I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 860 Bye bye~

The only one who dared to confront the desert dragonfly was Pikachu.

At this time, the comatose mandaw ants outside the Phantom Tower gradually woke up, but at this moment they all raised their heads and looked at the sky in shock.

The originally scorching sky in the desert suddenly thundered and thundered, but there were no clouds. The scene was extremely strange.

In the distance of the desert, a figure noticed the situation here, it was a woman.

"There seems to be a powerful Pokémon with electric attributes over there, biting the land shark fiercely, let's go and have a look."

Biting Lu Shark nodded like a guard, then bent down.

The woman sat on the body of Lie Bite Lu Shark, and then rushed towards the direction of the Phantom Tower, a strand of blond hair shone brightly in her eyes.

At this time, Pikachu also collided with the desert dragonfly in the Tower of Phantom.

Boom boom boom——

The desert dragonfly was not to be outdone. Although he had suffered some injuries from Xanadu's attack just now, he was still ferocious.

Xanadu saw the right time and joined the battle.

Bailiyuan took the fossil from the mouth of another statue.

"This time it's claw fossils." Baili Yuan put away the two fossils.

As for the two statues, although they were made of gold, they had no other valuable parts, and gold meant nothing to Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan is not so poor as to scrape the ground.

Bailiyuan looked at the desert dragonfly that was fighting Pikachu in the air. The diamond egg on the top of the desert dragonfly made Bailiyuan a little moved, but Bailiyuan quickly stabilized his mind.

"We can't stay here for long..." Bailiyuan looked around, the space power around him was becoming more and more unstable, and the Phantom Tower was about to disappear.

Bailiyuan ran to Yusuke and Zhenya.

"The Phantom Tower is going to disappear, we must evacuate here as soon as possible."

Yusuke and Mariya were taken aback for a moment, but they nodded immediately.


Yusuke took out a sprite.

"Mountain King, dig a hole!"

Chuanshan King rushed to one side of the wall, trying to break the wall, but soon came back crying.

Bailiyuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

The periphery of this phantom tower is protected by space-time forces, and it cannot be destroyed at all. Otherwise, how could it be possible to fight for such a long time without breaking the surrounding stone walls?

Moreover, with the protection of this layer of space-time power, it is impossible to move outside instantly.

But Bailiyuan obviously couldn't explain it.

"It seems that we can only go out through the entrance." Baili Yuan said.

"But..." Mariya looked at the terrifying desert dragonfly worriedly.

"You guys go first, I'll kill you! The ultrasonic larvae and mandible ants below may have woken up, be careful!" Baili Yuan said.

Yusuke and Mariya just hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"Okay, let's go open the way first."

"We're waiting for you outside!"

After finishing speaking, the two turned around and left with their elves, and they couldn't help much if they stayed here.

Bailiyuan squinted his eyes and looked at the battle, estimating the time.

The combination of Pikachu and Xanadu is equivalent to the combination of two powerful king-level elves, but the power of the desert dragonfly is still eye-catching.

"It's almost time..." Bailiyuan felt that Yusuke and Zhenya should be able to get to the first floor, so he was also ready to leave.

Suddenly, the desert dragonfly let out a louder roar, and a pair of red eyes lit up.

"It's Nilin! Ghost Stone!"

Baili Yuan shouted.

Ghost Stone's laughter sounded, she who had been lurking before had already hid in secret, but because of the difference in strength, Ghost Stone did not move, but now the desert dragonfly has used the reverse scale, which means that the desert dragonfly is no longer He has some reservations, and his attention is focused on Xanadu and Pikachu, which also makes Ghost Stone have an opportunity!


A large piece of will-o'-the-wisp fell on the desert dragonfly.

Although it didn't cause too much damage, the moment won was enough.

Bailiyuan turned around and ran into the passage, while Xanadu took Pikachu and disappeared on the fourth floor, chasing Bailiyuan.

Seeing the disappearance of Xanadu and Pikachu, the desert dragonfly became even crazier, trying to find Ghost Stone, but found that Ghost Stone disappeared after throwing a handful of will-o'-the-wisps.

Unwilling anger welled up in his heart, and the last sanity of the desert dragonfly disappeared.

With a flap of its wings, the desert dragonfly rushed towards the passage, collapsed the passage, and chased Bailiyuan and the others.

And beside the fleeing Bailiyuan, three elves also appeared.

"Good job, come back."

