I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 811 Opening the Treasure Chest

The son of the frog is back, but this time the son of the frog has been out for a long time, so I don't know what he will bring back.

Bailiyuan wanted to chat with Frog, but Frog said that he was busy writing letters and asked Bailiyuan to go and see the presents by himself and leave him alone.

Bailiyuan stretched his neck to look, and found that the letter written by Frog Son was full of words he could not understand, and Frog Son hid the letter shyly.

Bailiyuan blinked.

Which little butterfly is Frog Son writing to?

However, Bailiyuan didn't delve into it, but showed a meaningful smile.

"My son has grown up."

Bailiyuan shook his head and went to see what Frog Son brought back for him.

What Frog Son brought back this time was very big. It was a big purple treasure chest, half the height of a person. The treasure chest looked old, and there were faint magic fluctuations from it.

It's a magic item!

Baili Yuan's face changed, but he didn't open the treasure box easily, but looked at the treasure box carefully first, but found nothing wrong.

"Caroline, scan the treasure chest."

"It's been scanned a long time ago, and there are some interesting discoveries..."

A three-dimensional model of the treasure chest appeared in front of Baili Yuan.

"The treasure chest should have a history of more than 1,500 years, dating back to the end of the human kingdom."

"The equipment can't scan the inside of the treasure chest. The treasure chest has certain security measures. The material of the treasure chest is an ancient wood called Shen Lingmu. Although it is characterized by being difficult to damage and even more resistant to corrosion than copper and stone, it is now It is very rare, and those that can be mined have been mined away. At that time, both human race and other races used this kind of wood, and it was generally used to store valuables. It was circulated among various races at that time, and it is impossible to judge the origin of the treasure chest based on the material and craftsmanship."

"And the only special place on the treasure chest is the position of the lock. Although the lock is also made by dwarves, the pattern carved on the lock is... Goblin language!"

"Goblin?" Baili Yuan was taken aback.

"That's right, but it's not the goblin of the heraldry world, but the language of the goblins from a different world. That other world was connected with the heraldry world more than two thousand years ago, so there are There is a lot of information about that world, but the goblins in that world have been exterminated in the records."

"The clan was exterminated? What's going on?" Baili Yuan felt more and more that this treasure chest was a bit special.

"Destroyed by race wars, it is rare now, but in those days, the worlds of that period, even the heraldry made the world very chaotic, and race wars were not uncommon. According to records, the goblins of that world bombed the elves The Tree of Life of the Dragon Race and the Dragon Egg Island of the Dragon Clan were wiped out by these two races teaming up with other races."


Only the word "fuck" can express Baili Yuan's mood at this time.

"Of course, although the goblins are extinct, the elves and dragons are not having a good time either. They have already withdrawn from the stage of history after being destroyed as an important breeding ground for so many years. That world has become a world dominated by humans, which is why the tattoo The important reason why the chapter enables the world to communicate with that world is that, after all, humans are easier to talk to than the arrogant dragons and elves."

"And the patterns on the lock of this treasure chest are the words of the goblins in that world. According to my guess, some goblins should have gone to the world of heraldry back then, and left this treasure chest behind."

"What's written on the shrinking head?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"Because the information is complete, and the pattern on it is also well preserved, it can be easily translated..."

Back then, the goblins were able to defend the two major races of the dragon and the elves, which shows how the goblins used their methods. How could such a powerful method be abandoned by other races, so the knowledge about the goblins is still very complete.

"There is only one sentence above, [The Last Crystallization]. Thinking about it, it should be the last crystallization of the goblins. It may be technology, or it may be some powerful props, but other possibilities are not ruled out." Caroline said.

Bailiyuan nodded.

The surrounding treasure chest models and analysis light screens disappeared one after another, and Baili Yuan came to the treasure chest.

Bailiyuan groped for the treasure box, then put his hand on the lock of the treasure box, and a layer of magic lock slowly appeared on the original shrunken head.

"Is this the real lock of the treasure chest? But the magic power has almost been consumed."

Bailiyuan found that he could break the lock even with violence, but Bailiyuan didn't do it casually, but began to use his magic power to try to insert into the keyhole, hoping to open the lock normally.

ten minutes later……


Baili Yuan violently broke the lock of the treasure chest with his magic power.


Bailiyuan wiped the sweat off his brow.

"Finally opened."

"After showing off the operation for a long time, didn't you want to break the lock violently in the end?"

"No, it's not fruitless. These ten minutes made me realize that I can't open this lock."


If the magic power on the treasure chest hadn't been lost so badly, Bailiyuan wouldn't even have the chance to break the lock violently.

Bailiyuan opened the treasure chest.

"Golden legend... oh, there is no light at all."

There is no light to open the treasure chest, everything is very ordinary.

Baili Yuan looked into the treasure chest, and what was in the treasure chest was—a girl with her eyes closed? !

The girl was wearing ordinary coarse cloth clothes, but her skin was fair, her appearance was noble, and her hair was green, gold, red, orange, and blue.

Bailiyuan blinked.

After a while, Bailiyuan and Caroline took the girl out of the treasure chest and put it on the platform.

Although she looked like a girl, she was not breathing or her heart was beating.

When taking the girl out of the box, Baili Yuan also found that there was a spar the size of a head in the treasure box.

Caroline scanned the girl in all directions while talking about the situation.

"This girl is obviously not a living thing, but no matter how you scan it, the girl looks like a living body. This is very abnormal, it looks like...a body that hasn't been activated yet!"

Bailiyuan also reached out and touched the girl curiously. It was indeed a physical feeling, not a synthetic material. In addition, Bailiyuan also noticed that the ears behind the girl's hair were pointed!

"Elves?" Baili Yuan immediately thought of the race of elves, whose symbol is pointed ears.

"Insufficient information makes it impossible to analyze the girl's race, but maybe we can find the answer here." Caroline said, the mechanical arm placed the head-sized spar on the workbench, and then began to scan.

Then, a virtual model of spar was constructed by Caroline's projection, and then, the projection of the virtual model suddenly became larger, covering the entire research institute.

It was only then that Bailiyuan discovered that the inside of the enlarged virtual model was densely packed with text-like symbols and various drawings, and in the center of the model was a drawing depicting the appearance of a young girl.

"What's this?"

"The complete inheritance of the goblin clan!"

Caroline said slowly.

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