I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 862 Arriving at Chimney Hill

Bailiyuan's skills became less, but he also became stronger.

Skill level up!

The improved skills allow Bailiyuan to unleash even stronger power. Although the means are less, they are enough.

Moreover, the three newly acquired skills made Bailiyuan feel good.

Although he was not very clear about the specific situation, Baili Yuan knew that the practice was over.

It is worth mentioning the super body skill.

The super-body has six growth directions—idea, senses, speed, strength, defense, and resilience.

However, the growth of these six aspects is not balanced. Thought and strength have reached the third level, and have become special skills, but the remaining four aspects are still only at the second level. Bailiyuan estimates that all six aspects have grown. To level three, the super body can grow to level three.

What also surprised Bailiyuan was the skill of cooking.

According to the system, level five is considered an extremely advanced level, and it can be said to be the highest level of skill.

And Bailiyuan also felt it, the food he made now not only glows, but also hallucinogenic and powerful!

It is not hallucinogenic in the literal sense, Bailiyuan can express something through food, and the person who tastes the food will understand what Bailiyuan wants to express, just like an illusion.

At the same time, Bailiyuan can also dig out the deeper power of food. Even ordinary ingredients can bloom more brilliantly in Bailiyuan's hands, bringing magical effects.

This also makes the things made by Baili Yuan have special powers, which can benefit the creatures that eat the food.

Baili Yuan felt that if this ability continued to improve, it might become even stronger, and there was even more magical power above it.

Although there are only eleven skills left in the end, as long as Bailiyuan has a cultivation method, he can relearn those skills. If he gets another skill cleaning crystal at that time, these skills he learned will be turned into nutrient supply These skills are suitable for Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan's skill level will be improved by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, Bailiyuan felt that there was nothing wrong with learning more skills.

However, skills are easy to learn, but crystals are not easy to acquire.


Bailiyuan left the home space and continued on.

The closer you get to the Flame Trail, the hotter the surrounding air will be.

But there were more people around.

Those who can appear on the Flame Trail are generally trainers.

Although the hot flame trail has high temperature and harsh environment, it is a rare place for resistance training.

There are many fire-type Pokmon in the Flame Trail, and the environment and elves here can be used to train fire-type Pokmon and high temperature. For many fire-type Pokmon, this is also a good place to improve and cultivate.

But now, Bailiyuan, who had lost his skills, and the lobster soldier, who had also lost his skills, were undergoing resistance training while heading towards Chimney Mountain. The training targets were those trainers and ordinary wild elves.

The Pokémon that mainly live on Flame Trail include the lava worm family and the dull fire camel family.

There are also a large number of gas bombs, but the gas bombs are troublesome to other elves and trainers, because gas bombs in high temperature areas are really difficult to make people feel at ease.

In addition, because of the existence of caves, there are also a small amount of smelly mud and gophers.

However, some other elves have been seen in the Hot Pass, such as Balram and Wrist.

Of course, because there are caves distributed here, no one can figure out all the types of elves. There are also some other Pokmon here, such as the one brought back by the lobster soldiers...

The whole body presents a stone-like body, and there is a brown stone standing up in a cone on the head, which seems to be his horn. The main body is navy blue, with a light yellow hexagonal hole in the center of the body, a black core in the center, and two polygonal stones as feet.

"Isn't this Shi Wanzi? Why did it appear here?" Baili Yuan asked in surprise.

He just asked the lobster soldier to pick up two suitable stones as props for practicing crab boxing. As a result, Bailiyuan found such a "heterogeneous" among the stones picked up by the lobster soldier.

"Although stone balls are mostly distributed in caves in the Hezhong area, they are also found in Fengyuan area and Carlos area. However, generally speaking, stone balls live in groups." Caroline explained.

As soon as Caroline finished speaking, five stone balls appeared in Bailiyuan's sight. Obviously, they came here to find companions.

Five stone balls stand in a row, and...

chug chug chug...

A series of rocks were condensed by them and shot at Bailiyuan and the lobster soldiers.

It's rock crit!

Although the power is not very strong, but the number is sufficient.

Bailiyuan immediately picked up the lobster soldier.

"Lobster minions, harden!"


bang bang bang bang...

After the rock crit was over, Bailiyuan threw the lobster soldier on the ground, and the lobster soldier was circling on the ground in a daze.

"Well, that's right, this is anti-strike training!"

Bailiyuan nodded, and then looked in the direction of the five stone balls.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Long Nose Leaf, Flying Leaf Knife!" A voice sounded, and a series of Flying Leaf Knives flew over, hit the five stone balls, and sent the five stone balls flying.

After being attacked, the five stone balls obviously wanted to retreat, but because their companions were still in Bailiyuan's hands, they didn't leave directly.

Seeing this, Bailiyuan threw the stone balls in his hand to the five stone balls, and only then did the six stone balls leave.

After the six stone balls left, Bailiyuan turned to look at the trainer who came behind him to help.

"Thank you." Baili Yuan expressed his gratitude.

"You're welcome, you are also the trainer who is training here, do you want to play a game?" the trainer said, and the long nose leaf beside him also raised his hand.

The corner of Bailiyuan's mouth curled up, and he patted the lobster soldier beside him.

"Lobster minions, prepare to fight!"

The lobster soldier just shook his head and regained his sobriety.

The lobster soldier looked at the proboscis leaf on the opposite side, but actually raised his pincers fully.



Bailiyuan didn't stay on the hot flame trail for too long, he passed through the hot flame trail very quickly, and finally arrived at the destination Chimney Mountain.

In fact, the formation of Flame Trail is closely related to Chimney Mountain.

Chimney Mountain is a volcano located in the north-central Hoenen region. Although there has been no eruption for many years, the volcanic ash floating from the volcano means that Chimney Mountain is still a dormant volcano. At the foot of the mountain is Route 112, and a hole is opened in the north and south, forming a hot flame trail.

To the north is Qiuye Town, and usually volcanic ash will float to Route 113.

Thinking of the top of Chimney Mountain, in addition to passing through the concave and convex mountain roads, you can also take a cable car. From the top of the mountain, you can reach Fuyan Town through the concave and convex mountain road.

"What's going to happen here?" Bailiyuan temporarily settled down after arriving at Chimney Mountain, because Juzi Tianwang only gave him one location and didn't have any information about this place. He probably didn't know what would happen here, but he could For sure, this is definitely an important location.

"Perhaps there is something special here." Bailiyuan led the lobster soldier up Chimney Hill.

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