Bailiyuan took back the three elves, and then ran forward quickly.

The roar came from behind, and Bailiyuan knew that he had to speed up his pace. As for the teleportation, Bailiyuan also wanted to use it, but the aura released by the desert dragonfly behind him locked Bailiyuan, making Bailiyuan unable to teleport leave.

So I can only rely on running.

Accompanied by the breeze, Bailiyuan turned into an afterimage, ran out of the third floor, and ran to the second floor.

The ultrasonic larva on the second floor had new wounds, which were obviously left by Yusuke and Maria, who also opened up a way for Baili Yuan to escape.

However, the desert dragonfly chased it to the second floor!

"So fast!"

When Bailiyuan entered the first floor, the desert dragonfly had already chased after him, but the narrow passage temporarily slowed down the speed of the desert dragonfly.

Seeing this, Bailiyuan suddenly had a bold idea.

Bailiyuan stopped suddenly, then turned around and punched!

It happened that the head of the desert dragonfly rushed out of the passage.

"Combined Ninjutsu Steaming Fist!"

The water chakra condensed on Baili Yuan's right hand, and then the fire chakra rushed to Baili Yuan's wrist again, and then a large cloud of steam erupted from the wrist backwards, bringing a powerful impact, powerful enough to shatter rocks!

This is a combination of water attribute chakra and fire attribute chakra.

This steaming hot fist was deduced by Caroline based on the ninjutsu of the heraldry world and some ninjutsu theories in Naruto combined with the power of Chakra. But it is different. It is a combined ninjutsu, which uses fire attribute chakra to evaporate water attribute chakra, and then bursts out high-temperature steam, using the reaction force to bring super fast speed.

And speed is power!

But ordinary people can't learn this trick, even if they learn it, they can't use it.

Because not everyone's wrists can withstand the internal explosion of the two attributes of Chakra. Similarly, ordinary people's fists cannot withstand the pressure brought by speed.

Maybe a lot of people can only use half of their wrists for this trick and it will explode. Even if they barely use it, they will probably be able to use it once in this life.

According to Naruto, this trick is a "forbidden technique".

Because of the lack of a lot of ninjutsu materials in the Naruto world, Caroline can only deduce this kind of ninjutsu that is only suitable for Bailiyuan's physical fitness based on Bailiyuan's body speed, and the number is not much.

Although the recruitment mode can get ninjutsu from the Naruto world, but the low-level Easter eggs can only get one or two ninjutsu at a time, and it is not the kind of high-level ninjutsu. If you want to get complete attribute ninjutsu, you can only choose to use high-level Easter eggs. , but the opponents recruited by advanced Easter eggs are not so easy to deal with, and the surrounding environmental factors must also be considered, such as the red frost last time, and the most important thing is that there is still a cooldown time for recruiting.

The easter eggs recruited are not eggs laid by an old hen—one after another!

Baili Yuan turned around and punched the desert dragonfly on the head, knocking the desert dragonfly back a certain distance.

Diamond Easter Egg+1

Then Baili Yuan turned around and ran, his right hand was a little red, but fortunately he was not injured.

If it wasn't for the limited time, Bailiyuan would never take such a risk, and he still has many ways to deal with the desert dragonfly. If that was the case, Bailiyuan would definitely take this huge desert dragonfly away. The power of faith in the desert dragonfly is quite interesting.

But, now in a hurry.

The first floor was filled with mandaw ants again, as if they sensed that the phantom tower was about to disappear, the mandaw ants all returned to the phantom tower, but they did not attack Baili Yuan, but just quietly

"Xiaoyuan, run!" At the door, Yusuke and Maria shouted loudly.

Bailiyuan quickened his pace again and rushed out of the gate of the Phantom Tower, and Yusuke and Zhenya also took the opportunity to close the gate of the Phantom Tower.

The moment he rushed out, Bailiyuan saw the light of the dragon's breath through the crack of the door, but unfortunately he could only be blocked inside the door.

The gate of the Phantom Tower protected by the power of time and space outside, even the desert dragonfly, the occupant, cannot break through.

The three of them sat in the desert, Yusuke and Maria's faces showed the joy of the rest of their lives.

And the Phantom Tower also slowly faded under the gaze of the three, and then disappeared.

But before disappearing, the unwilling roar of the desert dragonfly reached the ears of the three.

But the desert dragonfly was helpless.

"Bye bye nei~"

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