Chapter 796 Subterranean Rock Turtle + Equipped Player

Baili Yuan teleported directly to the arena.

After all, there were too many students coming around, and it was a bit difficult to squeeze in.

However, Bailiyuan's instant movement made some students look at Bailiyuan differently.

There are many students who practice superpowers, but they have no premonition about Bailiyuan's teleportation, which means Bailiyuan's superpower level, at least teleportation ability is much higher than most students.

"Just by moving this hand in an instant, Bailiyuan is invincible." A student said.

This time, there were many influential students in the academy who came to watch the battle, such as some club leaders and student union presidents!

However, what was surprising was that the president of the student council was accompanied by a somewhat strange female student. The female student only looked like a first-year student, but she looked a little gloomy.

And this female student is Sha Zi.

"It seems that he has improved again. If he can be drawn into the student union..." said the president of the student union, Alston.

Shazi did not reply, but remained silent.

But Auston was used to it.

Auston originally wanted to win Shazi over, and then let Bailiyuan join the student union through Shazi.

However, after Xu Yizhongli, he did win over Shazi, but Shazi didn't seem to want to help him win over Bailiyuan.

However, the twists and turns, after getting in touch with Shazi, Auston found that Shazi's talent is not much worse than Bailiyuan, if there is no seems that Shazi is not at a loss!

That is, although Shazi has good talent, she is not suitable to be her successor in terms of character and temperament.

Then, though, something happened that changed Auston's view...

"Shazie, can't you really give me your sister's contact information?" Alston asked with a flattering smile.

Shazie looked at Auston, then took a step back, and distanced herself from Auston.

This has been the case since Auston met Shazie's older sister who came to take her to school.

Seeing Shazi's actions, Auston couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, sighed, and then continued to look into the battlefield.


The battle venue chosen by the 250th place was a jungle in Yuncheng Academy, which was very suitable for hunters to fight.

Through the gap in the jungle, Bailiyuan could see the figure of his opponent in the distance.

"Ready for battle!" The referee's voice sounded.

Bailiyuan nodded, and then drew out a Taidao—jealousy Taidao!

The Jealousy Taidao has the ability to penetrate armor, which is very suitable for use against defensive enemies.

Although hunters rarely wear heavy armor on the battlefield, the opposite of Bailiyuan is a contracted hunter who takes the defensive route, so it must be "very thick".

This time, Bailiyuan was going to rely on pure sword skills to resolve the battle, but Bailiyuan had another reliance, and that was the Rabbit Charm.

The Rabbit Charm was sent by Ah Fu to Baili Yuan yesterday. In return, Baili Yuan also sent Ah Fu another batch of cultivation resources.

The information system of the Rabbit Charm is also listed. To Baili Yuan's surprise, the Rabbit Charm is not that simple, it is not simply to increase the user's speed.

Through the systematic analysis of at least the Tiger Talisman and the Rat Talisman and Ah Fu's introduction, Baili Yuan found that Ah Fu's understanding of the power of the Twelve Talismans is only superficial, which may also be why Ah Fu will trade the spells to Baili Yuan one of the reasons.

"The Rabbit Charm: Ultra-speed teleportation, granting the holder super-fast speed movement, high-speed running, and instant flash. When the speed reaches a certain level, accelerating to surpass the speed of light can break through modern time and travel through time and space. The faster the speed, the faster it will return to the past. The sooner the time. Note: The speed that can be exerted is related to the physical strength of the user."

Baili Yuan was about to try the power of this charm, but at this time Baili Yuan was holding the rabbit charm in the other hand.

Ranking challenges do not limit the use of equipment, but when applying for challenges, except for some special occupations, props and equipment are not in the scope of evaluation, and the academy will not allow you because you have powerful equipment and props that can make up for the gap in strength To participate in the ranking battle, so if you want to participate in the ranking, you must have strength, which also avoids the situation of putting the cart before the horse.

However, very few of the students have powerful equipment, and even if they do, it's hard to say whether they can fully utilize the power of the equipment.

When Bailiyuan drew out the sword, the students started discussing.

Now the students all know that Bailiyuan is a double crest, and the first crest is a summoner who can summon contracted beasts from another world, but few people know about Bailiyuan's second crest.

However, judging from Bailiyuan's previous performance, the students all guessed that Bailiyuan's second coat of arms should be an entry job. Judging from the weapon, Baili Yuan's second coat of arms might be a warrior class.

When Bailiyuan drew out his weapon, Bailiyuan's opponent also made preparations.

Two Timberwolves appeared beside the contracted hunter.

Timberwolves Bailiyuan is no stranger, and Kyle's first contracted beast was Timberwolves.

However, Kyle's Timberwolves are contracted beasts that have grown very well and have the potential to grow into wolf kings, while the Timberwolves of the contract hunters are pets, just ordinary Timberwolves. Smart, but has a wild and untrained appearance.

Because hunters' pets may need to be changed frequently, hunters often choose those common creatures as common pets.

And Yuncheng College also has a pet rental project, which is specially open to students of the hunter profession.

If nothing else happened, the two forest wolves were rented by the other party to the academy, and the cost of the lease was not high, and even if the two forest wolves died, the other party only needed to pay a small amount of compensation.

In addition to the two forest wolves, the contract hunter finally summoned his contract pets.

A huge turtle-like creature rushed out from under the ground.

Baili Yuan was stunned for a moment, this turtle looked familiar.

"Underground Rock Turtle!?"

The first monster that Bailiyuan encountered in the coat of arms was the underground rock turtle, and that underground rock turtle appeared in Yuncheng inexplicably, and attacked Yuncheng College, but was later beaten by the students. turtle.

"This underground rock turtle looks familiar. Could it be the one from before? System, what do you think?"

"It doesn't matter what it looks like, as long as it's big, thick and long enough!"


Bailiyuan guessed right, this underground rock turtle was indeed the one Bailiyuan met back then, but now Bailiyuan's opponent this time exchanged it from the academy with credits, and then trained it well to become lost his current contract pet.

This underground rock tortoise is an elite class. The so-called elite class refers to the individual status of Warcraft in a group. That is to say - the turtle shell is super hard!

At the same time, the light pattern of the turtle shell also appeared on the contract hunter. This is the power that the contract hunter got from the underground rock turtle-defense!

But it's not over yet, the contract hunter let out a low drink, and three human head-sized light shields appeared beside the contract hunter, spinning slowly.

Baili Yuan's eyes changed, these three light shields should be the ability of some kind of equipment or props, and judging from the power fluctuation, it is definitely not simple!

The other side is also an equipped player?

"The battle begins!"

The contract hunter held up the machine crossbow in his hand and shook it at Bailiyuan.

"Come on me! Little brother!"

"Ugly rejection!"


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