with unwillingness.

Because Quan's real main force is two giant tooth sharks, but on the mountain without water, the sharp tooth sharks can't jump at all, so they can only use the weaker emperor tooth sea lions, iron claw lobsters and smelly mud, and fully exert their strength 70% if you don't come out.

Quan didn't even expect that Bailiyuan's melee combat ability would be so strong, she couldn't keep up with Bailiyuan's speed at all.

After knocking Quan unconscious, Bailiyuan looked at the surrounding soldiers of the Ocean Team.

"You are surrounded by me!"


At the same time, the big needle bee knocked over the stinky mud with a missile needle, and the fast-swimming frog that got out of trouble faced the stinky mud with its fists.

The lobster soldier stood beside the fast-swimming frog and raised his pliers pretentiously.

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