I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 826 Meeting the King of Forces

Daisy's battle was arranged after Bailiyuan's ranking battle.

Bailiyuan also ushered in his last qualifying match before entering the top ten - against the eleventh place!

Eleventh place, Kanji Sazuki, fifth grade, mage, innate ability, spell proficiency, ultimate strength—unknown!

Because this Sazuki Kanji has never lost a ranking battle this semester, and after each battle, he looks very relaxed, with an unfinished look, which makes people confused about his true strength.

The battle site this time is on a flat ground, nothing special.

Kanji Sazuki came out first, and the golden light fell from the sky. Kanji Sazuki walked out slowly from the golden light, like a prince, and there was a wave of cheers. Under the cheers, Kanji Sazuki But it seemed very calm.

"My lord, come on!"

"My lord prince will win!!"

"My lord prince is the most handsome!!!"

Kanji Sazuki smiled and nodded to the surroundings.

"Thank you for your support."


Excited screams came from the crowd again.

Kanji Sazuki also has a lot of fans, and when he reached the eleventh place, in the eyes of ordinary students, he was no different from the top ten, so it was easier to attract fans.

And there is another reason why Sazuki Kanji has so many fans - that is handsome!

Kanji Sazuki completely belongs to the image of a boy in the minds of many young girls who are new to love—blond hair, blue pupils, slender figure, wicked smile, but it will not make people disgusted by new students. Feeling warm, speaking very gentle, but also very magnetic.

Bailiyuan looked over from a distance and observed Zuoyue Xianji carefully. Zuoyue Xianji seemed to have some means of shielding perception, so that Bailiyuan could not see Zuoyue Xianji's true strength clearly.

If this is not the case, then Sazuki Kanji is stronger than Baili Yuan!

And much stronger!

Although the battle field this time is ordinary, the enemy is somewhat special, so for the first time, Baili Yuan secretly looked at this opponent from a distance.

However, Sazuki Kanji, who was standing on the flat ground, suddenly raised his head to look in Bailiyuan's direction, and nodded with a smile.

"Has it been discovered?" Baili Yuan narrowed his eyes.

"Then let me make a handsome appearance too. In terms of charm, I, Bailiyuan, will never lose! Thunder special effects!"

Baili Yuan's eyes lit up with thunder.


A thunder sounded in the sky, quieting the lively crowd for a moment. More people came to watch the battle today than before. Even Gong Ye pushed a wheelchair to watch the battle.

At this time, everyone looked to the sky.

I saw thunder light condensed in the sky, and then the sky thunder fell, and a figure suddenly fell in the thunder light, just like the god of thunder descending into the world!

It's Bailiyuan!

Baili Yuan stood slowly on the ground, with Lei Guang wrapped around his body, and the Lei Guang also disappeared slowly with Bai Li Yuan's appearance.

There was an exclamation from the crowd!

"His Royal Highness, come on!"

"His Royal Highness will win!!"

"His Royal Highness is the most handsome!!!"

Have you heard this phrase just now?


What the hell is His Royal Highness the Prince?

Who is the emperor?


Bailiyuan and Zuoyue Xianji looked at each other.

Meet your opponent!

"Ready for battle!"

The referee raised his hand.

Sasuke Kanji raised his hand.

A golden light emerged from the feet of Kanji Sazuki, and then condensed in Kanji Sazuki's hand, and finally a golden ornate staff appeared in Kanji Sazuki's hand, with a sun-like disk on the top of the staff .

The golden light shrouded Sazuki Kanji, making Sazuki Kanji even more... handsome!

Then Zuoyue Kanji stopped moving, as if he was waiting for Baili Yuan to prepare, he didn't even move to defend himself, as if he didn't care.

Baili Yuan narrowed his eyes, if he really believed it, he would be retarded.

The sun-like halo on Sazuki Kanji's body is not simple, it is a natural defense method, which was discovered by several well-known students who paid bloody lessons.

Baili Yuan also raised his hand, and Jing Long Zhongguang slowly appeared in Baili Yuan's hand.

"Draw your sword, Jing Long Chongguang!"

White rays of light floated around Baili Yuan's body, shining brightly.

Sazuki Kanji: "..."

Well, Bailiyuan is pure special effects.

But it doesn't matter, whether it is strength or not, as long as you are handsome, you will win!

Both Bailiyuan and Zuoyue Xianji thought so.

"The battle begins!"

Sasuke Kanji smiled slightly.

"Student, please!"

Bailiyuan also smiled slightly.

"Then I won't be polite."


Bailiyuan rushed towards Zuoyue Xiansi and slashed out with a sword.

Kanji Sazuki turned the staff in his hand, handsome and handsome, and then tapped the ground with the staff.


A halo of light spread around, and bounced the rushing Bailiyuan outward.

Resists the halo, able to bounce close opponents to a distance.

Sazuki Kanji's attack followed suit.

"Icicle Ice Dragon!"

Following Zuoyue Xianji's raising his hand, a huge ice dragon rushed towards Bailiyuan.

Gives a feeling of weightlessness.

Baili Yuan's body flew backwards, but he didn't look embarrassed, instead he smiled.

"Air cut!"

A beam of sword energy was casually thrown out by Baili Yuan, cutting the attacking ice dragon in two.

Then Bailiyuan turned over and landed, looking at Zuoyue Xianji.

Who doesn't have a cool skill or two?

Don't look at the handsome ice dragon just now, but it's actually just a simple low-level magic icicle.

As for why it looks like an ice dragon, it involves that course - Spell Extension!

"This time it's the senior's turn."

"Then I won't be too polite! A small return gift, Icicle Nine-Headed Ice Dragon!"

Nine ice dragons surged out and attacked Bailiyuan with an extremely violent momentum.

Bailiyuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although this time it is still the extended magic of low-level magic icicles, it is much stronger than the previous one, because this time it turned out that nine icicles attacked at the same time. The students were in a hurry, showing their flaws.


"Is it ice magic?"

Bailiyuan had shown the power of ice before, but now that Zuoyue Xianji used ice magic, Bailiyuan felt that it was a bit deliberate. After all, in the performance of the previous battle, Sazuki Kanji was not the best at ice magic.


The corner of Bailiyuan's mouth curled up, and he stood where he was.


Nine ice dragons bombarded Baili Yuan's body and exploded into ice fog.

There was a burst of exclamation from the students, because they saw that Bailiyuan didn't dodge or defend, but forcibly took down the attack of the nine ice dragons!


The sword light flashed, breaking up the ice mist, revealing Bailiyuan inside—unscathed!

Sasuke Kanji narrowed his eyes.

"Only relying on physical fitness can withstand my attack unscathed?"

Zuoyue Xianji realized that Bailiyuan was stronger than he imagined. Although he tried his best to overestimate Bailiyuan, it was still not enough.

You know, even a low-level magic icicle is enough to penetrate the wall in his hands.

Bailiyuan smiled slightly.

Stand up!

I stand here motionless, but my defense is strong!

Chest attack, cool!

"Senior, such an attack cannot defeat me."

Kanji Sazuki also smiled, as if he had expected it.

"Hehe, sure enough, my junior is very strong, and my half-strength alone can't make my junior show his flaws..."

half done?

Do you want to bury me or praise yourself?

Bailiyuan knew that the other party was not only being handsome, but also acting aggressive!

"Then let's see if the senior has the strength to let me show my real strength!" Baili Yuan said.

After finishing speaking, Bailiyuan and Zuoyue Xianji looked at each other, they knew clearly...

Meet your opponent!

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