I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 846 Special Attack Fire Dinosaur

There's a battle going on in a dojo in the Old Coast area far away in the Kanto region, but it's not as deadly, and of course, it's not as exciting.

The initial Pokémon Xiaoyu chose was the Lobster Minion.

To be honest, the lobster minions with a somewhat naughty personality are not suitable as the initial Pokémon for new trainers.

But Angela arranged it that way, and Xiaoyu chose it that way.

The lobster soldiers who want to leave the research institute are also willing to listen to Xiaoyu's command, but only to the degree of willingness. It is not easy to deepen the relationship as quickly as other initial Pokmon.

But the talent of the lobster soldier Angela chose is pretty good.

Not long after birth, he has already mastered the four skills of foaming, hardening, pinching and staring, and at the same time has initially mastered the genetic skill of playing with mud.

Don't underestimate this skill. The mud-playing skill allows water-type lobster minions to be able to deal with electricity-type moves in the early stage. This skill is not only not bad for lobster minions, but very good.

As long as the mud plays well, you can reverse the attribute and fight back!

However, there is still a long way to go to deal with Bailiyuan with lobster soldiers.

Bailiyuan chose to let Charmander play against the lobster soldiers against their attributes.

Xiaoyu naturally commented on Bailiyuan's choice - I'm afraid he didn't lose his mind.

Then the little Charmander beat the lobster soldier to the ground in close combat against the reflective wall.

The lobster minion can only use water-based skill bubbles, but the threat of the two pincers of a Pokémon like the lobster minions is far higher than the power of the water-based skills used, not to mention the bubble attack of a newly born lobster minion.

When Charmander avoided the foam and opened the reflective wall, the outcome of this battle was already doomed.

After the battle, although Xiaoyu was a little bit unwilling to admit defeat, she still admitted that she could afford to lose.

Then Charmander evolved...

I don't know if it's a coincidence, maybe it just happened to lack the little experience of the lobster soldier, anyway, Charmander suddenly evolved, and there was no sign at all.

After the light of evolution dissipated, the figure of the fire dinosaur appeared in front of Bailiyuan.

The body shape of the fire dinosaur is similar to that of the Charmander, but the skin color becomes darker, a horn-like protrusion grows on the top of the head, the mouth becomes pointed, somewhat similar to a bird's beak, the limbs and tail are longer than the Charmander, and the end of the tail is still burning with flames .

Bailiyuan's fire dinosaurs are thinner and smaller than ordinary fire dinosaurs, only less than one meter tall, and the muscles on their bodies don't look that developed.

"Is your fire dinosaur stunted?" As an evolutionary type of Charmander, one of the three imperial families, the academic Xiaoyu naturally knows the situation of the fire dinosaur after evolution. The Fire Dinosaur in the inner edge was thin and small, so he couldn't help but speak.

The so-called dysplasia means that the condition of the Pokémon is lower than the average, which may occur in many cases, and the most common ones are insufficient nutritional intake and the rash evolution when the previous stage is not fully developed, most of which are evolution Too fast to blame.

The Charmander evolved so suddenly just now, so Xiaoyu naturally thought of this aspect.

But Bailiyuan's fire dinosaur responded to Xiaoyu's question with practical actions.

The fire dinosaur opened its mouth, and a large flame flew into the air, and then exploded, raining fire in the sky.

The big characters are hot and powerful!

Instead, Bailiyuan paid attention to the flame on the fire dinosaur's tail.

To be honest, among the Pokémon in Bailiyuan, this is the first time that the body size is lower than the average after evolution.

It stands to reason that the better the accumulation and the better the Pokémon are cultivated, the size of the Pokémon will be larger than that of the same race.

But there are also many accidents that make body size not everything.

At this time, the flame on the fire dinosaur's tail is burning fiercely, but it is extremely stable, which means that the fire dinosaur is in a healthy state at this time, but full of strength.

"There's nothing wrong with the fire dinosaur, it's just that my fire dinosaur is a bit special." Baili Yuan explained, but he was thinking about other things.

"The fire dinosaur's special attack is obviously stronger, and this size also represents a disadvantage in physical attack. In other words, is the development direction of my fire dinosaur special attack? Then..."

This also means that there is no need to hesitate in the super evolution of fire dinosaurs in the future, only those that are more suitable for special attacks——

"Charizard Y!"

