I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 813 The power to rule the world is in your hands

As if sensing Baili Yuan's worry and hesitation, Caroline spoke.

"Don't worry too much. Now the dragon and elves are not as domineering as before. After all, the human race is gradually rising, and the power is not weak, and the relationship between the various races in the world is also tending to peace. It is difficult to have major conflicts and frictions, and it is more likely to take the path of negotiation. This God Killing Weapon may be recovered by the Dragon Clan or the Elf Clan. Where's the magic soldier?" Caroline reassured.

"Wait, Caroline, you mean to keep this God Slayer Weapon?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

"Of course." Caroline said affirmatively: "This God Slayer Weapon may be the only one, and, haven't you thought about it? The real purpose of this God Slayer Weapon was created."

"The real purpose? Isn't it to deal with the elves and dragons?"

"How can it be so simple?" Caroline smiled: "Although I said so, you should pay attention not only to the God Slayer, but also the blueprints of the 'Dragon Slayer' series and the 'Spirit Extinction' series. To take revenge on the dragons and elves, there is no need to create another blueprint for killing the gods."

Bailiyuan frowned.

"Could it be for killing gods? Are there gods in that world?"

"It's not accurate. In the history of that world, when the strength reaches a certain level, it can be classified as god-level, but it is difficult to appear, and a race with individuals with god-level strength can completely lead an era and become the overlord of one party. The elves are like this. If this God Killing Weapon was really born to target God-level individuals, then, have you ever thought that if the God Killing Weapon can really solve the God-level, and control the God-killing Weapon? What is the status of the goblins in that world?"

Bailiyuan took a breath, and Caroline continued talking.

"That will be a threat that surpasses many races, or it can be said that the real goal of the goblins is not only to target the dragons and elves, but also to surpass other races and become the real overlord." Meaning, this makes sense, why only the elves and dragons were attacked, but in the end the genocidal war against the goblins involved many other races, after all, no one wants to pose another threat above their heads."

"Although the god-level existence is powerful, it is not immortal. They check and balance each other, and they will not attack easily. The God-killing Weapon is just a tool. As long as it is properly maintained, it can be used alone. And with God-killing Weapon, When the time comes, the goblins will be able to produce the second and third godslayers, and the goblins will only become stronger and stronger, and the whole world will be under the rule of the goblins!"

Bailiyuan was silent. After what Caroline said, Bailiyuan felt that the goblins were not wronged when they were exterminated. If they want to rule the world, who else will they do?

Although Caroline's analysis is exaggerated to a certain extent, it is not unreasonable, and the possibility is very high. Many things are not impossible if you don't want to, but when you really reach that point, everything will come naturally.

"It's a pity that there are some problems with this God Slaying Weapon, and it was finally sealed." Baili Yuan said.

"However, it is undeniable that this God Killing Weapon does have that ability, and it uses the bodies of dragons and elves as the main raw materials. The birth of this weapon is already a sign of extraordinaryness. The most important thing is..."

Caroline paused as she spoke.

"Now that this weapon has fallen into your hands, it means that you already have the power to rule the world!"


Bailiyuan had a sentence MMP on his lips.

Baili Yuan really wanted to put this God Slaying Weapon back right now.

Then Bailiyuan did just that, and closed the treasure chest.

As for the inheritance of the goblins, it was preserved by Baili Yuan.

"Don't touch anything dangerous, don't leave any chance, don't think that you can control everything, because many things are beyond your control." Baili Yuan comforted himself, and then prepared to pack up the treasure box.

Caroline didn't say much, as a researcher, Caroline also understood that once something was touched, it could never be turned back.

Although it is a pity that a God-killing Weapon is placed, it at least guarantees that Bailiyuan's future growth will be stable, and if Bailiyuan has a certain status and strength in the future, even if he takes out the God-killing Weapon problem.

But it's not a big pity, as I've said it all, there's something wrong with this God Slaying Weapon, who knows if it can still be used, maybe it hurts others first.

"Let's show Muji and Nutrition Express to see this God Slayer first. After all, they are also dragons, and they have the right to know about this God Slayer." Caroline said.

Bailiyuan nodded. Although Muji and Nutrient Express are not dragons in this world, they both have the word dragon.


After two days of short leave, Bailiyuan ushered in the next qualifying match.

The frequency of Bailiyuan's qualifying matches made other students feel a little startled, but more people came to watch the games, and even Bailiyuan's fan group appeared in this qualifying match, but the main composition is First-year students, and most of them are girls.

"Come on, Yuanshen! Come on, male god! The battle must be won!"

"Yuan Shen Yuan Shen, you are invincible, say it again, you are invincible!"

"Yuan Shen, awesome! (Broken sound)"

Before Bailiyuan arrived, his fan club had already shouted. Although Bailiyuan knew that many students in the top ranks had this kind of treatment, it was the first time he had encountered this kind of treatment.

Hearing the shouts outside the crowd, Baili Yuan covered his face.

"Brother Xiaoyuan." Daisy's voice rang in Bailiyuan's ear.

Baili Yuan turned around and found that Daisy and Annie were walking towards him.

"Come on, brother Xiaoyuan!" Daisy encouraged Bailiyuan.

Annie, on the other hand, gave Baili Yuan a disdainful look, and she didn't intend to cheer for Baili Yuan—a cook wants me, the Dark Daughter, to shout for cheer?

Although Bailiyuan is challenging the rankings, Bailiyuan's fear clone still cooks three meals a day for Annie and Daisy on time, and takes care of Annie's daily life with Daisy. I don't know if it is an illusion, Baili Yuan felt that Daisy's face was a little rounded, but Anne didn't change much.

Although Bailiyuan has the strength of a high-level heraldry envoy, Bailiyuan still has no intention of competing with Annie.

Annie is really strong!

In fact, Bailiyuan also admires the clone of Fear. Although the clone of Fear is too timid to fight, it is the busiest clone. Not only does it have to take care of Anne and Daisy, but there are also two thousand Misaka sisters and two thousand sisters in the research institute. The electric elves are just waiting to be fed.

Being a father and a mother at the same time, the avatar of fear has become more and more proficient.

Bailiyuan turned her head and found that Shazi had also come, but uncharacteristically, she didn't come to his side, but was talking to a senior sister, and handed some things to the senior sister, and the senior sister Also gave some things to Sha Zi.

"Have you started to communicate normally with other students?"

But Bailiyuan always felt that things were not that simple.

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