I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 840: Those Who Choose the Evil Department Are All Their Own People

The Misaka girls who dealt with the lobster soldiers turned their heads to look at Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan hurriedly threw the empty poke ball in his hand.

Misaka Kazuka took the poke ball, and then took the lobster soldier back.

"Okay, now it's time to get rid of the irrelevant people. DO, Misaka Kazuka said excitedly."


Then five hyena dogs surrounded Bailiyuan and the girl.

"Ah!" The girl exclaimed, and then retreated. She seemed to understand that the news she had inquired about was not groundless.

"I shouldn't have listened to my father's nonsense and came here to get the initial Pokmon. If I didn't come here to get the initial Pokmon, I wouldn't be surrounded by coyote dogs. If I wasn't surrounded by coyotes, I wouldn't be out of control. Will be reduced to this sad place..." The girl still muttered, her eyes staring into the distance, as if life had lost hope.

What kind of player is this?

Bailiyuan was speechless for a while.

"Do you really want to do it?" Baili Yuan asked.

"No, it was a beating. DO, Misaka Miku said bluntly."

Wow, that's a very eloquent statement.

Bailiyuan took a step forward.

"Just right, I also want to see the battle of Misaka sisters with other attributes!"

"But we don't have elves!" The girl next to Baili Yuan said suddenly.

"Aren't there two here?" Baili Yuan pointed to the mosquito coil tadpole and horned goldfish on the ground.

The girl's eyes lit up.

Bailiyuan's words made the five Misaka sisters startled.

"Although I don't understand, we won't show mercy. DO, Misaka Yotsuba said unhappily."

"Don't worry, we have a set of proficient methods of physically erasing memories. DO, Misaka Itsuki said with a smile."

But the five Misaka girls here are still expressionless, and they don't feel like smiling at all, instead they have a sense of ferocity.

"Coyote, strike! DO, Misaka Nino shouted after grabbing command."

Following Misaka Nino's shout, five coyotes rushed towards the two of them.

"That, that, on the ground, only mosquito-repellent tadpoles have the ability to fight, but the skills of mosquito-repellent tadpoles are... yes..."

But Bailiyuan picked up the horned goldfish, and pointed the horned goldfish's buttocks at the five hyena dogs.

"Horned goldfish, wag your tail!"

The horned goldfish wagged its tail a little ignorantly.

Tail wagging: Wagging the tail left and right to make the opponent careless and reduce the opponent's defense.

Sure enough, the momentum of the five coyote dogs slowed down.

Bailiyuan nodded secretly.

Although the five coyote dogs looked good, they were not much bigger than the horned goldfish in his hand, and they probably hadn't experienced any battles, so their level was not high.

"It's now, mosquito coil tadpoles, foam attack!"

The mosquito-repellent tadpole opened its mouth and spit out a piece of bubbles. Although the mosquito-repellent tadpole is also small, its accuracy is still good, but its power and range are not as good.

The mosquito-repellent tadpole just knocked out the two coyote dogs, and then stopped, and the two coyote dogs that were knocked out quickly stood up.

The mosquito-repellent tadpole looked at Bailiyuan, as if to say——and then?

Then... Baili Yuan felt a murderous aura.

When Bailiyuan raised his head, he noticed that the eyes of the five Misaka girls had changed when they looked at him, and electric currents flashed from their heads, and they spread their legs apart, as if they were about to fight hand-to-hand.


Baili Yuan shook the horned goldfish in his hand, then threw it out.

"Horned goldfish, use peck!"


However, the moment the horned goldfish flew out, Bailiyuan raised the elf ball in his hand and took the horned goldfish back, and at the same time took back the mosquito-repellent tadpoles on the ground.


Bailiyuan smiled and threw two elf balls to the girl behind him.

"If you have time, take a look at the Pokémon Encyclopedia. Mosquito-repellent tadpoles have only one initial skill, and horned goldfish have only two initial skills, and these two Pokmon are not rare Pokmon. If you want to become a trainer, even these Knowing that it is difficult to become a strong trainer."

"Oh, wait, what do you mean?" The girl felt that something was wrong with Baili Yuan's words, she was pointing at herself!

However, Bailiyuan ignored the girl, but looked at the hyena dog and the five Misaka girls who rushed over again.

Well, Misaka-san really wants to come up to melee.

The painting style changes suddenly.

"Xianla, the freezing wind!"


A cloud of ice wind suddenly appeared, and then froze the five coyotes and five Misaka girls in place.

"Stop making trouble."

A voice sounded, and a figure came out from behind.

He is a biochemical researcher, but the biochemical researcher looks no different from a normal human being. A yola is following the researcher, and this yola is exactly the one that Bailiyuan rescued from Bixias. One of the elves, Hula.

The strength is seventy levels!

The Misaka girls don't know Bailiyuan, but the biochemical researcher and Yula do know Bailiyuan.

"Huanla~" Huanla greeted Bailiyuan, and she still had a good impression of Bailiyuan, the trainer who saved his life.

"Xiao Yuan, when did you come back?" the biochemical researcher asked.

"Um... just came back." Baili Yuan said.

And the girl next to Bailiyuan suddenly felt isolated.

They... are a team!

The girl hurriedly retreated a distance.

"Are they all like this now?" Bailiyuan pointed to the five Misaka girls.

The biochemical researcher shrugged helplessly.

"Of course not, only the five under Researcher Angela are like this. You also know what the research topic of our research institute is, so..."

The biochemical researcher spread his hands.

"Okay, leave it to me here. If you have any questions, you can contact Researcher Angela first. She is currently investigating in the Fengyuan area. She should be able to explain your questions to you. By the way, Researcher Angela will return it to you. Prepared a gift."

Bailiyuan nodded and left.

The biochemical researcher didn't thaw the Misaka girls and coyote dogs first, but looked at the girl.

"You are Xiaoyu. I'm sorry to surprise you. I received the news. You are here to claim the initial Pokmon. You must have seen the three initial Pokmon prepared for you. Which one are you going to want?" ?”

I want them all!

But Xiaoyu abruptly suppressed the words that came to her lips.

Because the atmosphere at this time is weird, no one knows whether the smiling researcher in front of her will ask Yu to pull her directly after she said this sentence.

Xiaoyu hesitated on the two poke balls in his hand, then thought of something, and looked at the poke ball held by a Misaka girl.

"I want that one!"

"Oh? Lobster soldier?" The researcher's smile became brighter, and his affection for Xiaoyu soared.

Those who choose to be related to the evil relationship are all their own people!

As for whether the Lobster Soldier is suitable for a newcomer trainer...

Anyway, it has nothing to do with him, and he is not a good person.

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