Chapter 799 Laboratory Expansion and New Achievements

Bailiyuan, two hundred and five!

Bailiyuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Bailiyuan didn't care about other people's thoughts. After contacting his friends, he returned to the laboratory and applied for the next qualifying match. This time, Bailiyuan's goal was to be the one hundred and ninety-ninth place !

Don't underestimate the one hundred and ninety-ninth, this is within two hundred.

The reason why Bailiyuan returned to the laboratory was because of a situation in the laboratory.

At this time, a large number of Misaka sisters were moving around the laboratory with their elves.

In order to accommodate these Misaka sisters and elves, Caroline deliberately spent several days expanding the space of the research institute and digging several floors underground.

The situation in the laboratory still needs continuous construction in the later stage.

Of course, all of this is inseparable from money, and it can only be paid by Bailiyuan himself, and Yuncheng College can help contact material suppliers at most.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the expansion of the laboratory, Bailiyuan really didn't know - he was so rich!

That's right, rich.

Bailiyuan just watched Caroline choose a bunch of things she needed, then selected all of them, and placed the order directly, and then the order was successfully placed without hesitation at all.

Then Bailiyuan called out his account curiously, and looked at his balance.

Eight figures!

Caroline said it was nine before she bought something.

It was only then that Bailiyuan realized that he was so rich!

In fact, the reason why Bailiyuan is so rich is not surprising.

Although Bailiyuan hadn't participated in any business operations, he couldn't stand the fact that he had a lot of profitable shares and properties!

The least profitable industry is the "snapdragon industry" where Bailiyuan made his fortune.

With the support of Yuncheng College, "Moo Moo Milk", "Green Caterpillar Silk Fabric" and "Maali Wool Farm" have occupied a dominant position in the people's livelihood industry and gradually entered the high-end market.

As for the rest of the "tree fruit industry" and "attribute badge manufacturing", they are all facing the heraldry, and they are even more profitable.

There are also some technologies authorized by Caroline, which are even more fruitful.

In just a few years, Bailiyuan has made a lot of money, and can go further.

Bailiyuan looked at his account balance, then looked at the prices of various homes in the home store, and suddenly felt that he could change the style of the home space.


Bailiyuan walked into the research institute, and now after the expansion, the scope of the research institute has become quite large, and it is well-equipped. It is no longer a small research institute that is eccentric, and has begun to gain more from Yuncheng College. attention, and even some researchers and scholars really want to visit Bailiyuan's research institute.

But Bailiyuan's research institute is a private research institute, and without Bailiyuan's consent, no one else can enter it casually.

Coupled with the previous record of being breached, the defense level of Bailiyuan's research institute has also been improved, and Galatron's flashes can be fired at any time, even if it is under repair.

And some of Caroline's occasional research results have been recognized by researchers and scholars in the academy, which also avoids a lot of trouble. As long as she has achievements, she has status. This is also why Caroline can expand her research institute at will. s reason.

However, what Bailiyuan didn't know was that Caroline didn't expose herself, and all of this was attributed to Bailiyuan!

On the contrary, Bailiyuan's brilliant performance also won Andy a lot of benefits.

The matter behind this is more complicated, but it has nothing to do with Baili Yuan.

At this time, in the research institute, the Misaka sisters are doing their own things, either helping with scientific research, or training elves, or moving freely.

With the deliberate influence of Bailiyuan, Caroline and the elves, as time goes by, the Misaka sisters who were originally carved out of the same mold also began to have the characteristics of size, showing the current various forms, Bailiyuan I believe that, going further, the feelings of the Misaka sisters should gradually become more surprising.

But the Misaka sisters' three-none attributes and strange way of speaking don't seem to be prying at all.

Seeing Bailiyuan's arrival, some Misaka sisters just glanced at Bailiyuan, some greeted Bailiyuan, and some showed unexpected poisonous tongue attributes.

"Come back so soon, did you lose..."

Bailiyuan didn't give Miss Misaka a chance to finish her sentence, but left directly.

Bailiyuan went down to the basement level.

The basement floor is considered to be a relatively precious research, mainly mechanical research, and the restoration work of Galatron is also carried out in this floor.

Bailiyuan looked at Galatron being restored, and suddenly found that Galatron's appearance seemed to have changed, and Caroline didn't seem to be restoring Galatron.

"For Galatron, I have some new ideas, and I am currently undergoing transformation." Caroline explained, because Bailiyuan usually doesn't care about these things, let alone rely on them, so Caroline rarely talks to them. Bailiyuan said this.

Bailiyuan came to the second basement floor, which is considered a higher level of confidential research.

And this layer mainly studies organisms and genes, and the center of the research is the obelisk of life brought back by Bailiyuan.

At the same time, there is research on cloning technology in this layer.

Now, cloning technology is cloning and restoring the original T-Rex creature that was obviously special.

The basis of cloning is the flesh and blood obtained at that time.

Two rows of ten embryos are growing in petri dishes.

Bailiyuan knows something about this research. After all, it involves cloning. Caroline will talk to Bailiyuan.

In the beginning, there were hundreds of embryos, but now only ten embryos have survived successfully.

Now the embryo has grown to the size of a human head, and initially has the appearance of a Tyrannosaurus rex.

On the other side are the special plant and Bright Silkworm brought back by Frog Son.

Bailiyuan watered the plants, touched the bright silkworm, and walked down.

The third basement level can be said to be the real core area of ​​the research institute, and there are many secrets here, such as the Holy Master is locked here.

At this time, Muji was poking an iron rod at the position where the charm was inlaid on Shengzhu's body, as if he was studying something.

After Muji and Bailiyuan greeted each other, they continued to study the Holy Lord. According to him, they should be able to understand the Holy Lord tomorrow.

Under Muji, Shengzhu behaved very honestly.

Further down, the fourth floor underground is Bailiyuan's destination this time, the fifth floor underground is the energy center, and the seventh floor underground is the place where Bai Guisi absorbs the soul power from the blue fire monster. It's a training place, and it doesn't have much to do with research.

The research on the fourth underground floor is more mysterious, there is no fixed research direction, and it is a place for researching some special items.

And now, the research on the fourth basement floor is—the fire source!

Now, Caroline has finally researched the source of fire seeds, and can officially use the source of fire seeds!

Bailiyuan came to a platform and looked at the finished product on it.

The finished product looks like a very ordinary metal giant sword and a very ordinary metal giant shield.

Then, under Bailiyuan's gaze, the metal giant sword and metal giant shield changed, and soon became a warrior with two arms as a blade and a warrior with two arms as a shield. But not much has changed.

Moreover, to Baili Yuan's surprise, both of them seemed to be alive, and seemed to be waiting for Bai Liyuan's order.

"This is a special power that I have researched in the source of fire - endowing metal with life, and finally made it have reason and wisdom. Although it is not comprehensive, it is a huge breakthrough."

Caroline said, with unconcealable pride in her tone.

After all, the source of fire seeds is quite difficult to research, and it is still an artifact!

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