I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 84 Hope (3000 votes plus updates)

Although the Gwent card can be very good against enemies with insufficient IQ, it also has limitations.

First, if you want to use Gwent cards, you must have all Gwent cards in your hand, so it is very dangerous to arrange the interval between two games of Gwent cards. You must find a way to control the opponent, delay time, and let everyone Li Yuan had time to organize the gwent cards. For this reason, Bailiyuan also thought of some solutions, that is, let Xanadu and Chao Neng Miaomiao use superpowers to help Bailiyuan sort out the Gwent cards, which greatly shortened the time. The time was reduced to a little over a second.

Second, when playing cards, both sides of the battle cannot move, so it is very dangerous if no one is guarding around. In this regard, the elves can be competent for the position of guardians, but facing stronger enemies, they will also be powerless and cannot protect them well. Bailiyuan.

The third is the problem of harvest. The abilities and items won are random. If the abilities won are buffs, it’s okay, but if Bailiyuan’s strength is weakened, it will be terrible. After all, not all monsters Both are as generous as King Tiger. At this point, we can only look at the face, Bailiyuan feels that with a bright face like his own, Europeans are dark-faced existences compared to himself, and his luck will not be bad. But even if this is said, it does not mean that there will be no accidents. Reducing the possibility does not mean completely eliminating the possibility. Everything is possible.

The above three points are the limitations of playing Gwent cards and the problems that will arise.

Therefore, when Bailiyuan wanted to use Gwent cards to attack more powerful monsters, he had to make a choice.

Bailiyuan took back the elves, with only two nimble elves, Xanadu and Giant Pincer Mantis, at his side. Bailiyuan put away Huo Zhigao at the same time, and took out a less dazzling lightsaber.

The three of them were cautious along the way, secretly looking at where there was a target that could be attacked.

However, few of them really caught Baili Yuan's attention.

Only mid-level monsters can make Bailiyuan fancy, but Bailiyuan is not easy to do.

The previous Tiger King was weakened by the big explosion of the Small Fist Stone and the earthquake of the Iron Armored Rhino, which gave Bailiyuan an opportunity to take advantage of it. The damage caused by the other elves to the Tiger King's attack was limited, even with a powerful attack The means are also difficult to hit. Only the self-destructing attack of Xiaoquanshi has a chance. This is the chance only after Chao Neng Miaomiao used the super power stored all the time to hit Tiger King's head hard.

But now, Little Fist Stone doesn't have the physical strength to explode again, and at the same time, Super Miaomiao doesn't have the ability to release another super impact.

Therefore, the current Bailiyuan can only pick soft persimmons, and Bailiyuan is not sensitive to those mid-level monsters that are still alive and kicking.

While constantly looking for the target, Bailiyuan kept approaching the location of the golden egg.

There is only one golden egg in the north of Xuecun, and the other two are in other directions. The one that Bailiyuan approaches first is the one that is closer to him.

Soon, Bailiyuan arrived at the target location, and the monster with the golden egg on its body was already fighting with other people.

The monster with the golden egg on its body is a big white ape. The snow ape is five meters tall, and its momentum is stronger than that of the Tiger King. It definitely has the strength of a high-level monster!

What Bailiyuan didn't expect was that it was Huahua's grandfather who fought the snow ape.

And what shocked Bailiyuan even more was that Grandpa Huahua, who only relied on a pair of fists, had the upper hand and beat the snow ape!

By the moonlight, Bailiyuan noticed that the snow ape seemed to be crying.

It may be because this is the battlefield of the strong, there are no monsters or villagers around, only Bailiyuan is watching from a distance.

Huahua's grandfather's hand gestures suddenly changed, and he assumed a gesture of hugging the moon.

"Aerobics for the Elderly One hundred and forty-eight palms!"

Huahua's grandfather let out a low snort, before Snow Ape could breathe a sigh of relief, Huahua's grandfather changed from a fist to a palm, and the attack came again.

Huahua's grandfather seemed to have grown bigger, the coat of arms on his chest was even more dazzling, his beard and hair were all flying, and his eyes lit up with white light.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hands, bringing up an afterimage, which made Bailiyuan feel ashamed of his 2,000-year-old unicorn arm.

All of Huahua's grandpa's attacks landed on the snow ape, and the huge five-meter-high snow ape was kicked off the ground, and flew up, making a miserable cry.

