I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 87 Small Fist Stone Evolution and Advancement to Primary Heraldry (Add more)

The snow break festival is over, and the villagers of Xuecun have resumed their idle life in the past.

Although Xuecun is far away from the world, it does not lack entertainment.

Game consoles, discs, and other things that can be played are not many. Amusement parks, bars, and mahjong parlors are all places for people to relax.

In addition to these, Xuecun also has schools and libraries, which can be used to learn knowledge.

Bailiyuan has never studied in this world, so she cannot comment on Xuecun's teaching level.

In addition to these, it is said that the villagers often go out of the snow village to travel to the outside world to learn about the outside world without worrying about being out of time.

At the same time, children over the age of fifteen in Xuecun will travel alone for five years. This is a tradition left by Xuecun since ancient times. This is why Bailiyuan has never met anyone between the ages of fifteen and twenty. The younger bartender brother is also twenty-five years old.

Children who come back after five years will have different levels of improvement in strength. In the end, whether they stay outside or return to Snow Village, Snow Village does not have too many regulations, but most people will still choose to return to their hometown.

Even children who choose to stay in the outside world regularly return to Snow Village to visit relatives.

Bailiyuan felt that the reason for this was entirely related to Xuecun's education of the children from an early age. The concept of hometown was firmly rooted in everyone's mind.

The big man brought back by Iron Armored Rhinoceros and Little Fist Stone still hasn't woken up. According to the doctor at the hospital, the big man is in a state similar to hibernation, and it will take a while to wake him up. The reason for this is likely to be related to the big man. related to the heraldic profession.

Thinking of the big man's appearance as a bear, Bailiyuan felt that the big man was more likely to be a bear in human skin.

Resuming her old life, Bailiyuan started her daily routine of absorbing eight-sided prisms and training elves.

After that night of melee, the elves had improved a lot. After going through the chaotic battle, Bailiyuan could clearly feel that the aura of the elves was a little different from before, and the mood of the elves had also grown.

In addition to the improvement in quality, the strength of the elves has also improved.

In real battles, elves can also gain experience.

Several elves stuck at level 40, such as the flame chicken, have successfully upgraded, not to mention the other elves, who have received a lot of experience and have all upgraded one after another.

Maybe the level of the trainer in the handheld is really based on Bailiyuan's physical fitness. The enhanced Bailiyuan's trainer level in the game has actually skyrocketed to level 50, which is what the elves can upgrade reason.

In the game, the level of elves cannot exceed the level of trainers.

Of course, except for Miaowahua, who has been out of the game, he does not have this restriction, and similarly, he will not receive experience upgrade treatment, so he is the only elf who did not upgrade in that battle.

Frog Flower needs to rely on self-cultivation if it wants to improve its strength, and it is not in a hurry. Fighting can only allow Frog Flower to accumulate battle experience and hone its own strength.

The cultivation of Frog Flower is also very simple, it is to absorb the wood attribute power of this world corresponding to its own attribute, and at the same time continue to train. Now Frog Flower is accumulating strength little by little in the usual diet and training.

However, it is not without problems for elves to break through level 40.

Elves who have reached level 40 or above can be said to be intermediate-level contracted beasts, while Bailiyuan is just a trainee summoner, with a large level of power difference, and elves above level 40 cannot be summoned of course.

Including Flame Chicken, Menus, Nine Tails, Giant Pincer Mantis, and Pikachu, they were the five most active elves that night, and also the elves who gained the most experience. Pikachu has passed the level of evolution, but there has been no sign of evolution.

Xanadu and Iron Armored Rhino successfully reached level 30, and Little Fist Stone also reached level 30. After recovering from the weak period of the big bang, they evolved silently and directly, without any muddle. The evolution of flowers is much faster, and Bailiyuan once suspected that it was because Xiaoquanshi's body was covered with stones, which was easy to support.

The Little Fist Stone has evolved into a Rumble Stone, which perfectly interprets the four words "become disabled after evolution".

However, compared to the bumpy body in the illustrated book, although Longlongshi's body is still bumpy, it looks extremely heavy. Bailiyuan thinks this should be related to the training strategy of the monster breeding team and his own care.

After the evolution, Long Longshi's temper became even worse. He is still good at self-destruction and big bang, but he has more experience in using these two moves. At the same time, he also learned earthquakes at some point.

The mosquito-repellent frog has also reached level 35.

Super Miaomiao has also been promoted to level 16.

The level of Xiaobingyanzhu at this time is also more than 20 levels by visual inspection, but Xiaobingyanzhu does not need to be upgraded in battle. Her strength improvement needs to be cultivated by herself, just like Miao Frog Flower. How to cultivate Xiaobingyanzhu , the super-large ice rock column has already given Bailiyuan a full set of methods.

It can be said that Xiaobingyanzhu's promotion path is the most comprehensive among the contracted beasts under Bailiyuan, and the least worrying.

At this time, five elves above level 40 could not be summoned.

Although Bailiyuan's trainer level has reached level 50, whether he can be summoned depends on the level of the summoner's coat of arms.

However, as long as Bailiyuan breaks through to become a junior summoner, he can summon the five elves to play together again.

And Bailiyuan could feel that it had only been two days since he broke through to the junior heraldry envoy.

When Bailiyuan transformed, Bailiyuan already felt the opportunity to break through, now he only needs to accumulate his final strength, and then he can break through to the primary heraldry envoy in a natural way!

Therefore, in the past two days, Bailiyuan has worked harder to absorb the light in the octagonal prism.

What made Bailiyuan happy was that after only two days, Bailiyuan replenished the light in his body and successfully broke through to the primary heraldic envoy.

There is no such thing as a moth, it will happen when it is done, everything is so natural.

Although the system wanted to give Bailiyuan some promotional effects, such as adding a golden light or something, the system entered the standby state again after a burst of thrusting by Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan knew what would happen when he was promoted to a junior heraldry envoy.

A junior heraldry user can be said to have officially entered the training path of a heraldry user!

The transition chapter, so add more, make a transition, and then it's time to enter the content of the next section.

Prepare to travel across the world··········

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