I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 850: The Desert on Route 111

"Only one hundred?" A big sister frowned and said, but after hesitating for a while, the big sister nodded.

"One hundred is one hundred, come on..."

"Wait!" Baili Yuan raised his hand suddenly.

"what happened again?"

"I wonder if that's too much."

"Many?" The eldest sister showed a resentful expression.

"Don't you think I'm not worth the price? I'll let you see if I'm worth the price..." The eldest sister was about to unbutton the button.

"Ahem, it's worth it, it's worth it." Baili Yuan said hastily.

"Really, the battle between elves is still so frustrating. You are already a fisherman, and you are only willing to bet one hundred yuan, hum~" The big sister buttoned up her cuffs, gave up the real person PK, and taught Bailiyuan a lesson Then he took out a poke ball, pressed the big button, and threw it out.

"My elf is her, go, sweetheart, meow to the end!"

"Then my side is the lobster soldier!"

The lobster soldiers beside Bailiyuan jumped into the battlefield.

Since subduing this lobster soldier, Bailiyuan started to take this lobster soldier to retrain his account.

Although Bailiyuan still has business to do, he actually has plenty of time.

At this time, Bailiyuan is heading from Zijin City to the Flame Trail, the road is Route 111, and Bailiyuan's destination is Chimney Mountain.

The road to retraining the Lobster Boys is quite smooth. After all, many skills have been learned before, and the speed of mastering is very fast. Although the memory is gone, the memory of the body still exists.

Today, Lobster Minion has remastered two skills - Bubble Ray and Stare.

The lobster soldiers are still fighting high today.

But this time, the opponent of the lobster soldier is a cat with a tail.

Xiangwei Meow, a kitten Pokémon, looks like a kitten. Its back and tail are pink, its abdomen is light yellow, its eyes are squinted, and its four feet are small.

It is not a Pokémon that is very good at fighting, and is mostly kept as a pet.

But it can't be taken lightly, because Xiangwei is a Pokémon after all, and no matter how cute she looks, it doesn't mean she's weak.

And the Xiangwei cat in front of Bailiyuan obviously fights often, it's not the cute type, but has a strong temperament of Yujie, and it's ready to fight as soon as it comes out.

Bet 100 yuan, one-on-one Pokémon battle!

"Meow to the end, high-five surprise attack!"

"It turns out that there is such a trick, no wonder..."

High Five: Make a preemptive attack that makes the opponent cower. The earlier it is used, the greater the chance of success.

However, on the other side, Xiangwei's high-five surprise attack failed.

"How is it possible?" The eldest sister was taken aback.

But the light reflected off the lobster minion shows what the lobster minion just did - harden!

Lobster soldiers have long been prepared!


The lobster soldier glared at Xiangwei and meowed.

Staring trick!

Staring can lower the opponent's defense.

This is also a signal for the lobster minions to fight back!


The lobster soldier raised his pincers—clamp it!

But the lobster soldier didn't knock Xiangwei away, but just pressed and opened his mouth - foam light!

Bailiyuan didn't command, but the lobster soldier acted on his own. This is not a tacit understanding, but the lobster soldier only has a few skills, and the routine will basically not change much. This is not the first time the lobster soldier has done it Yes, already proficient.

As for the skill Dragon Dance... Although this skill is very good, the lobster minion who has not fully mastered it is a target when it dances, and it cannot quickly form a combo with other skills.

"Xiangwei, it's abominable, use charm! Charm is also part of strength!"

Xiangwei's charm successfully affects the lobster minions.

"Little Lobster, wake up, you don't have an egg group!" Bai Liyuan shouted hastily.

But the big sister blushed.

"Rogue, Xiangwei, get rid of him!"

Xiangwei Miao ran out from under the lobster soldier's pincers, a little embarrassed, but looked a little angry.

Lightning flashed on Xiangwei Meow's body.

Bailiyuan opened his mouth.

"No way?"

Shock wave!

Continuous electric shock waves fell on the lobster soldier.

The big sister didn't command, and Xiang Weimao chose the most suitable skills, which is called tacit understanding.

The lobster soldier lost the ability to fight, and until he lost the ability to fight, the lobster soldier still hadn't woken up from the charm.

Bailiyuan shook his head.

"Not only the memory of skills, but also the memory of battles have been affected. It has only improved a little after so many games, but the will is still at a disadvantage, and it can only grow through more battles."

Although I have experience in cultivating big tongue shells, but unlike the big tongue shells, the big tongue shells are very plastic, and the lobster soldiers have grown up once, and they have lost their previous battle memories, so they have to start from scratch again unless the lobster soldiers themselves Go the extra mile, or the lobster minions can easily go astray.

That's why Bailiyuan said that one hundred yuan was too much, not because the big sister was worthless, but because the lobster head of the lobster soldier was not worth the price!

Bailiyuan handed over one hundred yuan, and the corners of the eldest sister's mouth curled up after receiving the one hundred yuan.

"It's only a few strokes. It's really not like it."

"Oh, doesn't that still make you wet and bad?"

Bailiyuan looked at Xiangwei Miao, who was licking the wet and messy hair on her body under the feet of her big sister.


Bailiyuan originally planned to take the lobster soldier along on foot, so that he could exercise the lobster soldier's physique by the way.

However, walking on Route 111, as we approached the Flame Trail, the temperature in the air gradually increased, and there were no obvious water sources around, not even green plants. hot desert.

The lobster soldier finally fell on the road because he couldn't adapt to the environment, looking like he was about to be cooked.

Bailiyuan couldn't help but took out the pot.

The lobster soldier hurriedly stood up.

However, despite the harsh climate, there are still many elves and trainers here, although they are not very common.

At this point they have reached the middle of Route 111, and this area has become a desert.

"From the middle of the desert to the left, you can turn to the concave and convex mountain road, and then you can reach Chimney Mountain."

Bailiyuan looked at the map, then put away the lobster soldiers.

The next road is not suitable for the lobster soldiers to be outside, and Bailiyuan is also planning to speed up. The scenery in the desert is really not suitable for staying here for a long time.

Bailiyuan stepped forward and entered the desert.

The desert stretches as far as the eye can see, it is full of yellow sand, it is difficult to tell the direction, and it is boring to travel, and the number of Pokémon is very small, but the wild spiny cactus appears the most.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan didn't get lost.

"It's probably here, it's time to turn around, and I can't go forward."

However, at this time, a roar came from a distance, and Bailiyuan turned his head to look, and saw two figures riding elves towards him, and behind the figures, there seemed to be something chasing them, causing a stir. Large expanses of yellow sand.

Come on for the college entrance examination (ω)

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