Bailiyuan and his friends were dumbfounded.

Huahua's grandpa's attack did not cause too much momentum and damage, but Bailiyuan knew that it was because Huahua's grandpa's attack was even more terrifying. All the power was concentrated in one place by Huahua's grandpa. Once it broke out, the consequences would be is devastating.

When Huahua's grandfather stopped attacking, retracted his hands, and breathed a sigh of relief, the snow ape fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

At this time, the snow ape's eyes were dull, and his ferocious face was still full of fear, looking as impermanent as before.

However, Bailiyuan saw that the golden light spot on the snow ape's butt representing the golden egg had disappeared, which proved that the snow ape was no longer a threat to Bailiyuan, and the light spot naturally no longer existed.

At the same time, it also proves one thing - the snow ape is dead!

But, having said that, why is the spot of light on the snow ape's body also refreshed on the butt?

"System, come out and explain." Baili Yuan said.

"It has nothing to do with me, the easter egg refresh is completely random!" the system shouted injustice.

"Then stick your butt up and show me." Baili Yuan said.

"What are you doing? I'm not a casual system~ah~~~" system.


Seeing that there was no chance here, Bailiyuan retreated silently. Because there was no order, Bailiyuan did not leave the north easily, but defended together with the villagers.

It is impossible for Bailiyuan to disrupt Xuecun's defense just because of his own selfishness.

The detector showed that the other two golden eggs also disappeared shortly after, and it seemed that they were dead.

During the defense, although Bailiyuan didn't have the chance to get the golden egg, he was lucky enough to get another silver egg.

It was a mid-level monster that was beaten to death, and Bailiyuan took advantage of it when he tried to escape. Although Bailiyuan didn't kill it, Bailiyuan took the opportunity to touch the egg.

As for the remaining bronze eggs and black iron eggs, Bailiyuan also touched a lot. No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it is still meat, and the landlord's house has no surplus food.

Monster attacks are generally formed by high-level monsters driving low-level and mid-level monsters. When three high-level monsters die, the remaining mid-level and low-level monsters are nothing to fear. It was cleaned up.

In this battle, although the villagers of Xuecun did not die, some were slightly injured. The biggest loss was that a small part of Xuecun was destroyed and needed to be rebuilt. Fortunately, the tavern was not included.

After hacking and killing the attacking monsters, the bartender brother returned to the tavern, washed the blood on his hands, and then began to mix drinks for everyone who returned from victory. For the bartender brother, going out and hacking just now is like It's as casual and simple as going out to clean up the sundries.

The women and children in the refuge came out and began to clean the battlefield outside, transporting the corpses of the monsters to Snow Village.

Participating in a murderous team battle for the first time, Bailiyuan felt that he had gained a lot and seemed to have grown a lot, so he released the elves, and Bailiyuan and the elves stood at the entrance of the village, enjoying the aftertaste and peace after the war.

"This year is also a year full of hope." Huazi led Huahua to Bailiyuan's side and said with a smile.

Facing the battlefield, Bailiyuan was suddenly moved when he heard Huazi's words.

Xuecun is like a Taoyuan town far away from the secular world. It is peaceful and beautiful, but it is accompanied by bad weather and ferocious beasts. Life is full of turbulence. With a smile on his face, enjoying the beauty of life, he is still as positive as ever.

Bailiyuan couldn't imagine the snow village in ancient times. Every time after the snow break festival, the snow village was like a new life. It ushered in a stable development for half a year, and then, half a year later, it was covered by a snowstorm again. What kind of feeling, but looking at the Xuecun that has been passed down to this day, Bailiyuan can guess that what supports the inheritance of the Xuecun villagers may be the hope in their hearts.

"Hope?" Baili Yuan murmured.

The dawn of the Daxue Mountain area was very early. When the east was white, Bailiyuan stood quietly at the entrance of the village, bathing in the sun with the elves around him, as if bathing in new life and hope.

Baili Yuan couldn't help closing his eyes, as if his mind was empty, floating in the warm light.

Huazi didn't bother Bailiyuan, but walked away with a smile on her hand.

In the distance, the hunting team came back, and the villagers who stayed behind all showed smiles, but soon, they were attracted by the situation around them instead.

At this time, the villagers who were welcoming the returning hunting team at the entrance of the village, as well as the members of the hunting team who had just returned, all looked at Baili Yuan.


Bailiyuan, it's on!

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