I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 837 This moment is the ultimate moment

The double needles of the big needle bee mercilessly inserted into the eye socket of the giant dragon.

Then the big needle bee succeeded in one blow, retreated quickly, and successfully avoided the dragon's counterattack.

The reason why the Big Needle Bee can do this is not only that the poisonous dragon itself has poor defense and is not good at melee combat, but also has something to do with the strength of the Big Needle Bee.

The strength of the big needle bee far exceeds that of ordinary elves of the same level.

The big needle bee succeeded, which surprised the rest of the brave team.

"So strong? Could it be that he can really beat a dragon single-handedly?" Fino said in surprise.

But Bailiyuan didn't show any affirmative expression, he still watched the battle above with a serious expression.

The advantages and disadvantages of the big needle bee are equally obvious.

Speed ​​and venom are what Big Needle Bee is good at, and it is also good at bursting. However, the lack of physical strength makes Big Needle Bee's stamina insufficient. If it can't quickly deal with the opponent, the situation of Big Needle Bee will gradually become bad.

The big needle bee knew his situation, so after avoiding the dragon's counterattack, he rushed towards the dragon again.

The counterattack just now was caused by the dragon's outburst of pain, waving its claws to attack, but now, after a brief outburst of counterattack, the pain in the dragon's eyes has also begun to affect the state of the dragon.

However, the giant dragon is still a giant dragon. Facing the attack of the big needle bee again, the giant dragon retreated quickly.

The giant dragon closed its injured eye, and its only one eye stared fiercely at the needle bee.

"Bug, I will make you pay the price, I will torture you to death!"

Looking at the big needle bee, the giant dragon cunningly did not meet it, it had already experienced the speed and flexibility of the big needle bee.

So the dragon opened its mouth this time, and a dull voice sounded in the air, which also brought about magical fluctuations.

"It's dragon language magic!" Long Te exclaimed, and then hurriedly began to deploy defensive magic above his head.

Although the dragon's target was not them, Longte was more worried that they would be accidentally injured.

A special kind of magic created by the dragon-language magician, the Dragon Clan, has two remarkable characteristics. One is that it is difficult to learn. Although other creatures can learn it, it is quite difficult to learn, because this kind of magic was originally created by the Dragon Clan for themselves; The second is powerful. Judging from the size of the dragons, it can be seen that the bodies of the dragons can often store more magic power, and the magic that is used reasonably by using these magic powers is naturally powerful.

An analogy is that if the human magician studies how to ignite one equivalent of TNT to a stronger power, then the dragon family studies how to ignite one hundred equivalent of TNT together.

Feeling the magic power condensed in the air, Bailiyuan judged the attribute of the magic that the dragon will use next - poison magic!

Or, in this world, it should be called wood branch magic.

The coat of arms makes the world and the attribute division of this world different from the attribute division of the Pokémon world.

It is not so detailed. The division of attributes in the Pokémon world depends on the difference between external performance and power fluctuations. The division of various attributes between the heraldry world and this world is based on the origin of the attributes and the cognition of the origin of the world. .

Because it also has the attribute characteristics that affect vitality, the poison system is divided into the branch magic of the wood system.

However, no matter how it is divided, it is impossible to deny the power of the next dragon's magic.


The dragon is very proficient in the magic used, and the casting process is over soon. Although the big needle bee wants to get close to the dragon again, the dragon doesn't let the big needle bee succeed.

"Toxic rainstorm!"

The green rainstorm fell out of thin air.

Longte was glad that he had prepared ahead of time.

Everyone in the brave team stared at the big needle bee.

Facing the falling green rainstorm, the big needle bee suddenly turned into more than a dozen figures.

Shadow clone!

The poisonous rainstorm shattered most of the clones of the big needle bee, but the body of the big needle bee still rushed out of the range of the rainstorm.

Move at high speed!

Needle Bee charged at the dragon again, but this time with a poisonous mist behind her.

The dragon escaped the impact of the big needle bee. Its huge size is not suitable for facing a small but fast attacking enemy like the big needle bee head-on.

However, the giant dragon is also aware of its superiority in physical strength. As long as the time for the Big Needle Bee's outbreak is delayed, it will be able to slowly process the Big Needle Bee and the brave team below.

When the dragon and the big needle bee fight, the real danger is not the poison, but the power hidden in the poison.

The big needle bee didn't stop after the dragon dodged, but continued to attack the dragon, bringing up poisonous mist in the air, and the big needle bee kept using the shadow clone and high-speed movement to deal with the dragon.

The magic and the skills of the needle bee kept colliding in the air.

Finally, a large swath of poisonous fog surrounded the sky and also blocked the dragon's sight.

At the same time, the flapping of the needle bee's wings disappeared.

"Covering the line of sight? Little trick!" the giant dragon taunted, flapping its wings, trying to blow away the poisonous mist, but the poisonous mist was so thick that it couldn't be blown away.

Hidden in the poisonous mist, the big needle bee held his breath and concentrated.

gather gas!

gather gas!

gather gas!

The big needle bee frantically squeezed his own state.

In the face of such a large enemy as the dragon, it is impossible to weaken it step by step in the case of the big needle bee. We can only strive for the highest damage in the shortest time.

The giant dragon's carelessness was used to abolish one of the dragon's eyes before, but now that the giant dragon is on guard, it is impossible to give the big needle bee a chance to succeed.

Powerful, and can't be solved by skills, it can only be faced head-on, this is exactly the whetstone that Big Needle Bee hopes for!

Of course, it could also be a broken knife stone.

Big Needle Bee is ready!


The sound of flapping wings resounded and echoed in the canyon, making people unable to resist covering their ears.

The poisonous mist drifted away, revealing the appearance of a large needle bee.

At this time, the body of the big needle wasp trembled violently, and the purple venom wrapped its body, which was a sign that the power in the big needle wasp was fully mobilized.

The big needle bee suddenly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the dragon head-on.

"court death!"

The giant dragon roared, and the magic that had been prepared at some time turned into a green thorn and entangled the big needle bee.

The thorns entangled the big needle bee, and then crazily tightened it.


The figure of the big needle bee exploded.

It's a clone!

"What?!" The dragon was startled.

The sound of flapping wings sounded in the dragon's ears, and the direction was... the direction of the blind eye!

When entangled with the dragon before, the big needle bee used the shadow clone many times, and each time it separated a piece. Although it was avoiding the attack, it was actually a kind of confusion.

The shadow avatar can be separated into one piece, or one can be separated out!

In the end, the big needle bee took advantage of the damage to the dragon's vision and successfully approached the dragon again.

Fight back, now!

Destroy the light!

The scorching light hit the dragon's neck.


The dragon's body tilted and lost its balance in the air.

And the erupting big needle bee directly forced the body to ignore the sequelae caused by using the destructive light. Of course, this is also harmful to the body.

But when it broke out, the big needle bee wouldn't bother so much.

Double needle!

The double needles of the big needle bee turned into an afterimage, and hit the dragon severely, causing many scars on the dragon's body.

With a set of attacks, Big Needle Bee's own momentum and will were raised to the peak.

The big needle bee flew to the top of the dragon's head, and she concentrated all her strength on the tail thorn.

Poisonous Fruit·Deadly Acupuncture!

The power of the devil fruit and the power of the big needle bee as an elf were perfectly fused together by the big needle bee at this time. Cooperating with its own will, this blow is the continuous practice and training of the big needle bee, and the continuous development of its own strength. Ability, and then reached the pinnacle!

Although the deadly needle is not the strongest move of the big needle bee, it is the move that can best carry her killing intent at this time.

This moment is the ultimate time!

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