Bailiyuan understood that it was time to remove a super evolutionary stone for the fire dinosaur.

It's a pity for those powerful physical skills and dragon skills.

But it’s not a loss, as long as the fire dinosaur is strong enough in the future, there is no difference whether it is in X form or Y form.

Chaomeng also has two super evolutions, but who dares to say which one of his super evolutions is easy to bully?

No matter what it looks like, it's just a different look to hit you.

Bailiyuan rubbed the fire dinosaur's head.

"Good job, keep up the good work."


"Okay, let's go to the shrine and put the newly bought pork head meat to the god of fate."


A day later, Bailiyuan boarded a cruise ship to Fengyuan area, and Bailiyuan was accompanied by Xiaoyu.

Bailiyuan didn't understand why Xiaoyu followed him, and the first time he traveled, he went to the Fengyuan area far away from his hometown.

But Xiaoyu said that her initial Pokémon was the lobster minions in the Fengyuan area, so there is nothing wrong with going to the Fengyuan area, and... rich and self-willed!

"By the way, why don't we take the airship, why do we have to take this slow cruise ship? It takes a long time to get to the Fengyuan area." On the deck, Xiaoyu complained to Bailiyuan.

"You don't understand, you fly a lot, you just want to be more down-to-earth." Baili Yuan said.

"But this is the sea..." Although Xiaoyu didn't quite understand what Bailiyuan meant, it didn't affect her complaints.

Bailiyuan looked at Xiaoyu.

"Because I rely on waves!"


Bailiyuan looked at the sea, thinking about the phone call with King Juzi last night.

This trip to Fengyuan area was actually commissioned by King Kikuko.

The content of the commission is to participate in the conspiracy to smash Team Lava and Team Ocean.

As for why he went, King Juzi gave Bailiyuan an analysis.

Every strong man who wants to seek benefits for himself must have a record that can be achieved.

If Bailiyuan wants to have a higher status in the league, and if he wants to help his "cousin" Angela, he must grow up and have a higher status.

Bailiyuan didn't challenge the Heavenly King Competition, but he could improve his status by participating in the event.

Moreover, the matter this time is actually not that difficult for Bailiyuan. Although it is said to "participate in smashing", it is almost equivalent to obsessing on the edge, being a bastard, lying down and waiting for the fruit of victory.

(Edge OB: game terminology, play by ear, to put it bluntly, it’s a team fight, I’ll watch the situation first, if someone can beat the head, I’ll join. If you can’t beat it, run away immediately. Perfect~)

Because, there are other people who are contributing to this matter—Long Tian Wang Du!

Du wants to be a champion, but currently the only choice is the championship seat of the Silver League. Although a mysterious person is already sitting on the championship seat of the Silver League at this time, that person is not interested in this position, and the Silver League It has not been announced to the public, so the champion of the Silver League may change at any time, and now there is a shortage of a suitable person.

And Du is more suitable, but if you want to get this position, you must have a stepping stone with enough weight, that is to solve the lava team and the ocean team!

That is to say, it would be good if Du worked hard, and Baili Yuan followed behind to pick up the fruits of victory.

However, the matter about Du is a secret, a secret operation, and cannot be disclosed to the outside world, and as long as Bailiyuan doesn't say that he knows, no one will think that Bailiyuan is actually picking up fruits to eat.

As for the possibility of crossing failure... Anyway, it is a marginal OB, and it will not be too late for Bailiyuan to run if crossing fails.

It was revealed to Bailiyuan that King Juzi was helping Bailiyuan in disguise, which is enough to show that King Juzi attached great importance to Bailiyuan, especially after seeing Bai Guisi, who had evolved into a ghost stone, through the screen. I firmly believe that Bailiyuan has a unique talent in cultivating ghost-attribute Pokémon, perhaps it is another special ability related to ghost-attribute!

Looking at the undulating sea, Bailiyuan was a little curious about the mysterious new champion of the Silver League, what kind of existence is it that makes him not even interested in the championship seat, but others can only do it if they want to win this seat The task is used as a stepping stone instead of a direct challenge?

"Perhaps... very strong." Baili Yuan sighed.

"What?" Xiaoyu asked.



Important notice, the author has decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and the addition of updates can only be suspended, but the author will try his best to ensure double updates. I wish the author a year to go ashore, otherwise... the second year of the exam~

A new storm has emerged...

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